Chapter 10: battle on Geneosis

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(1ABU) (1 year after the battle of Utapau)

It has been a full year since order 66 and the separatists are still unknown to the empire. Grevious has now become the general marshal as he leads the separatist army while Poggle the Lesser and Tikkes have also become generals of the separatists and are second in command but leaders of their home planets. Gizor Dellso has become a commander aswell as captain Ackbar who was promoted to commander. Then droid army has grown significantly with 1,000,000 droids of all different kinds at their disposal and about 50 separatists dreadnoughts are almost ready. They have also captured local wild life such as Geneosis hydras and Acklays. Soon the separatists will expand to more planets slowly taking the galaxy from right under the empires nose.

The General Marhsal was on Geneosis inside the battle room by himself looking over the map of Geneosis he was planning as he knew very soon they would expand and the separatists would be bigger then ever before. The door behind him opened and he didn't bother to face who ever entered as he just looked at the red hologram on the holotable. The sound of metal hitting the hard rock of Geneosis caught the Kaleesh's attention so he turned his head and saw a orange and black tactical droid with its arms down by its side with a battle droid blaster in his left hand. "What is it Commander Keller?" The separatists leader questioned.

"An imperial star destroyer as just came out of hyperspace and has sent 9 imperial shuttles down" as the droid finished Grevious's slowly turned his head back to the planet's landscape on the red hologram. "Jam their communications make sure none of those shuttles leave the planet, we can not allow the empire to know where we are otherwise it could mean certain doom, begin the battle I will be down.....soon" the tactical droid gave a small bow and turned around with that he left the room leaving the general by himself to watch on the holomap as 160 clicks away from their base 9 imperial shuttle landed all filled with 20 stormtroopers.

The stormtroopers were all still clones but the empire is wanting to get a bigger army much quicker so they are planning on slowly stop producing clones until they are phased out and only normal human stormtroopers are left but of course the clones have no idea. The imperial shuttles land on the Geneosis with many white troopers come out with some sand printing so they blend in with the environment slightly more. As all the troops ran of the ramp the shuttles stayed put just in case they needed to call in to the star destroyer above. All these clones were lead by commander Stone of the 65th Coruscant guard he was sent to make sure the Geneosians won't be a threat to the empire. As the troops 180 soldiers began marching toward the base of the separatists which they just believe to be home to Geneosisians but how wrong they were.

As they marched over in the rocky light brown cracked terrain commander Stone began to see some small figures in the distance they were a yellowish colour they were slim and they were at least 300 marching towards them Stone put his hand up so his men would stop walking and slowly they all did. "What the hell" Stone cursed as grabbed some macrobinoculars off his belt and put them up to his visor and zoomed in. "Sir what is it?" A soldier walked beside his commander but underneath his helmet the clone commander jaw fell to the floor. "I don't believe it" the trooper spoke in disbelief as he put down the binoculars the soldier beside him was not confused "what is it sir?" He asked more aggressively "clankers" was the only word Stone could squeak out.

Before anything else could happen a cannon fired on the clones right in the middle of them which blew about 15 of them sky high and leaving many others injured. The clones ran for cover some of them dragging the injured and began to treat them. Stone ducked down behind a large rock as more cannon fire began with green lasers leaving huge craters on the ground. The commander got on his comm to reach the shuttles that they had left 40 minutes ago. "Pilots we have found battle droids, it seems the Genenosisans have began creating battle droids" the clone almost shouted down the other side as he used his blaster pistol to fire at the battle droid's which were slowly approaching across the hit desert. "Don't worry we'll get this information to the star destroyer right away" the soldier on the other side responded.

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