Chapter 4: escaping Utapau

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(0BBU) (0 years before the battle of Utapau)

They had just finished the clone wave with the clones either knocked out by Cody or killed by Grevious and the droidca. The General turned to face the Jedi and his commander he towered over the 2 with his magna guards and droidca following close behind him. "We must leave before reinforcements show up" he hissed as he marched forward his droid following but the droidca stayed behind Kenobi and Cody so they didn't try to escape. Grevious led the group towards where his forces were stuck the walk was mostly silent with the 2 212th veterans not really wanting to talk to Grevious since just an hour earlier he wanted to kill them and he still does. The clone commander leaned towards his Jedi general and whispered "why are we helping Grevious?" Obi wan let out a loud sigh "well you see, me and Grevious somehow landed on a deal if I helped him in letting his forces escape then he would help me get the chip out of your head and he would leave with him".

Cody raised an eyebrow underneath his helmet "are you sure he'all stick by his word?" The clone former commander questioned. The Jedi looked forward at the general who was marching infront if everyone at a brisk pace, Obi wan then remembered their past encounters and tells Cody the truth "no, no I don't".

After about 15 minutes into the walk they had somehow not run into any clone which was probably because they were trying to prevent the separatists from escaping. The Kaleesh warrior got on the com "Commander Derve I have Obi wan Kenobi and Commander Cody with me, they will help enforce our droids to help escape" he growled down to the other side to the tactical droid. "But sir Obi wan Kenobi is an enemy along with the clone, why are they helping us?" The commander questioned and Grevious just grunted in response to the droid "I don't think you were programmed to argue with a superior, were you commander?" Their was no response for a second until finally the tactical droid finally answered.

"I just checked and the answer is a no".

"Good" The cyborg spoke in a solemn tone.

"Can you give a description of what they look like so we don't accidentally shoot them?" Derve asked and the Jedi killer began to grow frustrated with this droid but decided things were to dire at the moment to argue "You have Obi wan Kenobi in your data banks but Commander Cody has a orange visor and a antenna of his helmet and shoulder plate with different markings to the normal clones".

After another 20 minutes of walking they arrived at the battle on the landing pad. The clones stood infront of the separatists shuttles firing at the battle droids, super battle droids and droidcas who were for now slowly loosing the fight. Grevious marched towards towards his tactical droid commander who was kneeling behind cover with a battle droid blaster with a battle droid by his side behind some crates. "Commander Derve" Grevious greeted with his hands behind his back the commander looked up at the leader of the separatists. "Sir, good to see you have finally arrived, at the moment the clones have taken defensive positions infront of our shuttles as they are hiding behind crates, our forces can't get past due ti the amount of clones".

The cyborg stoked his cybernetic chin as he looked at the battle field soon the clone reinforcements will come and they will be boxed in. The general turned around and faced the Jedi and clone as he pushed past his magna guards to get to them. "I want you 2 to flank the clones from behind, there is a balcony from up above which leads to behind the clones" Grevious barked his orders and turned away from the 2 before they could even ask any questions the general stood out infront of the 7th sky corp and extended his arms igniting his 2 lightsabers. "It's time for some fun" he cackled as he charged forward blocking blasts from the clone troopers he was unstoppable. 4 clones were hidden behind some crates and when they peaked back up they saw the angry cyborg charging towards them they didn't even had time to open fire as Grevious rammed himself into the crates crushing one of the soldiers with a crate then stabbing the 2 that laid on the floor before deflecting a blast from the last one who had barley managed to get to his feet when he had a blue blaster bolt through the chest.

The clone and Jedi watched from behind the crates until Commander Derve turned around to face the 2 "you have your orders, now go" he demanded and Cody let out a sigh his head falling in his hand " I can't believe I'm helping clankers" he moaned as he and Kenobi charged off towards the elevator which wasn't too far away. The 2 rushed inside and closed the elevator doors behind them. Cody readied his blaster rifle while Obi wan pulled out his lightsaber and for a short while there was comfortable silence for the first time since this battle started. The clone commander turned towards his general "sir" Kenobi turned to face his clone commander "yes Cody?" He asked the clone commander to a second to ask his question. "Will I have to kill my own soldiers?" the clone questioned and Obi wan fell silent as he turned away just facing the doors of the elevator and stroked his beard searching for an answer.

"No" he replied as he turned to face the commander.

Before anything else could be said the doors opened and the duo came out into a blue hallway which had a few 212th clones down it "hey, Commander what are you doing with that traitor" Cody didn't respond to his trooper he just stunned him and Obi wan forced pushed the other 3 over. The pair rushed down the hallway and passed many doors until they arrived at the balcony which had 3 clones firing down on the droid forces and once the large door opened behind them they fought it was help but instead it was the traitors. "What on Kamino—" a clone was cut off as Commander Cody stunned all of the troops. He took a position on the balcony by kneeling down as Obi wan stood behind him they watched the battle field for awhile. Grevious had disappeared but the other droids were still there but the remnants of the general remained with many clone cutup corpses laid on the battle field.

The droids had pushed us a little bit but were still no match for the clone troopers but that's where Cody and Obi wan came in. "Are you ready" Kenobi put a shoulder on his clone friends shoulder, Cody looked up at his Jedi general then back towards the battle field and gave in a sharp voice "yes". Obi wan nodded and jumped down to the battle field behind 5 clones behind crates they didn't even react as Kenobi force pushed the troops over. And quickly rushed around the shuttle towards the other clone which were also getting stunned by Cody from above. Commander Derve saw the ambush and the clones focused on the Jedi which is exactly what they needed. "Charge" he ordered the droid's and they did with heavy blaster fire coming down on the clones until all that was left was stunned bodies or smoking corpses. Cody jumped down from the balcony with the help of Obi wan using the force to make sure he didn't just die.

The 2 republic soldiers walked toward Commander Derve who was watching as the droids all flooded into the 3 separatists shuttles which included the droidca and 2 magna guards that companies Grevious moments earlier. The 2 ran over to Commander Derve as the last droid ran onto the shuttles "Commander may I ask where Grevious is?" Kenobi raised an eyebrow and stroked his beard. "The general wanted to take his starfighter instead of these shuttles" Derve replied and the Jedi and clone looked at each other with confused expression even though Cody still had his helmet in Kenobi could tell his expression. "Please get on board" Derve told the 2 and they did as Derve followed behind. The 3 shuttles took off with about 60 droids being saved in total.


"He's her— aarrgghh" a clone called out as he was impaled by the crystal blue blade of General Grevious the 2 behind the clone opened fire on the general but he just blocked the attacks and used his foot to grab one of the clones by the leg and run him into the ground while he decapitated the other 212th trooper. Grevious crushed the skull of the clone beneath his foot with blood pouring out which made the general cackle. Grevious opened up the cockpit of his starfighter and jumped in closing it behind him and took off out of Utapau orbit and jumped to hyperspace for Mustafar. He then opened a hologram with Commander Derve on the other side "we have the Jedi and clone on board my shuttle sir and all 3 shuttles are heading for Mustafar as you ordered" the general then let out a terrifying laugh almost like devils laugh.

"Good, stun the Jedi and clone and once we arrive at Mustafar we will send a message to Chancellor Palpatine to ransom them off to the republic, and let him know the separatists will never die as long as I'm still breathing" he growled the droid nodded and ended the transmission he nodded at his battle droid. Who went towards the back off the shuttle where Cody and Obi wan were talking. Cody noticed the clankers but didn't see there intentions in time "can I help yo—" he didn't finish as him and the Jedi were stunned falling the ground as everything went black.

They were betrayed.

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