Isolated brothers

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School went by in a blur. My mama came and picked me up from school. Once I came home and told my mama how my day was I went up to my room upstairs took a shower and snuggled into my sports bra, tights, long socks, and my pink robe with the bedroom shoes to match.

I was fixing my hair into some braids and my phone started to vibrate urgently. Someone was calling me. I checked the caller ID and it was Jessica. Ha, well she wasn't kidding.

"Hello?", I answered.

"Why hello Ms.Paris.", Jessica teased.

"He's not my boyfriend.", I snarled.

"Oh lighten up he's totally into you.", she said.

"Did you forget the way he was treated you?", I said trying to put some sense into her.

"Yeah... But..", she said getting quiet.

"I don't want to have a boyfriend who treats my friends like shit. That isn't right and if hr can't tighten his belt, fix his hair, and learn some manners then he's no good for me.", I said sincerely. Seriously, I didn't want a typical ass nigga that just wants to get in my panties. Been there done that.

"I gotta agree with that. And--- hey!", she said as if she were talking to someone. I heard a door close over the phone. Someone must be over.
"Hey, Steven just came over, say hi.", said Jessica.

"Hey Steven.", I said.

"Greetings sugar lips.", greeted Steven. He was such a charm.

"I have you on speaker Nakita. So shall we tell Steven the news?", said Jessica.

"Well can I trust him?", I asked.

"Of course you can.", Steven answered.

"Well.. Do you know Jay Paris?", Jessica asked Steven.

"You mean the one and only Jay Paris that claims he runs the sophomore hall with the burgundy colored dreads and blue eyes. Of course not.", Steven said sarcastically.

"Yeah, well I believe he has a crush on our rookie here but she doesn't realize how popular and hot he is.", said Jessica. I could tell by the tone of her voice she directed that towards me.

"Uh hello I'm right here.", I said. I heard them both laugh.

"Well, I wasn't at the lunch table with you guys I was at the library.", said Steven. "Although I did catch him staring at you a couple of times throughout the day. As long as I'm with you he won't come near you."

"And why is that?", I asked.

"Because he's my step brother.", said Steven.! Oh god oh god oh god! I did not just hear that! Jay Paris is Steven's step brother?! No wonder! That's terrible I wish I hadn't heard that it seems so devastating for the both of them.

"Are you serious?", I asked with a cracked voice.

"Yeh, we've known this since our 7th grade year in middle school. We started off as best friends. We were like complete opposites who found so much in common, very close. Then one day Jay came over to my house and our mums and my step dad were sitting on the couch with some other man. I remember every moment very well like the back of my hand. The moment we both looked at each other confused while everyone else looked so depressed. I asked my mum who this man was, she didn't say anything. Then the stranger walked towards us, he was a tall coconut skinned man with dark curly hair the same color as mine. He has hazel eyes just like us both. And when he stopped in front of us he knelled down and said 'Hello Steven, hello Jay. I am your father Steven Jay Paris.' I always wanted to finally meet my real father I became sort of excited. So I said 'So that's means me and Jay are brothers.' Our dad nodded. Then I turned to Jay and said 'Jay we're brothers.' But the look on his face told me that he wasn't taking it so well. Jay always had an anger issue. His fists were tightened and his eyes were red full of tears. Our dad tried to reach out for a hug but suddenly Jay punches him in the face screaming down at him 'Your not my father! You were never my father! You left me and my mama in the streets and now you know how it feels!' Them he stormed out of house. Our father said 'I don't understand. He's so angry.' Then Jay's mum said 'He gets it from you' and left after Jay. I ran out after her out the house and yelled out before Jay got on his bike 'But Jay we're supposed to be brothers'. Then he said 'Your not my brother and I ain't nothing like you.' I was crushed. School wasn't the same anymore. I focused on my grades and became a humble person and he became more insecure. The next year was when Jessica came to town then once she heard my story she became my best friend."

"Aww no need to mention me pal.", said Jessica with such a cheesy voice just to lighten the mood.

"Steven I am so sorry to hear that.", I said.

"No it doesn't bother me anymore. And I know this is kind of a rush for the first day of school but only reason I've told you this is to inform you to be careful if you do date my brother. He's like a jaw breaker, hard layers on the outside but soft and sweet on the inside. I'm counting on you to be the best thing he's ever had. His heart is fragile and now you know that he does a lot of bad things when he's heart broken. I'd hate to see that happen to him.", said Steven. I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"Not to be rude but how come Jessica wasn't the one to try and be there for Jay if she's known him longer?", I asked.

"Let's say that I was sort of the first attempt... that failed.", she said.

"Ok now I have a better understanding.", I said.

"So.. Nakita are you willing to at least try and be there for Jay? For the sake of my best friend here. This is the least he can do for his brother without direct confrontation from him.", said Jessica.

I thought about it. This is one tragic story between two brothers. I can't let them down. I'll do what Jessica said to do, to at least try.
"I am.", I said.

"Thanks so much.", they both said.

"Your welcome.", I said. I heard my mama calling me for dinner. "Hey I'll text you both later my mama just called me for dinner."

"Alright then toodles.", said Steven.

"Save me some! Toodles!", said Jessica.

"Haha alright yall.", I said hanging up.

I put my phone on the charger then looked at the folded up piece of paper with Jay's number on it. Before I left to eat I decided to speed things up a bit. Hmmm... I picked up my phone and texted the number saying:

HeyJP <3..its Nakita let's talk ;).

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