Chapter 12: lost and found

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(1ABU) (1 year after the battle of Utapau)

The slave one was travelling through space along with the Hound's Tooth which belonged to Bossk. A few months ago Embo, Sugi and Dengar had left the group so now only Obi wan, Cody, Boba, Aurra and Bossk remained they were all still bounty hunters and never really worked for the empire just in case they would recognise Cody or Kenobi. Bossk and Cody were in the Hound's tooth while Sing, Boba and the Jedi were in the slave one. They flew down the Alderaan so they could rest after a long day of bounty's.

They were on a mountain which overlooked the capital city of Alderaan called Aldera where Bail Organa lived. The night sky was beautiful as Kenobi sat outside with his feet dangling over the edge of the cliff just gazing at the bright white stars. The Jedi master laid back in the grass until he heard footsteps down the ramp of the slave one "Obi wan, Obi wan" the clone commander called which got the Jedi's attention "what is it Cody?". Kenobi sat up and turned his head to the 212th trooper "Senator Organa, he's contacting us" his words immediately got the 212th generals attention as he got up and ran towards the slave one rushing last Cody without saying a word.

What would Senator Organa be contacting Bounty hunters for? The thought ran through Kenobi's head as the door opened he saw the 3 other bounty hunters crowded around a small blue hologram of a man. He heard Cody run up behind him as they both slowly walked into the cockpit and as they hit closer they started to make out features of the person like they had black hair along with facial hair. "We want you bounty hunters out of here now, you are scaring my people" the Senator demanded but the bounty hunters were all unphased "we're not here for a bounty" Boba argued and before Bossk could back the young Jango Fett clone up Kenobi came into view of Senator Organa which caught his eye.

"Master Kenobi?" The Alderaan Senator questioned.

"Senator Organa, it's good to see a familiar face" Kenobi smirked and Cody came in behind Obi wan.

"The Commander isn't trying to kill you?" The Bail crossed his arms and raised eyebrow while Obi wan just shrugged "it's a long story".

"Come down to my palace I want to speak with you, bring the bounty hunters with you" Kenobi hesitatingly nodded as the hologram disappeared while all the bounty hunters looked at each other with similar confused faces. "What just happened?" the trandoshan asked but no reply came as Obi wan opened the door and looked back at the group "you heard him, let's go to the palace immediately" Kenobi ordered and Bossk, Boba and Cody followed but Sing lagged behind as her fists clenched. She wasn't a fan of the Jedi and clone and was planning to get rid of him, the easy way.


The group walked to the palace with the people of the planet giving the group disgusted looks or just run away in terror since Alderaan never took kindly to bounty hunters and most were arrested who stepped foot on any of the cities. Once they had made their way to the palace Bail Organa stood outside with his wife and guards by his side as the group strutted up with Kenobi giving a small bow. "Senator Organa, it's great to see you" he smiled as he shook the hand of the the Jedi master "come inside, we have something to discuss".

10 minutes later

"A rebellion!" Obi wan couldn't believe what he was hearing people are actually standing up against the empire, they must be crazy. The Jedi paced up and down the main room while the Senator sat on the a white and blue with a drink in his hands with his wife sat beside him. The bounty hunters stood behind Obi wan with Bossk,Cody and Boba are interested in what the rebellion is. "Who's part of it?" The Jedi questioned as he stopped pacing and faced the Senator "me, Mon Mothma and a few other systems but it's small, very small" the Senator's sighed.

"Senator Amidala?"

Organa looked up at the Jedi who's light blue eyes had turned big and sad like he knew the answer "no, she stands by the empire" he shook his head.

"Why" the master questioned.

"I don't know" the Senator lied as he knew the truth but he wasn't ready to tell Obi wan, not yet at least.

"Anyway how did you get the Cody to not attack you" Organa asked quickly changing the subject.

"It was a chip in my head, it's in all clones" the commander spoke up.

"Can we take these chips out" Bail ran his hand through his short black hair as Kenobi let out a sigh "we can but it will take time, too long". The Alderaan but his lip as silence fell in the room all wondering what to do "can I head to the bathroom" Boba asked as the Senator nodded "sure". This earned him a confused look from his wife "but Bail, he's a—" before she could finish he put a hand up and stopped her "I know, but I want to see if I can trust him, how can I trust him if I don't let him try things alone". The queen looked back at her feet as the young bounty hunter rushed off out of sight. "Kenobi, I just want to tell you about other Jedi survivors that I know of" the master Jedi faced the Senator with large eyes he thought he was the only one to survive.

"Master Yoda, but he's on Dagobah and needs to rethink everything and has says he will come back when he is the right mind as at the moment he is pretty shaken" Obi wan's mouth dropped as he knew Yoda would've survived as he was the most powerful Jedi alive, hundred of clones would try and kill him and still fail. "Okay" Kenobi trie duo say as calmly as possible which earned him a smirk from on the Senator of Alderaan "but now I have a very important question" Kenobi looked up waiting for the question from the Senator.

"Our rebellion is small but it will be helped from a man like you, and all the bounty hunters, so what do you say?" Bail asked and Obi wan nodded with a huge grin forming on his face.

"Of course, what about you guys" he looked behind him at the bounty hunters and Cody nodded "I go where ever yo go Kenobi" Cody said crossing his arms but Aurra just rolled her eyes as she was clearly not interested in fighting the empire. "I'm in if Boba's in" the reptilian hissed which earned him a glare from Sing "what?" She growled.

"You can't be serious, this rebellion stands no chance" she snarled.

"Yeah well if Cody and Obi wan believe it in then I do too" the Trandoshan snapped back but this just made Aurra angry as she didn't have a ship and she knew that Boba and Bossk were very close she would just be left by herself on Alderaan.

"Oh no your not" she lifted up her blaster pistol and in the blink of an eye shot down the 2 guards of Senator Organa's and then she pointed it at Bail which made everyone else raise their weapons.

"I'm sure if I eat you out the empire will give me thousands of credits" he cackled as she aimed towards Organa and prepared to pull the trigger.

A blast went off.

But it wasn't from Aurra's gun.

She fell to the floor with a blaster hole in her stomach as Boba revealed himself as smoke left his blaster.

"I'm in, so where are we going" the boy asked and Obi wan switched off his blade and looked at Bail as he replied "we are going to Yavin 4 we will meet Mon Mothma there".

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