Chapter 6: Geneosis droid factories

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(0BBU) (0 years before battle of Utapau)

Grevious starfighter landed in the hangar of the Geneosian factory. When Poggle made a deal with the republic to leave jail he managed to make at least 5 small droid factories which made all kinds of droids although not as big as they used to be they will have to do. Grevious climbed out of his cockpit coughing and wheezing. He had landed right next to the shuttle that the other separatists leaders were in all 3 were infront of the starfighter waiting for their leader. The hangar was a darkish orange and it was also very empty with about 8 Geneosians spread out the large hangar. "General something has happened to the tactical it has shu—" Athe Mon calamari Senator tried to speak but was stopped by the Kaleesh who had marched past him "they have been shut down, we've all been screwed over by Sidious and his new galactic empire" he cursed.

The other senators stopped walking and just stared at the general who stopped just a few meters away. "So do we just give up" Poggle spoke in his native tongue but Grevious didn't move apart for his arms which went behind his back. "No quite the opposite archduke, we shall rebuild, this command does not effect new our new battle droids and we can reverse the effects, Dellso I want you to turn commander Derve back on, NOW" the cyborg ordered and the Geneosian gave a grunt and ran over towards commander Derve who was shut down just infront of the shuttle. The other 2 followed the droid general and once they reached a window that looked into the now shut down droid factory he turned to face them.

"I'm going to get fixed, I want you two to turn on the rest of the droid factories and Poggle get your Geneosians ready for battle just in case of an invasion then we will meet in the main office and talk what we will do moving forward" the cyborg didn't say anything else and walked towards a door on the left which opened and had a repair droid inside. The 2 senators watched the general leave and then began with what they were ordered.


4 hours later

The 3 surviving separatists stayed up in the office which looked down over the droid factory with commander Derve standing at the door while the others sat at a round table awaiting for the general. Finally the door opened and Grevious looked stronger and bigger he was now more white then tan and had a black cape covering his body the injury around near his organs no longer existed. "All Geneosians are ready at every droid factory and covering most of the planet with battle droids, droidcas, super battle droid's, super tactical droids and magna guards coming in slowly" the Geneosian leader grunted and Grevious let out a small cackle as he took a seat and stared at the separatist leaders. "Very good, soon over time we will make our droids smarter and stronger but for now these droids will do" Grevious croaked and placed his cybernetic elbows on the table and put his hands together starring at the remaining separatist leaders with his dark orange eyes which stood out even more because of his new paint job.

"Soon debt will catch up with us, how are we going to afford all these droids" Tikkes pitched in slamming his hand down on the table. "Do not fear, for the first year Mon Cala will be able to give us enough money for all these droids but first we must get them on our side, but in the second year we will begin expanding to other planets who will join the separatists" the general told the 3 leaders who all looked at each other with unsure eyes but Grevious was smarter then any of them really know. "We will recruit planets such as Mandalore,Trandosha and Scipio to join our alliance and Scipio will be our main source of income and once with have Scipio we can upgrade the droids much faster" the droid growled and stood up from his chair and went toward the window and looked over all the battle droids being created.

"Tikkes, you and me are heading to Vassek to my base for my lightsaber collection and the we will head to Mon Cala to get them on our side as they are wealthy and they are our main source of separatist ships, we will need a squad of Commando droids just in case things get, messy" the general ordered and the Quarren senator stood and bowed his head slightly towards his leader "very well" the senator stepped out of the room and when he did Grevious faced the 2 Geneosians "I want you 2 to make sure any imperial soldiers step on this planet, they never leave and capture some Geonosian hydra just in case, we can use them and get weapons ready immediately to make sure this planet can stand an attack against the empire but hopefully they don't know where we have have fled to so we should be fine" the general then put his hands out infront and marched towards the door while the 2 Geonosians stood up and looked out the window but before the general left he whispered to his commander. "Over see the droids and make sure Poggle doesn't use him for himself" the tactical droid nodded at the leader of the separatists and then Grevious left the room and after a short while made his way to the hangar where 10 commando droids were waiting with the Mon Cala Senator.

"Let's head to Vassek" the Kaleesh ordered and the commando droids saluted and ran inside the ship with 2 getting in the cockpit. The hangar was filled with battle droids, Geneosians and ships that the Geneosians were building which were smaller starfighters but they would do. As they stepped onto the shuttle the Quarren stayed in the back with 8 commando droids while Grevious stood behind the pilot putting his cybernetic hand in there seats. The ship backed up out of the hangar and out toward the dusty brown sky then into the darkness of space and finally to the bright blue hyperspace. They were rebuilding the separatists.

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