Chapter 20: a deadly mistake

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(2ABU) (2 years after the battle of Utapau)

The ship of the young Padawan landed on surface of Kashyyyk just a few miles away from the Origin tree. Kashyyyk was really wanted by the republic and now the empire. The planet had a perfect position in the galaxy and rare recourses. Aswell as Wookies which could easily be turned into slaves for the empire and across the galaxy. The blue x-wings wings came together as the glass cockpit lifted up to reveal the orange Togruta. She jumped down and looked around her surroundings.

A Wookie village was just a few miles and it was still filled with wookies and hopefully Tarful. The wookies had sent the rebellion Tarful's position but since he is the most wanted wookie by the empire it is unknown if he's still there.

Lady Tano made her way through the thick green bush. The planet was filled with small insects and reptiles which lived on the forest floor or inside the trees of the Kashyyyk the planet was rich with these creatures and it fascinated many people such as Gree and Ahsoka herself. As she went over the hill she saw the village just down below. It was covered in plant life and only a handful of wookies were inside the village. Mostly higher ups which fought in the clone wars. They were all wanted by the one with the biggest bounty on his head was the leader of these wookies. Tarful.

Ahsoka made her way towards the village cutting down the occasional snake that jumped at her with her blade. Once she arrived at the tree which had a small footpath leading up to the main building above a wookie jumped down behind her which made her quickly look back. She didn't know this wookie but he looked bug and strong and let out a clam growl. All jedi were taught alien languages but only people who were really interested learned about Wookie which Ahsoka did but she did not know much. She gave a small smile towards the fury animal and gave a small nod putting her arms behind her back.

"I'm Ahsoka Tano, the rebellion sent me, and you are?" She questioned as the wookie returned with a might growl.

"Geamba It's nice to meet you" she extended her hand and the wookie Lieutenant took it but then quickly pulled her into a hug as his strong arms wrapped around her back which made her giggle slightly. "Okay, okay" she said and pulled back "shall we go see Tarful" the Wookie gave a small nod and gestures towards her to walk up the stairs so she did and Geamba followed her he was draped in armour which was something wookies hated doing as for the most part they were pretty peaceful animals. But this is what the empire has done it has turned peace into a legend as Geamba was kitted out with a bowcaster and had ammunition for the deadly weapon.

As she arrived at the top she saw Wookies were gathered around a map of Kashyyyk. She couldn't see much but she could tell that the wookies were fighting a loosing battle as most of the daggers which were in the map were imperial daggers and only a few daggers showed wookies. She was about to introduce herself but a Geamba let out a loud roar which started the 13 Wookies who all turned the to face the Jedi Padawan. "Hello I'm Ahsoka I was sent here by the rebellion I'm looking for Tarful, is he here?" She asked the Wookies then talked amongst themselves but in no time at all stepped the warrior Wookie called Tarful.

He wore silver armour and also wielded a bowcaster. They were hard to see but you could see scars and wounds in his fur from previous battles that he's fought some looking very recent. "Tarful I'm here for neogations" once she finished he let out a welcoming roar followed by an immediate answer to her question. His roars translates to "I will join you, no matter what the cost, my people have suffered for long enough from the empire and Trandoshans the Wookies will help you in whatever way we can".

She was surprised about how little convincing it took but the Wookies had been abused by the empire and are finally putting their foot down. All of a sudden 3 large separatists dreadnoughts came out of hyperspace and were quickly approaching Kashyyyk's neighbour Trandosha. All the Wookies late out small roars before Ahsoka quickly turned ti the group and spoke quickly "I'm going to check that out, I will contact Mon Mothma and tell them about our treaty, they will come here shortly in the mean time I'm going to jump on my ship and see what the separatists want with Trandosha" she quickly ran down the long stairs as the Wookies were just left staring at the separatists ships. What could they want.


