Chapter 19: replanning

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

"I'm sorry sir they got away" Skywalker's com buzzed from Admiral Yularen as he looked up at the sky seeing little flashes of Maul's ships escaping his grasp. He was fustrated. He lifted up his right cybernetic arm to answer the com "I will inform the emperor of your failure admiral" he growled through the com which made the clone wars veteran squeal down the other side. Vader was one thing but Sidious was another. "I understand sir" his voice was shaky as he stepped away from the com and down the bridge of the ship with scared or disapproving eyes staring at him from all directions.

The sith apprentice kneeled down next to the corpse of the fallen 10th brother as he did he heard his soldiers march through the rubble behind him it was commander Appo along with some of his troopers. "Sir we've arrested or killed any remaining crimson dawn or separatist forces" the clone commander of Vader's fist informed his leader "thank you Appo, get the ships ready but tell Captain Stars he will be staying here just to make sure" the former sith ordered as he stood tall next to his clone troopers "yes sir". The troopers stepped away from their leader as the 7th sister walked up behind Vader who did not stop staring at the corpse of one his inquisitors. "Do not worry we have more" the false sith told her master which only angered him.

"For everyone we loose we get closer and closer to no inquisitors" the sith apprentice snarled at the inquisitors who flinched back as her master turned around just then a 501st sergeant came behind the 2nd in command of the empire. He didn't say a word but Anakin noticed the clone and stepped away from the inquisitor and turned to face the new clone sergeant "prepare my shuttle" he growled and moved away out of sight of the 7th sister and clone sergeant.


Maul paced around the holotable as he looked at a map of the very few planet he now has under his rule of the crimson dawn. What was left of the pykes stood by their leader side with the the other leaders which are the black sun leader Ziton Moj and second in command of crimson dawn is Dryden Vos who was on a blue hologram. "What shall we do now, with the separatists and empire now knowing about you we have no chance, and with the three fourths of the Pyke Syndicate I think we shall just end this alliance" the leader of black sun snarled which did not stop the sith assassin from pacing around the table. "Damn Falleen" Maul cursed under his breath.

"What was that?" Ziton hissed.

"Nothing of your concern" the former sith apprentice sighed as he stopped pacing and looked at the holotable and everything that was projected. "What is your plan moving forward" Moj banged his hand down on the table which still didn't catch the Zabrak's attention but which made Marg speak up. "Do not rush lord Maul" he ordered from the other side of the table but before an argument could erupt between the pykes and black sun Maul shut it down. "Do not worry Marg I have an idea" the red and black Zabrak spoke somewhat lazily. All eyes were now on him as he stood tall with his hands behind his back.

"I will follow in the path of Grevious, we will build up our army of recruiting planets that reject the empire or that we are sure will be loyal to us, we will start with Dathomir and get all the recourses we need there and then we will move onto a new planet and slowly we will build up and soon be strong enough to take on the empire" he sounded proud and sure of himself as his eyes darted around the room as his words seem to have struck his crimson dawn warriors deep inside as they seemed eager to carry out this plan. Mauk turned and lifted up his right arm and opened his hand as his lightsaber hilt flew into his grasp and he turned back to his loyalists and ignited the red blade above his head. "For the crimson dawn" he cried and everyone lifted up their weapons or just a fist.

"For the crimson dawn".


The cyborg coughed as he turned on the holotable with Commander Kalani, Poggle the lesser and Fife by his side. "We have lost about 10,000 droids and 1,000 pykes in that battle but we still have many more droids and pykes to spare" the Kaleesh as he sat down in a large chair next to the holotable in his new dark blue cape and now with a new lower right arm. "Where to now" Poggle stepped next to the general marshal's chair and looked at him dead in the eyes but as the Geonosisan asked the question he just put his cybernetic hands together and began to think. He was a better strategist then people gave him credit for back in the clone wars and he was mocked for weeks after he was beaten by Gungans but he either had to kill those who disrespected him or threaten them. But now after what he has accomplished he has nothing but his followers respect.

"We shall head to Trandosha after Fife and his pykes head back to Kessel" the cyborg ordered.

"But sir Trandosha became a neutral system on day 754 of the clone wars how are you sure they will accept" Commander Kalani stepped forward awaiting a response from their master.

"I have worked along side king Gumbara long after Trandosha became neutral I see no reason why they wouldn't help us now" then Commander Keller stepped into the room.

"Sir the empire has sent a message out to the galaxy about the battle of Oba Diah" the tactical droids words made the separatist leaders reptilian dark orange eyes widen.

"Play that NOW!" He ordered.


"My apprentice has headed to Oba Diah and was shocked to find separatist remnants including the monster General Grevious, the thing that terrorised the galaxy for 3 years still breathing not only that but the snake Darth Maul still lives" just then a figure dresssed in black robes stepped into view next to the Sidious he had a mask on which covered his face and his hood up. The mask was black with only a red light from the visor which hasn't. "We will make sure that these two and their armies will fall to bring peace to the galaxy" the cracked voice of the sith apprentice sent chills down Kenobi's spine as the message ended and all the rebels had time to process what they had just seen.

"We need to stop them as they have taken not just my home but others aswell" Raddus moaned as he sat in his seat with Mon Calamari crew by his side. "We can not worry about the separatists for now we need to focus on our mission to Kashyyyk and get the help of the wookies" Mon Mothma voice out spoke everyone. Kenobi gave a nod as he saw a young orange Togruta Padawan step forward "Ahsoka will go get Tarful for us and will hopefully join the rebellion" Mothma announced and as the room broke into cheers the Jedi master went over to his grand apprentice and put a hand on her shoulder "please be careful" he ordered and she gave a small smirk "of course, I always better then Anakin at sneaking around".

"I don't know about that but let's just say you could be the new getting caught".

"Very funny master" she smiled at him.

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