Chapter 17: you are the father

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

The blue hologram shined in the room with 2 figures standing there talking down the rebellion leaders they were mandalorian "some of our mandalorians want to join you including some other clans" a very familiar voice could be heard under the helmet but no one tried to say who it was as Mon Mothma wasn't a fan of interruptions. "Why us, why not help the empire?" The former Senator Chandrila questioned but that's when the mandalorian warrior removed her helmet to reveal the ginger haired Bo-Katan Kryze sister of the late duchess Satine. This caught both Obi wan's and Ahsoka's attention as they had wondered what happened to Bo Katan and her warriors as they hadn't heard much about them ever since the rise of the empire.

"Because Saxon has joined the empire while clan Wren and Viszla have joined the separatist alliance so clan Kryze with clan Eldar and Rook want to join the rebellion" Kenobi stepped forward stroking his beard "I believe that may bring the empire and the separatists down on our heads, my lady". "No one needs to know Kenobi, no one even knows where your base is, just please tell us and we will be of help we want the empire and separatists gone more then anybody" she begged it was odd seeing a mandalorian beg but she was desperate as after all some of her closes friends are now with the empire and separatists.

"Very well, we are on Yavin 4, come here immediately" Mothma ordered which made the Kryze sister nod her head and disappear from the holotable.


A couple hours later ships could be heard outside landing many of the rebels rushed outside to see the 3 mandalorian clan ships land with many of the mandalorian warriors rushing out once the ship was on the ground. Bo Katan stepped out with her helmet by her side and the same mandalorian warrior from the hologram also next to her. Mon Mothma gave a small bow to leader or clan Kryze who gave one back in return "do you have housing for my people?" Bo Katan asked which Mon Mothma replied with the same stern face she always has "yes we have some tents, sorry we don't have anymore housing available—".

Before the Senator of Chandrila could carry on Bo put her hand up to stop the the senator from speaking and then began to talk herself "it's fine, it will do just fine". She and the other warriors began walking towards the tents with Mon Mothma by her side and Captain Rex along with Ahsoka Tano following the mandalorians to help them with housing. Cody watched as the ginger haired warrior left he had to be honest he liked what he saw.

A few hours later it was pitch black outside with many of the mandalorians sleeping along with the rebels. General Kenobi who was made a general by Mon Mothma looked around the mandalorian tents as he was checking the perimeter until he felt something grab his arm tightly and throw him into a tent. He head smacked against the floor as he fell into the tent he heard a small chuckle "sorry I didn't mean to hurt you that badly" a playful whisper could be heard to his right. He sat up holding the back of his head to see the leader of clan Kryze sitting on the bed with her helmet in her lap. "What was that for?" The Jedi master asked slowly getting up.

"I just wanted to tell you something" she crossed her arms and sat back on her bed.

Kenobi looked around the room to see a small lamp on a box and another bed which confused him as he didn't know who she would sleep with.

"What do you want to tell me my lady?" The blue eyes of the 212th general flashed up at the emerald eyes of the mandalorian warrior which made her let out a deep sigh as her face became serious.

"There's something my sister never told which she really wanted to" the Jedi raised an eyebrow he would've thought Satine would've told him almost everything as after all they were very close. "What is it?" The Jedi asked raising an eyebrow.

She didn't respond as she thought of a way to word it as she didn't want to come off rude or angry while saying it as she felt nothing against Obi wan. At least not anymore. "When you were 17 you and your master met Satine for the first time and you were around each other a lot". Obi wan had no idea where this was going but he just gave a slow and understanding nod towards the sister of Satine. Just then from the otherwise of the tent a noise could be heard of the flaps of the tent opening and closing. The light from the candle showed off the mandalorian warrior's markings on the left side of his armour it was the same one who was on the hologram and the one who walked beside Bo when she arrived but never said a word.

"Should I go?" Obi wan said as slowly lifted himself up from the bed but before he could get anywhere the male mandlorian warrior stopped him "no, just tell him already" the voice ordered. The Jedi master turned back to Bo katan where she let in a deep breath "do you know who Korkie Kryze is?".

"Well I've never meant him but I do know he was the nephew of Satine" Bo let out a small laugh under her breath as she muttered to herself in mando'a "stupid jetiise".

She looked up at the Jedi master again "no he's your son".

The the 212th Jedi light ocean blue eyes widened as he took a step back as he looked over at the male mandalorian again slowly realising who was under that helmet. Slowly the man removed his helmet to reveal Korkie the son of Satine and Obi wan Kenobi. The Jedi master ran over there and hugged his son he never knew he had which made the mandalorian drop his helmet. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, I promise I will stick by you, I swear" Kenobi had tears flooding out of his eyes and so did Korkie he had only found out who his father was just a year ago.

"Thank you dad" his now 22 year old son cried.

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