Chapter 9: fixing a trooper

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(0BBU) (0 years before the battle of Utapau)

The bounty hunters opened the door to the outside with the first one stepping out being Boba who puts his helmet on. "Come on" he orders as the group follows him out with Obi wan putting his hood and mask on and Cody putting on his helmet. Bossk and Boba walked infront followed by Obi wan and Cody and the rest of the bounty hunters behind them, "so how did you get here?" Dengar questions as he peaks his head in between the Jedi and clone "well we escaped on a separatists shuttle from Mustafar" Kenobi explains which gets Boba interested "why were you on Mustafar?" Questioned the young bounty hunter.

"We were captured by General Grevious" Cody states blankly Boba let out a small chuckle "you 2 are lucky to be alive" he smirks. The clone and Jedi look at each other with similar expressions of relief as they walked down the dusty sandy road. Many Tatooine locals went on with their day while the bounty hunters made their way through the crowded streets, many of the locals were strange alien species that even Obi wan had never seen before. The group had finally made it to a dark brown building with no door, the place was larger then the surrounding buildings it had small statues of Hutts on the outside.

The group wandered in and saw a male Dug standing behind a sandstone desk as he stood on a stool. The bounty hunters wandered over "we want to see Dr Secz" Boba spoke while putting his hand on the counter and the Dug behind the desk looked around the room to see if anyone was listening then gave a nod to a door across the hallway. "Thank you" Boba replied with that the group walked over to a dark black door and opened the heavy door to reveal a dark grey room with many shelves and a large machine with pipes and needles. Footsteps could be heard of large boots hitting the ground sandstone ground which caught the attention of the bounty hunters and from the shadows a tall armour figure could be seen.

"Boba?" A deep voice questioned as they stepped into the light the man was tall with light skin and dark black armour.

"Screz" he spoke in a cheerful voice as he walked over to greet the figure shaking his hand.

"It has been awhile, so what do you bounty hunters need" Scez questioned as placed down a wrench which he had in his left hand.

"We have a clone called Cody who wants to remove his accelerated aging" the mandalorian armour wearing bounty hunter pointed to the clone trooper who was now stood towards the back. "Huh, alright I can do that, please the rest if you leave the room as it may get a bit messy" the bounty hunters walked out of the room but Obi wan turned tie his 212th friend and gave a reassuring smile before leaving as the door shut behind him. Cody looked back at the tall figure who made a gesture towards the machine Cody took a deep breath and then walked towards the machine. It sat down on the stretcher beside the machine as a his helmet was removed and a light flashed in his eyes from above causing him to squint. The Dr looked down from above at the former commander "your not the first clone to come here".

"Who were the others?" The commander questioned as a needle was put in his neck making him twitch.

"Someone called Blaze and another called Coric"

Before Cody could respond another pipe was plugged into his neck which cut him off from speaking.

"Now this is gonna hurt so I've made it so you can't talk" Scez warmed as he spoke he slowly turned on the machine sending waves of pain into the clone's body he wanted to scream but no noise came out his mouth. He was chained down so he could sit up either but he was thrashing around as this was the worst pain he has ever felt, even worse then when he was trapped under the gunship on Anaxes. Outside the bounty hunters were lined up against the wall and presumed it was going well as all they could hear was the machine inside.

20 minutes later

Kenobi had a thought reach his head as he turned to Bossk beside him "doesn't this mean I can slow down my aging" he questioned as the trandoshan turned to face him and rolled his eyes "no, since Cody was modified he can get those modifications taken away". The Jedi nodded as he turned away from the bounty hunter and as he did the door opened with Cody walking out. "How did it go?" Sugi questioned the soldier and he nodded after stumbling a bit "yep went fine, apart for the fact it hurt like hell" he cursed.

3 minutes later

They had payed the hospital and began walking towards the edge of town into a docking bay.

"So do you have any transport to get us out of here" Kenobi questioned.

"Even better, a ship" the young bounty hunter smirked as they came out to see a ship with the exact colours as the young mandalorian's armour.

The salve one.

Sorry the chapter isn't that good but the next chapter will be better I promise

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