Even if we survive

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Nakita's p.o.v

It was about 2 in the afternoon when I decided to go pick up Jay. I was scared not knowing what to expect. I had a feeling Jay was gonna flip since he wasn't aware about me taking him to my house to have a talk with Steven. Hopefully it won't end up in a huge argument then at the end I won't be the one to blame. All I want at least is for Jay to stop shunning Steven like it was his fault or like Steven has done something so bad he's holding a grudge over. Or is Jay just jealous that he spent more time with his father than Jay did?

I finally pulled up to his house. I got out the car and looked around nervously making sure there were no other ghetto guys walking down the street or sitting on the porches of their houses looking this way to start trouble or to try and holler at me. I hate that, I hate being pretty. By my luck, it was quiet in the neighborhood and no hurt harm or danger was in sight. I took the keys out the truck because there is no telling where the thieves may lurk. I turned the truck off and locked it making sure the truck beeped twice.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently. No one answered.

I knocked once more, still no answer.

I looked around feeling as if I was being watched.

I began to shake, so again, I knocked on the door a little harder this time.

I heard a voice inside, "What the fuck do you want?!" It sounded like a grown man.

"It's me Nakita, Jay's girlfriend! I just came to visit!", I shouted from outside. I looked around once more making sure no one will come outside and curse me out for yelling.

Finally, someone answered. It was a grown man with a grey beard and grey hair. He looked like he hasn't slept much due to the redness in his eyes. Maybe he's an alcoholic but I noticed his hair was curly in a sort of fade style. His clothes were decent and he was dark skin, almost like the same complexion of Jay. He was also very slim....just like Jay.

"Who are you?", he asked looking dead into my soul from my eyes.

I became nervous, I stutter when I'm nervous. "I-I-I-I'm uhh...Nakita. Jay's...u-uh girlfriend."

"I'm his father."

I gulped. So this is him, the man who carelessly abandoned him as a child.

"He's not here but you should know where he is." He began to scoot out the door still making direct perfect eye contact with me, almost without blinking. "Where is he?"

"Uh...", I said. My phone ringed. "Sorry, excuse me." It was a text from Jay.

It read: That's my dad alright...RUN! TAKE YOUR CAR AND MEET ME AT YOUR HOUSE! DONT! STOP!

I looked up with my eyes wide open at his dad. He gave me a sly smile.

"So you do know where he is?", he began to step towards me like a villain who cornered his nemesis. I stepped back into the yard.

"Uhm, I'm sorry I have to— have to go home and—and help my mama with some...thing."

"So he's at your house?"

I didn't say anything. I just paced back to my car and quickly cranked the car and pulled out. As I drove by the house I watched as he stared at me drive by with the sly smile remaining on his face.

Omg, no wonder Jay wasn't home. I don't think that man was supposed to be there. His mama didn't have any further contact after the incident. I hope this man doesn't chase me or set me up or anything. I began to review in my head what all I did and if I did anything to offend him.

I don't believe I did.

Even though I did survive this scary and awkward moment that just past the plan is to still get Jay and Steven together whenever the hell I can and as soon as possible before Jay gets into anything else.

My phone rang again, it was Jay calling.

"Oooh boy", I answered.



"What girl?"

"Your dad was there?"

"Yeah ok?"

"Yeah ok? Nigga! Your dad is stupid... like... creepy!"

"Yeah, no shit, he broke into our house!"

"Oh my goodness! You called the police right? Why isn't he arrested?"

"We didn't because he owns the house we moved."

"What the hell? So was that a sarcastic remark?"

"Uh... Yeah."

"I'm gonna punch you."

"Go ahead."

"Anyways, when did he suddenly move in?"

"A few days ago."


"There was...an incident at our house and it had my us to think that we couldn't stay there in that neighborhood any longer. So me and brother put some money together and bought an apartment. My brother couldn't get a house because he's about to move out on his own. So I'll have to work my way up and help mama out to get her a house."

"What incident?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Ok, well I do want to take you somewhere."

"Ok, well I'm at your house yo' mama makes the best sandwiches."

"I know right, but yeah be ready, and tell her to make me one."

"Haa, alright."

After we hung up I texted Steven and told him we were coming to his house. He texted back and said 'perfect'.

Here goes nothing.

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