Chapter 16: greatest warriors in the galaxy

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

The holotable on Geonosis was surrounded by generals and commanders of the separatists alliance. Some on holograms others standing there in person. The general Marshal looked over the red holotable which had a hologram of all of known galaxy with all of the planets. The planets of Kalee,Naboo,Geonosis,Mon Cala, Skipio and all of Hutt space was owned by the separatists right under the empire's nose and little did they know it was growing everyday. Everyone surrounded the holotable with general Jabba for Hutt space general Tikkes, King Lee Char and Commander Ackbar for Mon Cala. General Clanse Villa for Skipio the general for Kalee was the brother of the Jedi killer Various Landore. Finally the Geonosian general was Poggle the Lesser with Commander Gizor Dellso along with all the tactical droid commanders such as commander Derve, Commander Ava, Commander Keller, Commander Khallus, Commander Raider and Commander Kalani.

In the past year the battle droids have been upgraded with high intelligence but that also meant the droids were better thinkers and didn't just do whatever they were told if they think it wouldn't work. But this made them more expensive but it was worth it as they have 10,000,000 droids at their disposal of various types.

"What do we do now Grevious, you have stopped expanding, why!" the Hutt grunted in his native language through the blue hologram. "I am concerned if we grow too big that the empire will stop as in our tracks and destroy the alliance" the general marshal didn't even look at the slug as he was too focused on the hologram. "Then what should we do, as we can't just stop" the king of Mon Cala spoke out but then a dark pink and purple tactical droid stepped forward it was commander Raider. "Sir I have an idea" the cyborg cocked his head towards the droid commander.

"We have recently located some Mandalorian warriors on the planet of Krownest, after this we could expand to crime syndicates or other Mandalorian warriors but if it does fail we may just have to go back to planets and be extremely cautious" the deep voiced tactical droid finished which made the Kaleesh stroked the bottom of his cybernetic jaw. He was in deep thought. Finally he looked back up at the tactical droid "who is the clan leader?".

"Ursa Wren" the droid replied.

"Look up Ursa Wren and give me all the data you have on her" he barked and the tactical droid nodded and then left the room.


The leader of Clan Wren sat on her throne with her people before her and with her husband by her side along with her 2 children Sabine and Tristan. The hologram of her friend Bo-Katan stood infront of her with her blue helmet under her arm. "I can't believe this, how can the empire do this to us" Wren complained she was furious over the empire having Gar Saxon as the new leader it was probably due to his loyalty to the empire. "He is a disgrace to the Mandalorian name and they just want us to go along with this" the Kryze hissed. "What can we do?" Ursa asked and before the mandalorian on the other side could respond the ground started to shake on Krownest. The cure of her children could be heard so quickly her husband Alrich ran over to to them while Ursa put on her helmet pulling out both of her blaster pistols.

"What's going on?" The ginger haired Mandalorian asked.

"I don't know?" Ursa replied swiftly.

One of her warriors rushed inside "Wren, ships are landing" he shouted to her.

"Empire?" She asked.

"No, separatist" she raised an eyebrow at the warrior but before she could say a word she saw shuttles landing outside and separatist dreadnoughts in the sky above. "Alrich take the children out the back and Tambor go with him" she ordered as the husband and children of Wren along with a female mandalorian warrior rushed outside the back as the doors burst opened to reveal the leader of the separatists.

"Grevious" she hissed as all weapons were pointed at him.

But the general did something unexpected and raised his up and the battle droids behind him did not fire "we are not here to fight instead we are here to recruit you". The cracked voice of the general echoed around the room which left many members of clan Wren confused. "Why would we want to work for you" Ursa spat after a few seconds of silence and confusion.

"You all believed the separatists were dead, we are not, we have survived and now the separatists alliance will be reborn and will take down the empire" he growled at the warriors in the room with many of the warriors beginning to lower their weapons even Ursa but Bo was not fooled. She was about to speak out but Grevious saw her hologram and spoke first "Lady Bo-Katan you remember me, I helped you try and over throw Mandalore" all eyes turned to the leader of clan Kryze but her expression did not change.

"You never got us anywhere you just put us back ti where we started" she snarled at Grevious but he was not phased as his attention turned back to Ursa Wren. "So what do you say, will you join us?" The Jedi killer questioned. Ursa couldn't believe her self she was actually interested in the separatists plan but she still was unsure. "What makes you think I'd want to join and overthrow the empire?" The cyborg let out a small cackle and took a step forward which earned him all blasters pointed at him again.

"I have read a lot about you, about your distaste for the empire but you live with it which is something you shouldn't have to deal with, I can help you as the separatists are growing everyday, we have the banking clan and the Hutts at our side along with many others and we can have you by our side and with your help we can over throw the empire" Wren lowered her weapons and signalled to all her other members to do the same. "Ursa you can't be serious" the voice of Bo said behind her she turned and saw disbelief in the Kryze's eyes. "I'm sorry but this is the chance I've been waiting for I don't want my children to grow up in a bleak world with the empires rule" immediately the hologram of Bo-Katan disappeared and as it did Ursa turned back to the Jedi killer.

"Clan Wren will stand by your side" as she finished Grevious let out a small cackle as he got on the com to his flag ship with Commander Raider on telling him the good news. "That is good to hear, you will become a general within the separatist alliance" Grevious chuckled as he circled her.

"But do not tell a soul of our existence and keep it hidden away as the empire must not know of the separatists alliance survival".

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