Chapter 7: building an army

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(0BBU) (0 years before the battle of Utapau)

The shuttle landed on Vassek the planet had a blueish grey rock landscape with very little foliage but many mountains and jagged cliffs. Fog covered most of the planet but it wasn't very thick so it was easy to see through. The shuttle came to a landing on a platform which had many ships which looked partly destroyed. "Grevious, what happened here?"the General turned to face the senator and he just grunted a reply "this was my old base, but a year ago the republic sent the 212th to destroy my base while I was on Dathomir and they left it mostly destroyed, but i still keep my lightsabers here for safe keeping in a place no one will find them" the general pressed a button to open up the ramp and as he marched down with his dark black cape still covering him he turned to Tikkes "I will head inside, alone, if anyone comes leave without me" he growled as he marched towards the entrance of his place he once called home.

About 20 minutes past and Tikkes still stood there with the commando battle droids until he heard a hiss and the sound of cybernetics hitting metal. Out marched the cyborg with a black bag which he didn't have before he walked toward the separatist shuttle and once he got up the ramp he barked orders. "Head to Mon Cala" he shouted to the droid up front "yes sir" they both replied in unison and the ramp door shut as Grevious put the bag on the floor. "What's in the bag?" The separatist senator questioned and Grevious stared up at him as he opened it to show at least 100 lightsabers inside all with custom hilts and the Kaleesh took 2 of them out and hid them under his cape. "It's my collection" he responded not looking up ti face the Quarren as he threw the bag aside and stood beside it as the shuttle took off.

5 hours later

They finally arrive at the watery planet of Mon Cala where Grevious asked for a meeting with the leaders but the only issue was they couldn't head underwater as Grevious wasn't made for water so they agreed to meet on the shuttle. The shuttle came just above the palace of the Mon Cala king it hovered just above the water so the king could get on. Grevious and Tikkes stood next to each other as they ordered the commando droids to stand behind them so they didn't look like a threat. Some splashing from the water began as the Lee Char arose out of the water in his dark blue armour and his golden crown with water dripping off of him. Behind him came captain Ackbar the head of the army force and behind them were 2 Quarren with large spears. "King Char" the cyborg bowed his head to the king and the king stepped forward.

"Don't flatter me Grevious, I want to know the meaning of why Tikkes wants us to join the separatists, the war is meant to be over and we have already declared our neutrality?" the king hissed and Tikkes stepped forward to the Mon Calamari and put an arm around the king. "Listen this new empire the republic has created, try to kill me" immediately the king removed the arm and stepped back "kill you?, why on Mon Cala would they want to do that" he spoke in disbelief he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"This is run by a Sith Lord and has double crossed all the separatists and the Jedi" the Kaleesh added and then the king stroked his chin and turned to Ackbar who was standing there is mouth wide open. "Why should we believe you?" The king questioned and both of the separatists looked at each other "you don't have a reason to join us but sooner or later this will catch up with you and could destroy this planet you love so much" the Jedi killer argued and Lee Char closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He really didn't know wether he should believe these separatists but to be fair Tikkes had never been a bad person he was just always more on the side of the separatists which butted heads with Char as he preferred the republic overall.

"What do you want from us?" Ackbar asked staring at the leader of the separatists.

"We want you to help fund the separatist army's droids and build the separatists dreadnoughts and in exchange we will give you aqua droids to protect you but after the first year we will get funding from Skipio" the general barked.

The blue eyes of the golden Mon Calamari turned back Tikkes he was on the fence he was really debating wether Mon Cala would be better off with or without the separatists.

"What if the people reject" the king said in a very cold tone.

"They will follow your every word my king" the Quarren separatist pointed out.

After a minute of silence the king let out a sigh "I will join you".

"But my Ki—" the captain tried to speak but was cut off by Char "I'm willing to take a risk, the Jedi helped us take this planet and for them to be executed by the empire as they were trying to betray them I just don't believe" the king spat out "but if the empire finds out were working with the separatists they will—" Ackbar was cut off again but this time by Grevious.

"The empire doesn't even know about the separatists survival, and besides the empire doesn't need to know you are helping us you can lie, just don't let any imperials who find out about you joining the separatists leave this planet" the general ordered and the king gave a slow nod. "Now go tell your people about this alliance, and Tikkes go with them just in case, separatist forces will be arriving tomorrow" Grevious ordered and the people from Mon Cala gave a nod as Tikkes walked beside Ackbar and the group of 5 jumped back into the water. Finally the ramp shut again and Grevious shouted some orders "head back to Geneosis immediately".

7 hours later

The shuttle landed in the Geneosis and Grevious marched off with the commando droid behind him one of them holding his bag of blades. "Put it in my office" Grevious ordered and the commando droid nodded and rushed off as he signalled to the other commandos to stop following him. The hangar was now packed with battle droids and small Geneosis ships.

They were finally building the army of the separatists.

Grevious stood next to a super tactical droid with a green and white colour scheme called commander Ava. "Commander how have things been going?" Grevious questioned his his hands disappearing underneath his cape. "The king of Mon Cala contacted us and said the people are on the separatists side although some are hesitant and Poggle has ordered the construction of more factories and the factories we have at the moment have produced 200,000 battle droids of various kinds" once the tactical droid finished Grevious gave out a small cackle everything was going to plan.

"Soon once the separatists destroy the empire, we will be hailed as heroes and the name Grevious will be cheered around the galaxy" the cyborg snarled as he and Ava watched as more and more battle droids were created.

Finally the separatists were being rebuilt.

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