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Jay Paris p.o.v

Goddam, I got biology. I've heard from all my homeboys that it's a hard class. Well, if I fail I fail but the teacher ain't about to give me no homework and stay on my dick about it.

I wish a teacher would try to get up in my face and yell. Oooh, and I swear to god if they put a hand on me the same day l leave from beating they ass will be the last day anyone will see me because I don't believe in coming back to school when another teacher could do the same thing, hell nah. I'm 16, I was grown 10 years ago I dont have to put up with no school bullshit.

I walked into the classroom and hardly anyone was there, no one that I fuck with anyway. Man, I came too early. I'll just ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and stay out for like the first 5 minutes of class. I mean the teacher ain't teaching. All she's gonna do is go over them lame ass rules and procedures, nothing I give a fuck about.

The desks were placed horizontally across the classroom. I placed my bag on a desk next to about 3 people who had already tooken there seats.

The class clown always sits in the front, into the spotlight. I went up to the teachers desk and asked to go to the bathroom and made up a lying excuse so she won't blame me for the time I'm trying to waist.

As she handed me the bathroom pass I turned my back with a suspicious grin and began to walk out. I yawned as I covered my face heading out the door then--- BAM!

What the fuck? I grabbed ahold of what I just bumped into..... Well who I just bumped into. When I saw her face my heart stopped. It was the new girl.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going! I'm sorry! Are you ok?", she said with the most soft baby voice of hers.

Her eyes looked into mine with concern and cautiousness. I just stood there not knowing what to say or what to do. I tried to utter something to cut the air of the 30 second awkwardness that was happening. Cmon nigga snap back into reality and say something to the bitch!

"Uhm, y-yeah. You fine and I'm good. I- I mean you good and I'm fine. I mean-- you-- uhh-- just get the hell out my face.", I said and I stormed off angry at myself of embarrassment covering my face.

"I said sorry!", I heard her say. She sounded pissed.

I looked back and saw her roll her eyes at me. Then this girl and guy lead her back into the classroom looking like they were telling her to shake it off.

I walked into the bathroom and hit the wall.

"Goddam! I fucked up!", I yelled not aware that Jason was in there with Rex.

"Aye bruh, you good?", asked Jason putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Man get the fuck off me man!", I snapped as I snatched away from him. When I'm mad or embarrassed I can't control my anger. I take it out on everybody.

"Dam nigga! Shit, I just asked if you alright. Fuck?", said Jason.

"Dumbass, do it look like I'm alright?", I said.

"Alright man, fuck u man.", said Jason as he stormed out the bathroom.

"Jason hold up man! Y'all chill!", said Rex but Jason was already gone.

"Dam Jay you ain't even have to take it out on that man like that. He ain't did shit to you. Fuck yo problem is son?", said Rex.

Rex was that nigga with a backbone he ain't give a fuck who you were you don't disrespect. Although, he was starting to piss me off even more.

"Man leave me the fuck alone bruh! I don't even wanna hear shit! Don't fuckin ask questions! Just leave me the fuck alone and get the fuck out my eyesight bruh before I stick yo bitch ass on god bruh!", I shouted.

As soon as that happened niggas started coming in the bathroom seeing what's up trying to get in between us to make sure there's no fight.

"Man hold up. Who you callin a bitch?", asked Rex.

"I ain't fuckin stutter! And you better shut the hell up you already got my blood pressure going up bruh! Don't fuck with me right now bruh!", I shouted.

"Nigga you might wanna go take ya meds cause I believe your lackin some blood into yo head. Nigga this Rex you talking to.", said Rex. He didn't need to yell because his deep voice carries. Especially in the bathroom that echoes.

I walked up in that bitch face while niggas started to hold me back but I ain't back down.

"Nigga shut the hell up before I seriously damage yo face bruh! And you know what it won't be shit because yo face already fucked up with ya ugly dinosaur head ahh bitch!", I snapped. I stormed out the bathroom and snatched out of everyone's grip.

Well shit fuck I ain't going to class now I gotta be extra because I gotta hit the nurses office to take my meds before I pop a fuse in this bitch.

The hallway started to clear as the bell rang. I passed by my classroom not even looking at my teacher who was standing out the door. Surprised she ain't try to stop me. Scratch that I don't even fuckin care. Fuck everybody! Fuck this school, fuck Rex, fuck Jason, fuck the teachers, fuck the law, fuck the stairs I'm walking down and the floor I'm walking on. And fuck that bitch I ran into......wait. No, not her. She's innocent and what she did was an accident it wasn't her fault. I can't be mad at that angel.

I noticed how I immediately calmed down.

I stopped in the middle of the stairs. No one was in the hallway. Good, now no one can see how stupid I look. At the point when I officially came down to taking meds for my anger issues I started to think that I was probably bipolar too. At least that what it felt like.

Damn, I wonder how I just did that. From going 0 to 100 over a mistake I made to 100 to 0 by catching myself about to blame my crush for an accident that happened which caused me to snap on everyone.

Damn, am I crazy? Or am I in love?




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