Chapter 18: battle on Oba Diah

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Uatpau)

The small shuttle landed down on the warm planets surface as did other separatist shuttles land around Grevious's one. He stepped out followed by his signature commando droids and magna guards which followed the black caped menace off the ship as the Pyke leader of Kessel watched as separatist forces landed on the planet of spice mines. "Fife" Grevious gave a small bow as he marched up to the Pyke "General Grevious, your visit is very unexpected" his voice croaked as the Kaleesh stopped just infront of him. His dark orange eyes stared straight into the soul of the Pyke but he was one of few who was not intimidated by the general as he has seen far worse in his years. "I'm here to give you an offer you can't refuse" this made the Pyke cross his arms and curse at the cyborg under his breath.

"Let me guess, you want me to join you and break up with the other half of my crime syndicate" the Fife spat but the Jedi killer just let out a thick low chuckle as he stood tall over the Pyke while slaves worked around the separatists and pykes. "No, I want to help you" Fife tilted his head as he looked on at the mechanical monster "help me with what?".

"I've heard you've grown frustrated with your leader Marg Krim as you see him as unfit to rule your syndicate" the Kessel leader flinched back in slight surprise to hear the cyborg cough out his words. "How did you kn—" before the Pyke could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Grevious as he had the answer to the pyke's question "my droids have done some scouting over the past two years, I can help you become the leader of the syndicate and if it fails then you will still have Kessel the more powerful of the two planets". Fife stood still unsure of what to say next as he had never liked Marg Krim and found him inferior to the past 2 leaders he had seen in his years, he was easily tricked and was unfit for leadership which was somewhere Fife excelled at. "When do we leave?" The Pyke questioned as he small smile escaped his lips from his sharp voice "once my forces surround you planet in order to protect it, then we leave for Oba Diah".

After about a day Grevious and some of the pykes went back up into the flag ship called the Oceans smoke where the black and gold super tactical droid named Commander Khallus was waiting. They took off as they readied for a battle that they would never forget.

Grevious's flagship along with 2 other of the General's dreadnoughts exited hyperspace. It was midnight on the planet. As the Kaleesh and Pyke headed down to the surface on shuttles with many battle droids and Fife loyalists at their sides. As the cyborg marched through the doors with Fife and his battle droids and pykes by his side into the throne room of Marg Krim he saw something unexpected.

"Maul?" The Jedi killer growled aloud which made the red and black Zabrak bat an eye with an equal amount of disgust on his face. "Grevious, why the hell are you here" his voice shook with anger at the cybernetic beast "you said we ended our relationship with crimson dawn" the leader of the Kessel pykes shouted at his Krim. "We were just discussing negation, but it seems like you have new allies for us?" Marg Leader back in his throne as stared at the separatist forces at the large door. "We are not your allies, we are taking this planet wether you like it or not" the Kaleesh warlords shouted towards the Pyke which made the night brother's eyes narrow at the Kaleesh.

"The pykes fight for the crimson dawn not for the separatists" he would not allow his power to be taken away especially not from this cyborg. The one that slaughtered the nightsister his mandalorian warriors and his mother all right infront of him. "I'm afraid so as Fife will take his place as leader of the Pyke Syndicate" the Jedi killer snarled at the sith assassin which made the Pyke leader glare at his second in command "Fife is this true?" He spat.

"Your a pathetic ruler Krim, I weak minded piece of bantha fodder, they need a real ruler" he had a low menacing growl in his voice which surprised Krim as he always thought Fife to be a loyal soldier but it seems like he thought wrong.

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