Relic Of The Separatists is cancelled

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Now this may be a shock. Or may not. But I've decided to cancel relic of the separatists due to the fact I feel like I've written myself into a hole as I was writing stuff just for the sake of writing stuff. For multiple chapters I haven't actually felt motivated to write in this book and because of that, what I've written is absolutely shit.

I think if people are prepared to dedicate themselves to a long book they deserve at least half decent writing. I mean I'm not a very good writer as it is but I feel like this has been awful writing.

I love the concept of General Grievous surviving and I think I came up with quite a good story but I rushed it which is something you should never do. Ever.

I'm very sorry to disappoint anyone who was really looking forward to this. But I feel like my writing has been poor and I think it's best to just put this one in its grave. I will not delete this story just in case anyone wants to read it but I will change the title to say it's cancelled and will put out an announcement. Again I'm very sorry but I feel like this is best, I haven't bothered with it in over half a year which isn't a good sign.

If you are interested here is some stuff I planned for the book.
Chapter 26 would've been called former lovers which would focus on the love between Cody and Bo Katan. There would be flashbacks to how they first met and they would go on a mission to Yelisa and Cody would loose his hand and it would fall in love by the end. I was planning to do 10000 words or something.
Chapter 50 is when delta squad goes to Kashyyyk only to find out Sev is dead.
And at the end of the story in 4ABU the heroes would loose and Vader would finally get his suit after a duel with Obi Wan and there would be a massive battle.
Then there would be a sequel which would be called rebuilding the rebellion. It would take place over 3 years. And would end with a Darth Vader, Obi Wan and Grevious vs Sidious fight and would end with both Vader and Sidious killing each other.

I had so many ideas which unfortunately will never see the light of day.

Thank you for reading.


Relic of the separatists (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now