Chapter 11: rallying planets

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(1ABU) (1 year after the battle of Utapua)

3 of the new separatist dreadnoughts exited hyperspace above the snowy planet of Scipio the headquarters of the banking clan. Grevious hopped on a separatist shuttle and headed down to the landing platform on Scipio as the ramp opened Grevious walked down followed by his 4 magna guards and 8 commando droids to greet the Scipio chairmen who waited outside on the landing platform with 4 guards they bowed their heads as the general marshal marched towards them. "General Marshal Grevious, thank you for giving us a heads up about this meeting, we very pleased to discuss neogation" said the head chairmen Clanse Villa.

"Indeed, San Hill used to be in the separatist council, I'm sure you share his enthusiasm with the separatist alliance" Grevious grunted as he walked side by side with the chairmen toward the the headquarters.

"Of course we do General, lets go and talk about this alliance" they moved towards the headquarters with the large door opening up for Grevious and the head chairmen but only to reveal 100 banking clan warriors with spears and some with blasters all aiming towards Grevious and his droids. The chairmen stepped infront of cyborg with their guards putting blasters into the back of the Kaleesh's head. "I'm sorry but the separatists are gone the empire is the most powerful thing in the galaxy so I'm afraid the separatists are just a lost cause" Clanse Villa smirked as he stepped further and further away from the Kaleesh and his droids.

"You are making a mistake" Grevious hissed as he pressed a button on his right hand and a red light went off on the separatist dreadnought where Keller was sitting on the chair in the middle of the dreadnought. "Sir, General Grevious has ordered for attack" a battle droid spoke as he looked down at the red flashing light. Keller got up from the chair put his hands behind his back "Send Battle droids,Super battle droids and vultures droids immediately" the deep voiced droid ordered.

"Roger, Roger"


Back on the surface of of Scipio the banking clan keeps Grevious at gun point with all of his droids being destroyed. "We are gonna call for the empire for this we will probably get a lot of credits" Sallar Wi'inn who was another chairmen smirked at the separatist leader. "You don't understand what you have caused" Grevious cackled he said as his cybernetic hands came out from underneath his dark black cape "What?" One of the chairmen questioned.


All of a sudden bombs were dropped outside with many of the Scipio ships being destroyed by vulture droids which swooped down. Droid gunships also flew down they were filled with battle droids and super battle droids which opened fire immediately killing many of the guards on the outside. The banking clan chairmen looked on in horror as many of their soldiers were gunned down by the droid army then they heard the cyborg let out a loud ear piercing cackle "you will surrender, either way we are taking Scipio" he dropped his cape and pulled out his 2 lightsabers and ignited them cutting down all 3 guards behind him in one quick swipe as the battle droids began to filter in killing many of the Scipio guard. The general marshal raised his hand so his droids would stop firing as they marched further into the large hall "I will give you a choice, lower your weapons or die" he growled.

All the Scipio chairmen looked at each other and all raised their hands up along with its their remaining 30 guards also lowered their weapons surrendering to the might of the separatists.

2 hours later

Grevious had struck a deal with the banking clan that they would give the separatists all the money they needed if they wanted their alives but in they also allowed Clanse Villa become the general of the banking clan but they were put under constant security due to Grevious's lack of trust in them. Grevious entered the dreadnought called the Mustafar's night where Commander Keller was waiting in the seat of the ship "Where to now sir" the commander questioned. Grevious stood beside the black and orange tactical droid his personal favourite droid as he told the tactical droid where he wanted to go "my home world of Kalee"

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