Chapter 25: Rebel assault

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

The commandos had arrived on Yavin 4 and were at a holotable with Grevious, Bail, Mon, Kenobi and Bo-katan present in person while Lee Char and Commander Ackbar we're there on holograms. Boba stood with the 2 commando squad he had brought back to tatooine while his green and red helmet was tucked underneath his arm. "They also know the position of many old Separatist bases" the young Fett told the Separatists and rebels. "Good we want all of those locations sooner rather then later as they may help for arrival on Stewjon we might have to fight" the former Chandrila Senator spoke and then Hunter stepped forward "we were told Cody was here?".

Both Kenobi and Bo gave each other a similar look which made Echo raise an eyebrow at them "is something wrong".

Obi wan gave a slight chuckle under his breath as his ocean eyes landed on the former 501st arc trooper "no no it's just he is on a mission to take down a small Impieral cargo ship".

"Who is he with Rex?" Scorch asked.

"No my nephew" The leader of clan Kryze beat to Kenobi to it.


"Look out kid!" Cody warned as he ducked Korkie below the control panel as fire kept coming into the room. "That was close" the young man nervously laughed through his helmet as the red blasts did not stop coming in. "Don't get yourself killed your aunt will never forgive me" Cody hissed in a half jokey and half serious way Korkie just nodded in response as he pulled out his blaster from his pocket "okay so what is the plan sir?" Korkie innocently asked the commander. "Well Lieutenant I have this" he lifts up a thermal detonator that he had in his pocket.

The former 212th leader threw the thing over the control panel and then ducked back down almost immediately but lucky the detonator had landed in the hall where the bucket heads had been standing.

One of them took one look down at the object that had rolled to his feet and was too late to react "shi—" the explosion killed all the troopers and as Korkie was about to look up Cody pushed him back down.

"Hey!" He growled.

"It might not be safe" the commander snarled in response as he slowly lifted his head above the control panel only to see a destroyed wallway and a bunch of charred stormtrooper corpses. "I'm not 12 I can handle myself" Korkie snapped at the clone as he stood up beside the commander "as I said your aunt will kill me if anything happens to you" Korkie just raised an eyebrow expecting CC-2224 to carry on but he didn't he just walked past the mandalorian "come on" he muttered. Korkie followed him through the destroyed hallway and took a left at the next turned until they finally made it to the storage room where large containers of all sorts of items were kept.

Cody scanned the room for the cargo they were looking for it had a certain image that would make it stand out but it didn't matter as he saw 2 stormtroopers with blue colour markings surrounding a crate. He knew immediately that I was the crate they wanted. "Watch my six and follow me" he ordered and Korkie did as the commander wanted as they snuck around the crates slowly getting closer and closer to the one surrounded by the blue marked stormtroopers. They were now just 1 crate in between the them and their prize and chatter began between the 2 bucket heads.

"Do you think those rebels are still in the ship?".

"We have orders to stay here and I not ask questions" the one on the left sounded strict and and annoyed probably wasn't enjoying the empire that much with the shitty task he had been assigned to.

"I'll take the one on the left you take the one on the right" Cody ordered and the young Kryze.

They both quickly ran around the crate they were hidden behind and fired on both stormtroopers who hit the ground in seconds. Korkie ran to the crate and began trying to open it while Cody looked over at the fallen stormtroopers and kneeled down beside them looking at the markings. He let out a almost silent sigh as he muttered words to himself which barley classed as a whisper "Vader's fist former 501st troops".

"Hey Codes do you mind" Korkie hissed rather aggressively and Cody stood up and helped pull the lever "Watch your lip mate" he growled as he slowly opened the doors of the crate when Korkie asked a very personal question one which Cody was very keen on answering.

"So why do you care so much about what my aunt" Cody just looked at the boy in disbelief and stopped opening the crate. It was something he had told nobody not even his general or Rex. Nobody.

"It's none of your fucking business kid" he growled as he opened the door and small growls could be heard. Korkie and the clone trooper both looked inside and saw pups also known as young wookies. They were around 30 years old but were still very short and very child like. There was about 10 of them all huddled in the corner all scared to go near their saviours "hey it's okay" Korkie made very slow movements but with every step he took the more the Wookiees cried so he had the bright idea to remove his helmet. "Hey don't worry, I'm a friend" he put the helmet on the ground and glared back at Cody who was still stood at the enter an exit of the crate to do the same.

After a sigh he did and placed his helmet on the ground infront of him and the Wookiees began acting a lot more calm. They were here by an order from Tarfful as these youngsters were stolen off the planet just a couple days ago but Tarfful was tracking the ship.

One Wookiee made his way over to Korkie slowly still with a large amount of fear in his eyes but Korkie just extended his hand out to the pup who originally flinched back "hey, I'm not gonna hurt you" he assured the pup so the young one took his hand and immediately seemed a lot calmer and this put more confidence in each member and before the young mandalorian knew it he was swarmed by the walking carpets. "You might want to be careful I hear they bite" Korkie rolled his eyes at the commander's comment "shut up" he walked through the crying pups out to the outside of the crate where Cody was waiting. "Okay come on to the hangar" the former marshal commander ordered as he ran ahead while Korkie followed slowly careful not to accidentally kick one of the pups.

"Hurray up it will be empire day by the time you get over here" Cody turned around as he got to the doorway only to see Korkie's arkward act.

"It's already been empire day".

"Yeah I mean the one next year so let's go".

Korkie finally picked up the pace as the Wookiees now followed close behind the mandalorian.

"Finally they made it to the hangar and what was better is that there were no stormtroopers insight mainly because they were all dead as Cody and Korkie killed them all as the ship wasn't that big. "Alright I'll fly" Cody announced as the ramp came down and he hurried to the cockpit. "Okay then" Korkie said annoyed as he shut the rank behind him and was immediately crowded wookiees.

"Once we're out of range you know what to do" the clone looked back the mandalorian "of course how could I forget".

They were now a good few hundred metres away and about to jump to light speed "alright hit it" Cody told the Kryze and he lifted up the device in his hands and pressed the button and the cargo ship exploded into hundreds of small pieces.

A couple hours later they arrived on Yavin 4 and as they landed Korkie walked off the ship and was greeted by his father and aunt while the wookiees followed behind him. "How was your mission with Cody" the Jedi asked and he shrugged "rough". Cody walked off the ship and met up with Kenobi who then took them to the temple and before Bo could start to walk Korkie out a hand in a shoulder.

"Auntie do you know that clone?" She paused for a minute and didn't look back at her nephew "it's a long story" she said flatly and walked away from the 2nd in command of clan Kryze,

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