Chapter 13: assault on the Hutts

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(1ABU) (1 year after the battle of Utapau)

General Marshal Grevious landed on Agamar where a crashed separatist DH Omni support vessel laid in the middle of no where. Grevious had begun searching for separatist hold outs and was very pleased that he had found the wreckage of a separatist ship which could hold droids that they could reboot into working again. While the Commander Keller stayed on the Mustafar night above the Kaleesh along with at least 500 battle droids landed on the planets surface just infront of the wreckage. He marched out of the landing craft followed by his droid units he saw inside the hangar movement.

"Be careful, the empire may have beat us to it" he warned as he marched down the ramp with the battle droids following. The walked across the sandy dusty terrain and finally made it to the hangar of the support vessel inside were many large boxes and vehicles. His orange eyes seemed to stood out in the darkness of the hangar. He heard the sound of metal his eyes turned towards a door where the sound of metal feet was coming from, maybe their were droids on the ship he thought to himself.

Finally the doors slid open to reveal 10 battle droids which all stopped in their tracks to the sight of the separatist leader "General?" The Sergeant questioned "you are all meant to be shut down" the snarled in confusion as his eyes darted from droid to droid.

"Don't worry our general, stopped the republic shut down command".

"Who is he?" The cyborg asked.

10 minutes later

The doors opened to reveal the green tactical droid who sat in the command seat  of the support vessel, his red eyes landed on the Jedi killer that marched into the room "General Grevious".

"General Kalani, how are you still operating" Grevious demanded to know while the tactical droid stood up and left his chair "I stopped the shut down command as I thought it was a republic trick" the tactical droid stared blankly.

"It was not, the war is over and we have lost, the shut down command was created by the new galactic empire which destroyed the republic and separatists at the same time" Grevious growled which made the droid just stare blankly at him. "But you are still here?" Kalani questioned which made the general marshal give an immediate reply "the empire thought they destroyed us, but I survived and I'm now rebuilding the separatist alliance and I want you to join me, you will be a commander within the separatists and we will take the galaxy for ourselves".

The cyborg extended a hand to the tactical droid who just stared at it their was silence as Grevious waited for a reply until finally one came.

"My programming was always meant to serve the separatists, no matter what"

"Good, get all of your forces, as we are heading to Nul Hutta".


Grevious stood infront of the Hutts with 2 commando droids on both sides of him, his cape covered over him as his dark orange eyes stared at the 4 Hutts as they burst out with laughter. "The separatists are a lost cause, we will never join you" Jabba spat in his native tongue the Hutts were still laughing at the idea of joining the separatists. Jabba and Gorga were on holograms at a unknown location but the 2 others Arok and Marlo were in the palace looking down on Grevious. "I can assure you that the separatists are growing bigger and bigger everyday, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity for more power" the Kaleesh warrior hissed aggressively which made Jabba flinch back.

"We have already joined an alliance called the shadow collective and it came crashing down before it even started" Arok growled which got the cyborg's attention as he recognised the name but he had forgotten who the leader was until it finally came to him.

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