Chapter 24: commandos

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

Boba and Bossk had been sent to Mos Espa to do some work for extra credits and Tatooine was known for being a place of scum and villainy so it was an obvious choice. Boba and Bossk wander through the sandy road and in between sandstone building with Jawas riding around the place on huge mounts or aliens just trying to get a drink at the pub. "Hey Boba you don't think we'll get arrested for all the stuff we've done for the new rebellion" the reptilian asked his companion. "Well they definitely don't see us as they used to. But if anyone asks I'll just say that we've been doing work off world" Bossk just nods.

Even though they were separated by 10 years in age Bossk and Boba were very close friends infact they trusted each other with their lives. While most bounty hunters would normally work with people. Bossk and Boba would call themselves friends. It's like a father and son relationship as Boba was orphaned at the young age of 10 Bossk was there to pick him back up. Bossk was the only thing the young Fett could call dad even if they weren't related by blood they were pretty much family.

They went down some stairs into a sort of basement which had been turned into work for bounty hunters as they headed through a door they saw that the lights were flickering and their were many posters on the wall about possible bounty's. Nothing was connected to the door besides a circle table in the middle of the room where a aqualish stood handing out drinks to the ones who sat at the small bar. While the rest was just furniture not connected to the floor like chairs and tables.

"Come on" Bossk told the young warrior as they headed towards to the table in the middle and took a seat. After a minute when the aqualish didn't come to them the trandoshan dragged his claws across the table. The ear piercing noise finally made the creature come over and as he did he let out frustrated grunts at the pair but lucky they could speak aqualish which they bith had learned from Aurra. "We're looking for a high paying bounty" the son of Fett growled in a deep voice and the bartender replied with a grunt as he went below the table and pulled out a data pad and slid it over to the pair.

It was for a man called Charlie Grant he had light skin and blue eyes along with short brown hair. He had stubble and had a scar across his forehead. It said he would be wearing orange and grey mandalorian even though he wasn't one himself like Boba and his father. He was a bounty hunter at the age of 36 married to a darker skinned woman called Vorghn Grant who also have brown hair and blue eyes and wore black armour. They both had 2 kids Alan Grant and Jayla Grant a boy and girl respectively. They would be found in a ship called the hammerhead with a pet Ekarl. He was worth 52,000 credits.

Boba and Bossk both looked at each other and silently agreed on the bounty. "Thank you" Fett said to the aqualish as they got off their seats and left the place leaving the aqualish to go pack to whatever he was doing.

As the 2 bounty hunters headed up the stairs the Trandoshan looked up and saw 9 stormtroopers marching down the road towards in their direction.

"Crap" he grunted which got the attention of the young teenager.

"Kriff" Boba cursed. They immediately headed back down the stairs and inside the building once more which raised an eyebrow for some of the patrons.

"Head to the back entrance" Bossk shouted quietly. Fett pushed opened the door as they ran up the back stairs and back into the sand road. No bucket heads in sight. "Let's just get to the slave one and get out of here" Bossk hissed and Boba nodded "I couldn't agree more". The 2 marched through the sand road not stopping for anyone or anything. But 2 stormtroopers walked out just infront of them which stopped them dead in their tracks. "Hey" one of the soldiers shouted as they both raised their blasters but they were dealing with a Fett and a Trandoshan they didn't exactly have the best odds. Bossk let out a mighty raptor like growl and used his thick sharp claws to slice one of the trooper's neck open which caused blood to spew out while the fake mandlorian quickly pulled out his blaster pistol and fired the stormtrooper right in the chest.

But troopers just down the road which included a commander saw this and charged towards the 2 wanted bounty hunters and opened fire. Bossk and Boba made a speedy exit as they replied with blaster fire aswell as they narrowly dodged and ducked the incoming fire. "This ought to finish them" Boba said to himself as he pulled out a thermal detonator the trandoshan looked over at the young bounty hunter and a huge grin came of across his face "go on son give em hell" Boba nodded at the lizards words and threw the detonator right into the middle of the troopers and as it exploded it killed 7 stormtroopers and injuries 2 others but the commander was luckily unscathed. It also sent a large amound of sand bursting into the air which irritated some of the bystanders vision so even they didn't see when the 2 young bounty hunters ran down an alley far away from where the confrontation happened.

The alley they had ran down was dark and the only sound was water dripping from a pipe. "Okay let's catch ou—" the sounds of blasters lifting you behind them caught their attention "hands up" a stormtrooper sergeant growled seeing no other choice both the bounty hunters raised up there arms but didn't drop their weapons.

A red blaster bolt immediately went into the chest of the private standing next to the sergeant while the sergeant got one that went straight through his chest. The duo looked for where the blaster fire had came from but instead the sound of footsteps and a blue light at the end of the alley away caught their attention and caused the 2 to raise their blasters but the 3 lights didn't stop walking.

"Hey don't worry we're here to help" one of them spoke in a gentle voice as they came far enough out of the dark so they could see the blue light was a visor of a clone commando he wore commando armour as the commando's never got stormtrooper armour unlike the regs. The one who spoke had orange markings while the one behind him had grey and yellow and the final one had green markings. "I'm Boss also known as 38 and this is Scorch and goes by 62 and he is Fixer we sometimes call him 40" Boba and Bossk both looked at each other until they heard more noise behind them and turned and saw more clones but they didn't have normal commando armour but it definitely wasn't stormtrooper armour. There was 3 members and one was a lot taller then the rest.

"Aww Hunter check this out" he picked up the dead body of the Sergeant and you could tell underneath the helmet he had a smile on his face "Crosshair did good work".

"Okay who are you?" Boba snarled and Hunter removed his helmet.

"I'm Hunter this is Wrecker, Tech and that guy on that tower over there is Crosshair" both bounty hunters saw a clone in black and grey armour with red highlights give a small salute to the bounty hunters below. The Wrecker and Tech also removed their helmets and Bossk and Boba had to hold back a chuckle when they saw Tech's glasses. The clone commandos behind also had taken off their helmets Boss had very short hair while Scorch had dyed his blonde and Fixer had just a normal clone cut.

"Why are you helping us?" Bossk asked.

Boss was first to answer "us clone commandos were trained as a mix of arc troopers and normal clones as arcs enjoy what the empire has been doing while regs are blinded by loyalty to realise what they are doing is wrong. But us commandos we question our loyalty after seeing what the empire has done so we've removed our control chips and when we heard that you 2 were associated with the rebellion we decided to take up this mission of finding you" Boba and Boss both nodded at Boss who placed his helmet back on.

"Hey we can help you but I know a guy who can help you guys slow down your aging" Boba told them and a huge smile came into Wrecker's face "yes finally I can stay young".

"Alright we can do that we can go their in a speeder Crosshair and Echo stole and the head to your ships and we can join the rebellion but you will have to keep your heads down" Hunter warned and both bounty hunters nodded and just then the 2 pulled up both of their helmets off. "Come on let's move" Crosshair growled and the clone commandos and the bounty hunters headed to the the speeder had both Bossk and Boba laid down the in back.

The rebellion was slowly growing and now they had 2 dangerous squad of commandos on their side.

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