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Jay Paris p.o.v

1 a.m.

I can't sleep.

I got up off my bed and put on some shoes and clothes.

I walked down the street, it was never quiet. I heard music from parties, I heard gang shootings in this distant behind the woods. I heard a bunch of cars from the racing that would take place. I wasn't scared nor moved by anything. People would holler at me and tell me to go home or ask me what the fuck I'm doing away from home, but I wouldn't look their way or anything. I had to keep my earbuds in so they would think I'm just listening to some loud ass music. It doesn't work all the time, but it works.

I walked all the way down my street to the dead end. I have a hiding place here no one ever visited or knew about.

There was just a circle at the dead end with a bunch of woods behind it, but if you look closely behind the tallest tree to the right there's sort of a pathway. I walked down that pathway in the complete dark no flashlight app or anything.

I wasn't scared.. at all. Walking on complete darkness was something I was used to, physically, mentally, and emtionally.

I kept walking down the pathway through the trees. By this time there wasn't any noise but my footsteps walking on dead leaves and twigs. At the end of the pathway there was one street light, hanging over a bench with a roof over it and a wall around it. It was an old wooden bench.

I first discovered this bench when I was a little kid. Me and Steven used to come here all the time to play hide and go seek. Or for just a private place to discuss our first crush, almost everything. When he left, I came here and cried..and cried...and cried.

This place went from a boy's hideout, to the number one place where I can lay my heart.

I layed on the bench looking on the ground with the moon's beamed light shining on the ground.

Steven used to call this place where the moon man swings its feet, because when you would look up in the sky during this time of night you could see the moon right on top of you.

I didn't neccessarily have a reason to come here, it just felt like nature was calling.

This school year was so stressful it made me forget about this place.

Before this school year and after I met my dad, I used to come here for answers. I used to come here for peace. I used to come here for comfort. And somehow this place would always fill this void I would have in every situation I've been through.

I called my girl, just curious to see if she would pick up.

I've waited as the phone rang three times, then she finally picked up.


"Hey baby, you sleepy?"

"Not really, just slumped very comfortably in my bed. Why you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"...This isn't a booty call is it? If so, I don't have my license yet and I'm not allowed to sneak out of the house."

I laughed out loud. "No! Hell no, I've never done that in my life and I never will. I was just calling to check up on you, I can't sleep."

"Aww, you have a lot on your mind?"

"I guess so, I get like this all the time."


"I don't know. Its not that I have a lot on my mind its just that I feel ...unsettled."

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