Chapter 22: Dathomir warriors

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

Maul's ships landed on the red rocky surface of the planet. His small forces exited all the shuttles with blasters at the ready as they ran into the swamp with water up to their knees. The former sith assassin's cybernetic legs made the sound of metal hitting metal as he took one step at a time as the red tattooed monster stepped down in his black robes and a lightsaber beneath his cloak. He looked around at his surroundings it looked all so familiar. He stopped where he was and took a deep breath in as he smelled the swamp which to most would just be a horrible stench but to Maul it was so much more. It was his home.

The Zabrak shut his eyes as he remembered his past as a small child in Dathomir as he ran around without a care in the world until one day the man he would grow to hate more then anyone else stepped foot on his home and his mother gave him away. He knew it wasn't her fault she only wanted her son to go far little did she know that it would cause her death at the hands of the monster he only met a couple weeks ago. "Lord Maul we should get moving" a Pyke suggested as he moved through the water clearly struggling as on Oba Diah they obviously didn't have swamps. "Indeed we shall" Maul opened his golden eyes as he moved through the water effortlessly like it was nothing although his cybernetic legs may have a part to play in that.

He moved out of the water through some tall grass which he was told countless times never to go into as predatory animals which stood on 2 legs with orange and black markings lurked within them. His forces moved close behind which mainly consisted of pykes but also some of Dryden Vos spared some troops for Maul. It was only a short period of time after they got to another obstacle in their way. It was a steep tall rock while it wasn't just a wall of rock it wasn't exactly a pathway. His men let out sighs and moans as they looked at the rock which stood in their way Maul looked back at his men with anger in his eyes but he did not speak with anger towards his men instead he encouraged them.

"Do not worry men, I've done this before and I'm certain you all can do it. The night brothers village is only just over this rock" he reassured them and the sighing and moaning stopped and the Zabrak turned to face this rock and took a step onto it and moved on with his men following.

Along the way each member received small scratches, cuts and bruises but for the most part everyone was fine. Everyone was at ease until they heard an ear piercing roar in the distance which made everyone stop and look in the direction of the screech. Maul noticed this and quickly reassured his men "its only a nydak, it's their mating call" everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Unless it's an alpha then we're kriffed" he carried in climbing not even looking back to see the scared faces of his men but they carried on regardless after all these night brothers were far more important then a nydak.

Finally Maul felt the relief as his hand reached the top of the rock and immediately pulled himself up with only one hand. He planets his foot onto the ground and stood up to look at what they had been searching for. He heard heavy breathing as one by one his men made it up the rock but he didn't help them instead he just looked on at their prize. He extended his arm and pointed at the village "there it is the night brother village" everyone looked down and they saw fort with many small wooden buildings inside barricaded by a tall wall made out of wooden beams. Now all they had to do was get down and it was a rough walk as the nydak howled once again scaring the crap out of his soldiers as the howls were much closer.

But eventually they made it and stood in front of the village the only thing that separated Maul and the village was a long drop which was 50 metres down into darkness.

"FIRE" a nightbrother shouted from behind the wall.

All of a sudden about 20 arrows went into the sky and began to fall back down towards the crimson dawn soldiers which made Maul's men run for cover but not Maul instead he shut his eyes tightly and reach out his arms. His hand was flat as the arrows stopped just a couple metres from where he was standing this was a easy feat and didn't require to much effort as he just casually flicked them off the edge. A Zabrak warrior came to look at the carnage only to see the man they helped not even 3 years back standing there with his eyes closed and hands behind his back.

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