The cyborg walked along side the King of Trandosha named Gumbara in his castle "I'm so glad you are willing to join the separatists especially after everything that had happened during the clone wars". Gumbara's growled in response "the empire have been taking all the Wookies for themselves and we want our sport back. We will support the Separatists in any way we can". The general marshal let out a small cough as they walked down the long stairs both separatist leader and Trandoshan leader have their security. "I'm so glad to here this, I will head back to Geonosis and your troops should arrive tomorrow" he informed the Trandoshan who gave a small bow. The Jedi killer followed by his magna guards and droidekas followed him into the small separatist shuttle which headed out towards the separatists dreadnoughts including the flag ship called the Empire's nightmare.

"Commander Keller we have a treaty with the Trandoshans take off once we land and send our droids tomorrow" Grevious contacted the tactical droid through his com "very good sir but a ship has somehow made its way into our hangar it was off the grid and we didn't detect it but I send a squad to check it out and have conformed it was an X-wing".

"An X-wing?" The Kaleesh hissed in confusion. He knew the empire didn't use X-wings and definitely didn't use ones that were off the grid so who did this belong to. "Once I land take off and maybe our stowaway will reveal themself" he ordered. Once the shuttle finally landed the dreadnoughts left Trandosha leaving Ashoka trapped on the beams above the hangar looking down as Grevious stepped out flanked by his IG-100 magna guards as he was drenched in his dark orange cape. Ahsoka didn't know what to do she was trapped on the separatist ship and the only coms she had were on her X-Wing. She thought it might be a good idea to follow Grevious back to his base but she would probably end up getting caught and she did not want to take Anakin's place as the master of getting caught.

A B1 battle droid ran up to the leader of the separatists and showed him his data pad this distracted Tano long enough for a prob droid to sneak up behind her and fire a blaster bolt at her. This startled her and made her fall to the ground but luckily landing in her feet but of course every droid knew she was here. The magna guards ignited their weapons and the droids in the hangar all aimed their weapons at the former Jedi. Ahsoka was helpless she was sure she wouldn't make it out of this alive. Slowly the reptilian eyes of the Kaleesh landed on and met the eyes of the Togruta. He raised a cybernetic hand along with a small chuckle "Ahsoka Tano, it has been a while almost 3 years".

Her eyes narrowed at the sight of the cybernetic monstrosity.

"Grevious" she cursed under her breath.

The droid began walking towards her as she force pulled her blades off her belt and ignited the pure white blades of the weapons but Grevious stopped his droids from ruining his fun. "Back away I want to see how this young one is since we last met" he snarled as the droid held their positions as the general marshal removed his cape and moved his hands down to his belt and removed 2 lightsabers and ignited one in his left hand and one in his right. He spun them and crouched down a bit to get into a better battle stance "attack Tano show me what you've got" the cyborg challenged which made the Togruta burst as him with high speed.

She jumped and their blades but the general quickly pushed back and sent his blue blade crashing back into her guard which she successfully blocked. The Kaleesh pushed on and tried to sweep her feet but she jumped then tried to land a successful blow from above but she just jumped to the side and kicked Grevious in the face which made him stumble back and spat out "impressive". He then ranked into her with his right shoulder which made her stumble back towards the droids behind her. Grevious knew he would win this fight but it would take time but time wasn't something he had as he was running the separatists so his dark orange reptilian eyes landed on the magna guard behind her and gave a small nod to the droid.

It ignited its vibro staff and lunged at Tano which she blocked and then kicked the droid away and then quickly in one swift move cut the droid in half but was too late to see the cyborg jumping at Ahsoka once she turned the talon foot of Grevious was around her face and sent her to the floor and made her drop her lightsabers. She hit the ground hard as the Kaleesh let out a loud cackle which filled the hangar. "Oh Tano, you've improved but by little" she struggled under the foot of Grevious until she became unconscious. But he wasn't going to kill her as he had figured out that this was the work of the rebellion as he had heard rumours about them and since the X-wing was off the grid it confirmed his suspicions. He was gonna get ransom for her. He was going to contact the rebellion through her X-wing.

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