Chapter 23: uneasy alliance

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

The alliance between the Separatists and the rebellion was uneasy. Mon Mothma and Obi wan Kenobi felt like Grevious gave in to easily but they didn't have a choice this alliance was the strongest force besides the empire. Grevious and Mothma along with Organa looked at all the planets they and under their disposal which was Yavin 4, Kashyyyk, Geonosis, Trandosha, Kessel, Naboo, Mon Cala, Skipio, Krownest, Kalee and hut space were on their side. But this alliance has spawned some issues between Kashyyyk and Trandosha as they refuse to join together so Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano had been sent to deal with that.

Bo-Katan and Ursa Wren have been at each other's throats. At the moment it was all pretty chaotic. The general marshal kept his eyes on the former senators who trued their best not to look at him. "Where should we expand to next I believe Onderon or Carlion to be a good choice" the 2 senators finally had the guys to look at the Kaleesh warlord. His orange eyes looked as hit as the sun and they seemed to be constantly twitching. "Well our original plan was to try and get the Utapau system" Mon Mothma told the cyborg and he just grunted. "I'm afraid the Utapau system is taken but empire as Commander Kalani has told me war crimes from the the parjai squad just after the clone wars".

The 2 senators looked at each other with confused faces until Bail looked back "how do you know this".

"Droid intelligence".

The cyborg kept looking at all the planets as he answered and Mon Mothma and Bail Organa did aswell until Various Landore stepped into the room. The room was quieter then the brother of Grevious expected "brother the Hutts would like a word with you" he told his brother and Grevious turned back around "choose a planet and once I come back I will see if I agree with your choice" the 2 Kaleesh left the room leaving the 2 senators by themselves.

"I don't trust him" the Alderaan leader said blankly "I don't either" replied the Chandrila Senator "but we have to have this alliance otherwise the empire will crush us both" she told Bail and he nodded. "And who knows maybe he'll change" Bail just chuckled at her naiveness "oh please Mon, I don't think you can change a monster".


Meanwhile Obi wan sat with his son in the forest of Yavin 4 it was dark with only a few candles lit for light. "Son are you sure?" Kenobi asked Korkie and he nodded "absolutely, I want be a Jedi" the former 212th general took a breath in and stood up. "Very well" he son was still sat down looking up at his father waiting for instructions. "Please stand up don't wait for me to tell you" his voice was gentle and not strict so Korkie quickly rose to his feet.

"Being a Jedi isn't all about swinging a lightsaber, you must be a true Jedi different to how we were during our rein, before the dark times" Korkie tilted his head and raised an eyebrow which was the same colour as his mothers. "But father you weren't like the rest if you were then you wouldn't of had me" Kenobi held his chin and nodded slightly as he inhaled.

"That was when I was younger, I was only 17 when you were born and I was a pretty brash Padawan it reminds me of my first Padawan but as I grew I changed and became more like other Jedi and was blinded by war that I wasn't listening to the force" Korkie just stood there looking at his father he had only known they were related for a few months and already he seemed comfortable talking about this stuff with him. Kenobi immediately came back to reality after a brief pause and hit back to business "turn around and stretch out your arm" Korkie nodded and did as his dad said and turned around with his arm extended while the former Jedi master stood beside him.

"Now close your eyes, and focus on that rock just ahead" Korkie was now very confused at his father's words. "But dad how can I do that if I can't see the rock?" He asked and Kenobi gave a gentle smile. "The force" his answer was simple and to the point "now close your eyes" his son sighed and did as he asked.

"Can you feel it?".

"If you mean the force then no" Obi wan chuckled at the boy. "Focus on the rock" Obi wan told him and Korkie gritted his teeth he knew this wasn't gonna work but still went along with it. "Remember to breath" Kenobi reminded the young Kryze so Korkie took gentle breaths in and out.

"Focus" his father said again.

His hand began to shake just a little bit as Korkie focused on the rock infront of him which he couldn't see but he just imagined it was there and pictured what it looked like. But the rock began to shake and a smile reached the Jedi's face and just a tiny bit the rock lifted off the ground it may have only been a centimetre but it was still progress. "Korkie open your eyes" he whispered into his sons ear and he did as he was told and he saw the rock hovering the smallest bit. "Whoa" he then dropped the rock and stepped back and the stupidest grin reached his face as he looked at his father who shared a similar smile.

"Was that me or were you making me feel better about myself" Korkie asked and Obi wan laughed "no it was all you" Korkie hugged his father as tightly as possible and instead of pushing him away Obi wan hugged Korkie back. Something he wish he could've done so much more.

"Come Korkie you still have so much more to learn".


Bo-Katan had her feet resting in the water of the creek. She removed her boots which were beside her next to her helmet while she had a stick in her hand and a knife in the other and was whittling. Her orange hair blew in the breeze as she a small lantern next to her was the only light she had. "Still a loner I see?" A familiar voice spoke in a rather soothing tone.

Her emerald eyes landed upon the amber eyes of the commander and once she saw them she immediately turned her attention back to whittling "what are you doing out here Commander?" She asked in what seemed to be a very uncaring tone "more importantly how did you find me?".

"You can see the light of you lantern" he responded as he moved towards her still she didn't dare to look at the man. He sat down on the other side of the lantern as his feet fell softly into the water only difference was his feet weren't getting wet thanks to his boots. Her hair covered her eyes so Cody could not look at them so instead he just placed his helmet beside him. "I hear you and Ursa aren't getting on" he said trying to spark a conversation but she just let out a tiny chuckle. "It's more arkward the anything, we were better friends when we met" Cody raised an eyebrow. "How did you meet her?" She replied still not looking up at him "that's classified" the former 212th marshal commander nodded and stared at the water around his feet.

"How is your nephew doing?"he asked her as he learned forward and saw her face around her hair. "He's off with his father learning how to be a Jedi" CC-2224 raised his eyebrows and leaned back he hadn't heard about that. "He would be the first mandalorian Jedi in over a thousand years" he pointed out and she just rolled her eyes "I know". She didn't sound very excited but she had never been a fan of Jedi and Cody knew this.

"What do you want Cody as it feels like your trying to ask something" she finally looked up at him and he took a quick look at the stick she had been whittling and she had done a pretty good job with almost all the bark gone. "You know what I'm here about" he grunted and she immediately stood up and threw her stick into the water and grabbed her boots and helmet along with her lantern. "Well I don't want to talk about it" she snarled and began to walk away "like it or not you still pulled me out of the gunship" he called for her and she responded with a simple "I should've left you there" he sighed as he saw the light fade in with the rest of the light back at the camp. There history together had been complicated.

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