I could be your band aid

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Nakita's p.o.v

It was Friday, the last day before the week out for the Halloween holiday. I was finishing the last paper for my Literature class. It took my own precious time of not being able to watch the Netflix series 'Orange is the new black'. I love that show with a passion and I've only gotten to the 6th episode so far all because of this stupid teacher who can't teach but loves to assign us an ass load of work and essays. My question is why in the blue fuck does she assign all this work if we only know so much. I'm determined to work hard and keep my grades up, expand my vocabulary, and actually learn something. Not one of the thousand ways to get arthritis, cramps in your hand, or any developed muscles in your hand.

I finally finished my last paper for our assignment given and turned it in. As I returned to my seat I looked around and glanced at everyone working consistently hard or just copying off someone else's paper. Looks like I was the only one who did my work and turned it in on time.

I sat back down in my seat and a guy looked at me with amazement.

"Damn girl, you finished all that?"

I nodded at him like duh. "It wasn't that hard", I said.

"Ok well since you smart let me see yo paper".

"I just turned it in", I said giving him an irritated look.

"So, let me hold it. Just go back up there and get it she ain't gonna say nothin'. If she asks just tell her you checking your work."

I gave him a blank look and scoffed at his remark glancing down on his desk. He was working on a chapter summary, struggling with the first sentence that has been on his paper for the last 20 minutes while he was playing on his phone. "It's amazing how you can come up with a lie to cheat off my paper instead of coming up with the second sentence in your chapter summary."

He gave me a mean look. "I was just askin' for help. I'm just trying to pass this class thanks to this bitch ass teacher who can't teach. You ain't have to jump on my case like that".

I backed up in my thoughts. "No disrespect, but if you wanted to get your work done and understand this class a little more bringing your grade up, then you would ask for help, not to copy off my paper".

He nodded. "Would you like me to help you?", I asked.

He nodded again.

I glanced at the clock on the wall and there were 30 minutes left in class. I could make this work.


I was at home on my bed reading a book in my PJ's then my phone rang.

It was the obvious. I answered.


"Hey angel."

"So what are we gonna do for Halloween?"


"Really? What stuff? Will it be similar to our anniversary date?"

"What do you mean? What anniversary date?"


I heard him sigh. "Ah damn, you got me on that one baby."

"Yeah, but I don't mean to be rude. I really want to try things with you and show you what real love is like, that's all, because I hope you know I really do love you. I just want you to show me how much you love me."

There was a long pause. I can tell by his silence that there were some deep thinking taking place.

"I've never loved a girl before", he finally said.

This explains a lot.


"Yeah, sorry. But look, just because you've been through a lot doesn't mean you can't make yourself a better person. One of the reasons why I decided to actually go out with you because I believed you had potential Jay. That's what love is about, you can't read a book by studying the cover going for a ride hoping its a good book to read. You have to read the pages inside the book to get to know what it's about, and it's purpose".

"Your right. All I've known about girls was the thickest bitch earns the biggest dick. I've never thought about love or relationships".

I chuckled. "Cmon Jay, every guy starts their first relationship loving a girl believing its love at first sight thinking it'll last a lifetime. Most just fail to mention".

There was a pause.

"Not.. This guy", he slowly said.

I felt my smile disappear off my face.

"It's OK, I could teach you a lot of things about love. I might not certainly be your future wife or the best relationship you'll ever have but...the least I can do is teach you how to love someone. So you won't go through life with some void, or lack of social knowledge of love".

"I appreciate it...and I've never said this to any girl in my life but, I wouldn't mind at all if we engage after we graduate".

I blush and bite my lip, smiling yo myself.

"Me neither".

"Just promise me one thing", he says with sincerity in his voice.

"Yes?" I become a little nervous by the long seconds he takes.

"I don't care how our relationship ends  ..please....don't break my heart".

"I promise".

There was a long pause, and I could hear a little bit of fidgeting and sniffing on the other line as if he was wiping his tears.

"I mean it, I've hit a bitch before. She made me so mad. She tried my life, I swear. We was fuckin and I was about to nut and she--"

"Ahem!", I loudly interrupted.

"I'm just kidding". He starts to laugh a little.

"Yeah sure, you big teddy bear."


"Yeah? "

"My mama used to call me that. She would bake cookies and I would always try to sneak one before dinner. Then when she would catch me she pop my hand. Then I would get mad", he laughs, "And everytime I would go on the couch and pout with my arms crossed and she would come sit by me and say 'Oh, quit it you little Teddy bear'. Then begin to tickle me fading the frown off my face. Those were those little cute moments I would have. Sort of taught me how to control my anger",I could hear the pitch drop in his voice to a sad tone, "And... Growing up into my teenage years I always thought it was the exact reason I couldn't keep friends, or girlfriends.... I just couldn't help it..... I've been on the stupid prescription ever since".

There was another awkward silence.

"Don't worry, I see past your anger issues. Honestly I haven't exactly noticed until now. But again, don't worry Teddy bear, you don't necessarily need medication. I could be your band aid".





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