Chapter 21: negotiations

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

Everyone saw the transmission coming through it was coming from Ahsoka's x-wing they have heard that the Wookies agreed to start an alliance with the rebellion but they also heard that Ahsoka went to a separatist dreadnought. Mon Mothma answered the call as everyone gathered around the holotable to hear more about her mission and that they were sending rebellion forces to Kashyyyk tomorrow. "Ahsoka we hear you mission was a success" Mon Mothma started but she had the shock of her life when the hologram didn't reveal the Togruta Padawan at all instead it was the separatist leader. "Grevious" Kenobi spoke in shock as he stumbled back and then the room burst into conversation but were quickly silenced by the growl of the cyborg.

"So it is true the rebellion is real, well I have an offer you cannot refuse Senator Mon Mothma" he reached his cybernetic hand off screen to reveal the former Jedi Padawan in binders without her weapons. "Let her go!" Rex shouted but this just made the general marshal cackle "I'm not afraid of some clone" but Rex didn't back down he was about to speak again but Doom pulled the captain back so he wouldn't make the situation worse. "What are your demands?" The rebellion leader asked as the leader of Alderaan stood next to her but the Kaleesh just shook his head.

"I have no demands, I just want ransom for my prisoner, let's say about 30,000 credits" this made the room go wild with shouting at the separatist scum.

"There is no way we're giving you that much" admiral Raddus cried out.

"Why would you even need that much?" Lady Bo Katan questioned as her grip on her helmet tightened.

"Go to hell" Woffle spoke plainly.

"Jedi aren't common these days and they aren't cheap so unless you can come forward with a compromise I want 30,000, besides the Separatists are still growing we need this money you may not see it but my alliance is hidden beneath the empires noses" once the Kaleesh finished the room filled up with arguing and shouting. Mothma was ready to give in as Tano was a vital part of the rebellion and Jedi were very rare and very useful. Kenobi could see the conflict in her eyes and knew that she would eventually cave in and give him the 30,000 credits but the rebellion could not afford this so the Jedi master came in with the only offer he could think of.

"How about an alliance" as the Stewjon warrior spoke the whole room went silent which made the dark orange eyes of the Kaleesh dart over to his rival. "Kenobi it is a surprise to see you here but An alliance? Why would I ever start an alliance with you of all people?" Grevious awaited a response and so did everyone else in the room but everyone knew he was the negotiator and had hope that Kenobi knew what he was doing.

"Because I've heard about the battle on Oba Diah the empire knows about your existence and once they find you they will destroy you just like they would destroy us, we can't be separated during a time like this enemies but come together to build something bigger something that actually has a fighting chance against the empire".

The room fell silent again as they waited for a response from the cybernetic monstrosity as they waited many eyes fell on the blue eyes of Kenobi. Many were disapproving. But some were hopeful that this would end well. Grevious was feeling more conflicted then he was letting on as he was thinking through all the positives and negatives of an alliance with the rebellion finally he replied.

"I what time hear more what you have to say Kenobi, we'll meet on Kashyyyk tomorrow and discuss negotiation I will bring my prisoner and security" the hologram suddenly ended with all eyes burning into Obi wan as the Senator of Alderaan told the Jedi in a serious tone. "You better know what your doing" the Jedi gulped as he responded "if Grevious said yes to me then he might actually have a change of heart".

1 day later

The ships of the rebellion landed with Tarful meeting the group. Group who came was Obi wan, Mon Mothma, Bo-Katan, Cody and Rex along with some foot soldiers. Tarful growled at the group and the Jedi master gave a small bow "greetings Tarful" before a conversation could begin a Separatists exit from hyperspace including the flagship of the general the Empires nightmare which held the tactical droid commander Keller along with prisoner Ahsoka Tano and General Marshal Grevious. Many of his shuttles came down to the surface of the planet and the rebels stood on even ground as they landed one by one with a battle droids filing out.

The main shuttle opened up and revealed the cyborg with a black cape and his magna guards along with a new type of droideka. Ahsoka came out behind them in binders with Grevious having her white sabres hidden in his cape while she was escorted by magna guards towards the rebels. Kenobi looks on at his grand Padawan she was the closest piece to Anakin he had left and he couldn't loose that not now and not ever. The tall cybernetic beast towered over Kenobi as his hands were hidden by his cape "okay Kenobi convince me that your rebellion is worth my time". The Jedi master gulped and looked around at the group who were waiting for him to start.

"As I said you can't possibly take on the empire by yourselves you may be growing but far too slowly besides Maul nearly destroyed all your forces and the empire nearly wiped you both out but they don't know about us" the orange eyes just glared at the former Jedi council member as he let out hard cough "why does that matter?" He hissed unimpressed.

The 212th high general circled the Kaleesh as he began to spew out reasons "we could act as your second army a secret army slowly growing alongside you we need each other to survive as two is better then one, besides the empire will crush both of us without a seconds thought of we were alone but together it will be harder if we stand alone we are nothing" Grevious stroked his cybernetic jaw piece he knew that the empire could destroy them both and it was impossible to win by just himself it would take years for him to rebuild what the separatists once were. And he was 40 years old he may not be so great by the age of 60 as he believes it would take 20 years to rebuild what they were. Maybe this alliance could work.

He gave a small nod towards his magna guards which immediately released Ahsoka and Rex along with Kenobi ran to her side. "Ahsoka!" They both shouted and hugged her as Rex released her from her binders. "Here Jedi" Grevious called and threw her blades over to her which she managed to catch. He faced Mon Mothma and stared her down her small blue eyes meeting his reptilian orange. "I'm still weary of you Mothma" he snarled as her as he stomped his foot in the ground "same here general but it looks like Kenobi has brought the best out of you, ironic" he just a hissed a response as they began discussing what would come after this but little did they know the general marshal had other plans.


"You wanted to see me sir?" Keller asked his general marshal as he entered the room back on the Empires nightmare as the Jedi killer looked at a holotable of his new planets that belonged to the separatists. "They have no idea Keller what I'm going to do" immediately Keller knew what his master was talking about. "They are weary of you sir" he told him but the general marshal didn't listen as he let out a crackly laugh.

"I know but soon once this empire is crushed and the Separatists rule the galaxy, they will cheer Grevious through the streets and they will see the new leader of the galaxy the one who saved it from this empire, finally I will live up to the potential my father always saw in me and I will make him proud it's part of my people Keller, living up to a legacy, I will be known as the greatest Kaleesh of them all" Keller didn't say anything he knew that his master was only a few steps away from crushing the empire and rebellion under his cybernetic talon feet at the same time.

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