Chapter 5: duel on Mustafar

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(0UBB) (0 years before the battle of Utapau)

"Chancellor Palpatine or should I say emperor Palpatine of the new galactic empire you have created, I have recently found a Jedi and a clone commander who betrayed your empire, I'm willing to hand them over to you for a price of 150,000 credits and if you don't hand it over in 25 hours then I will will realise them so more chaos can be created, you have one warning". The transmission ended with the scarred Sith Lord sitting back in his chair after receiving a transmission from General Grevious on Mustafar. The general believes he had the sith beat but he couldn't be more mistaken as the Kaleesh does not know that Sidious and Palpatine are one in the same but soon he will but by then it will be too late. The sith turned his head as he heard footsteps coming towards his office he turned his head to see the Vader in his brown cloak standing at the door way. The sith marches toward his master and kneels before him.

"Rise Vader" Sheev ordered and he did facing his master who has now brought peace to the galaxy. "You called for me master?" The former Jedi knight questioned and the sith took a deep breath in as he closed his eyes "I want you to head to Mustafar with Commander Appo and a small detachment of 501st clones and kill the remaining separatist council and General Grevious, who must of killed your old master" the sith raised an eyebrow with part shock he couldn't believe it, General Grevious killed his master. "General Grevious has a Jedi and clone commander held captive of Mustafar, I want you to kill them aswell, now go" the sith ordered and the man once called Anakin Skywalker bowed his head "yes master" he replied and walked towards the exit. He was mentally preparing himself.


Kenobi and Cody sat in a cells opposite from each other and were guarded by at least 10 B2 battle droid which seemed a bit overkill at least in Kenobi's opinion. They could see outside since the cell doors were red laser gates so everything had a red tint. All of the a sudden the sound of cybernetic feet hitting the metal floor could be heard from the down the hall as it slowly hit louder and louder. The clone and Jedi both knew who this was but the cyborg now had a black cape covering most of his body with his hands disappearing underneath his cape since they were behind his back. His footsteps hit slower as he approached the cells until he was finally look down at the 2 former 212th leaders. Obi wan stood up at the sights of Grevious while Cody stayed sat down not even facing him.

"I have send Palpatine a message about you 2 and told him that I'll either send you to him with a lot of credits or just set you free" the Jedi master raised an eyebrow at the Kaleesh warrior, not sure if he should believe him or not "that is uncharacteristically kind of you general" Obi wan said in a very cheery voice but then Grevious let out a loud cackle but which quickly turned into a cough as he looked back down at the Jedi. "I'm actually gonna kill your Kenobi in the most painful way possible, how could you be so gullible" he snarled as he marched away and Obi wan looked over at his friends cell who looked up to face him. Cody looked tired with bags under his eyes and his helmet beside him since he had fought in Yerbana, Coruscant and Utapau in a very short time span it's to be expected.


The General marched into the room with 2 Neiomdian guards behind him in dark grey armour and large spears. Nute Gunray turned to face the leader of the separatist alliance "General you have just missed a transmission from Darth Sidious, he has said his apprentice is arriving". The cyborg didn't even looked at the Neimodian, he just marched towards the holotable he was hesitant when he heard about Sidious's new apprentice, who could this mysterious apprentice be.

10 minutes later

A ship could be heard landing outside the council waited for the apprentice to arrive, Grevious was hesitant he felt like this wasn't good. He didn't feel comfortable not knowing Sidious true identity, he felt as if he was being double crossed. The door opened and all eyes turned towards the cloaked figure with his face masked in shadow strutted into the room a weapon in his right hand. The general's eyes narrowed at the figure he seemed familiar.

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