Chapter 14: the rebellion

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(1ABU) (1 year after the battle of Utapau)

The old republic LAAT gunship landed on Yavin 4 just infront of a large temple which looked like it stood for thousands upon thousands of years. The doors opened up to reveal many ships such as X-wings and Y-wings and a few soldiers which were in camo uniform with some armour. The Senator stepped out with his 2 guards following him and the 4 bounty hunters behind them. Kenobi looked around and couldn't believe that people actually thought about fighting against the empire but there were only a handful of people around about 100 of that. Also their were only about 10 X-wings and 5 Y-wings.The group walked inside as soldier walked by them with blasters in their hands ready for a battle.

The group entered the main room where people were at work on holoprojectors and datapads. In the middle of the room was a holotable with the Senator of Chandrila stood along with a dark blue Mon Calamari. "Organa, I see you've brought our guests" she smiled and Kenobi couldn't get a stupid smile off his face just to see all these people working to destroy the empire. "Master Kenobi it's good to see you" she smiled as Obi wan walked around the holotable to greet her "good to see you aswell".

"Commander, it's good to see you fighting the good fight" she nodded her head at the clone commander who gave a small nod back.

"I'm also very glad to see bounty hunters even helping us" she friend towards Bossk and Boba who stood at the doorway "well, we go where they go" Kenobi gave a smile lay the song of Jango and turned back to Mon Mothma.

"We have someone we want you to meet" Kenobi raised an eyebrow at her as she stepped aside and the Jedi then heard footsteps. Outstepped a familiar orange Togruta he first met just under 4 years ago. "Ahsoka" he almost shouted in disbelief as he ran over to the young woman and embraced her and hugged back her finger tips digging into the Jedi master's back. After about a minute they finally parted as he smiled at her "how did you survive?" He questioned.

"I got some help from Rex" she said immediately this caught Cody's attention.

"Wait Rex, he helped you?" she nodded at the clone commander as he just looked on in disbelief.

"He told me he went to find some of his brothers, he then said once he did he would head to Seelos" she stated.

"We will head their soon, but first admiral Raddus has a question for you Obi wan" Mon's words caught the attention of Kenobi as he turned to face the dark blue Mon Calamari "when you went to Utapau to kill Grevious, did you kill him?". The 212th general eyes narrowed as he slowly shook his head this seemed to annoy the Mon Cala admiral "well he has taken over Mon Cala".

"How, he has no army?" But the Mon Calamari shook his head and let out a small chuckle.

"You couldn't be more wrong" he pressed a button on the holotable and a green hologram of the separatist symbol came up along with the planet of Mon Cala. "During the clone wars we declared ourselves neutral, but Grevious and former separatist leader Tikkes has shown up now King Lee Char has agreed to join the separatists along with his first in command commander Ackbar, they now have aqua droids all over Mon Cala, this could pose a threat to us all" the Jedi master couldn't believe that in the short time span of a year Grevious has managed to build up enough of an army that the king of Mon Cala has agreed to join him.

"Do you know if he has anyone else?" Organa asked but the blue Mon Calamari just shook his head "I'm not sure but with the amount of droids he has I'm assuming they have a large droid factory and have well over a million droids at this point". The Mon Calamari began to stroke his chin as everyone began to move closer to the holotable "is their anything we can do?" Ashoka asked but the admiral let out a loud sigh as Mon Mothma began to speak.

"Our army is far too small to deal with the separatists, and besides we have the empire to worry about" she stated. All of a sudden a huge wave of failure and sadness hit the room of the thought of if they beat the empire then what will happen as they will then have the separatists to deal with. They just have to hope the empire will find out about the separatists and crush them as after all rebellions are build on hope.

"You all take your rooms upstairs, Ahsoka please show the bounty hunters to their rooms while me, Bail Organa and Admiral Raddus discuss our next move" she nodded and signalled to the group to follow her.

Rooms weren't great but they will have to do even if they have a brick interior and the beds were were hard but Cody was used to this so he didn't mind much. As Obi wan was about to enter his room he heard a female voice tell him to wait as he turned he saw Ahsoka run up to him with sadness in her eyes "Ashoka what's wrong?" he questioned.

"Just before Rex turned on me I sensed Anakin's pain and sorrow as he was with Palpatine and Master Windu" Kenobi took a deep breath in as he knew the Chancellor was the Sith Lord since he was the emperor of the galactic empire but he had a secret apprentice one that liked in the shadows. He was worried that Mace had turned to the darkside or even worse Anakin.

"It will be okay Ahsoka, it will all be okay" he comforted her.

"Are you sure?" She asked with water filling up her eyes.

"I'm sure, we'll go find Rex and everything will be okay" she smiled at her grand master as they hugged once again. At least Obi wan still had friends, they weren't all gone.

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