Chapter 2: order 66

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(0BBU) (0 years before battle of Utapau)

1 hour later

"My lord, we are loosing the battle of Utapau and it is unlikely we will be able to make a come back" Grevious kneeled before the blue hologram of the cloaked figure in black. The room the cyborg stood in had black walls and the only light was the one from the hologram, all while magna guards were standing at the entrance of to the room. "Retreat to Mustafar and regroup with the separatist leaders, i soon to be apprentice will meet you there" the Sith Lord replied and the Kaleesh went back to his feet standing up straight to face the leader of the republic "as you wish, my Lord" the hologram disappeared and the blue light in the room disappeared. The general turned around and marched towards the exit his magna guards following him out of the black room and down the hall into a room with a glass pane which looked over much of Pau city.

In the room was a blue and black super tactical droid it stood with its arms behind its back watching the battle unfold with explosions happening all around the battle field. "Commander Derve, order any spare droids to retreat to mustafar but leave the ones on the battle field as a distraction for the 212th, we can not let them know we are escaping" the general told the droid and the droid nodded "by your command" it replied. Grevious walked down a stair way with his 2 magna guards following him as he reached the bottom he stood infront of a door which went out into the battle field but before the cyborg exited he turned to his magna guards. "I'm taking my Tsmeu towards my star fighter, I want you 2 to guard me as I head there" the 2 droids nodded and Grevious exited out the door onto the battle field.


"I want those rotary cannons up here now" the commander of the 212th ordered. At the moment they were stuck as droids had them blocked from letting their soldiers on the ground from being able to enter the upper levels. Cody's force was stuck behind cover which was mainly rubble from the buildings with no artillery at the moment. Him and the platoon of men with him began to take heavy casualties as the battle droids and super battle droids began to advance of the troops. Thanks to General Grevious cutting down many of the Cody's men they had none in the area so he was stuck with a platoon.

Cody was up on the front lines as heavy fire rained down on his troops as the battle droids came closer the clones couldn't get out of cover without being shot and if you stayed in cover the droids would slowly make their way towards you and shoot you.

"Where are those rotary blasters?" the commander shouted again at his troops with frustration building up in his voice"we don't know, sir" a clone further to the back replied.

"Oh great" the 212th commander muttered as he heard the droids footsteps get closer and closer to him "this was it" he thought to himself. The last year of the war hasn't been great for him first he was injured in the crash of the LAAT gunship then a rocket almost hit him scaring the hell out of him. Now battle droids slowly approaching on his position with nothing he could do. He was about to get on the com to tell the clones further back to try and retreat but he then heard a massive crash behind him. He noticed no blaster fire was coming.

The clone commander peaked out from the rubble and saw his Jedi general on a lizard like creature crushing and cutting down many battle droids.

He heard many of his men cheer out.

"The general has arrived"

"We're saved"

"Alright men cut the chatter and help out the general" Cody ordered and his men charged forward blasting down many of the clankers. Obi wan jumped up off of Boga and landed on the group perfectly in between 2 of the super battle droids he cut them down with a perfect slash in the chest in both of them. He then turned quickly and deflected a shot back into the droids head sending it down instantly. "The Z-6 rotary blaster cannons are here" a clone trooper shouted which made the clone commander turned his head as he saw two 212th clones carrying the heavy weapons rushing towards him. "Blaze, Blinker where were you two when I was calling you?" Cody demanded you know as he faced the two clones.

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