Chapter 3: saving the commander

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(0BBU) (0 years before the battle of Utapau)

Grevious waisted no time began attacking he jumped across the small bit of water in between him and the 212th clones and once he had jumped across he caught one clone underneath his cybernetic talon. He sliced a clone to the right of him with his green lightsaber which went right through the troopers chest and quickly after that crushed the clone underneath his foot. He lifted up his foot and threw the crushed clone trooper towards the other clones knocking over 2 and then charged around to his right impaling an orange clone with his 2 blades. Kenobi immediately came under fire and and blocked all blasts towards him but refused to hit any back at his once loyal soldiers. He had fought alongside many of these men for 3 years and that wasn't a bind easily broken.

He forced pushed 3 clones over sending them falling into the water behind them but it seemed like he didn't need to do anything else as the Kaleesh had it covered. The 2 clones that he had thrown a clone at earlier he finishes off with 2 quick stabs with his blades and charged towards the remaining 5 clones which opened fire on him. The general rammed into one so hard the clone passed out he then sliced the 2 beside him across the chest and impales the one infront of him and finally with his 2 blades and in one quick swoop he decapitated the last soldier. Obi wan kneeled down to his past out clone commander and began to shake the trooper "Cody" he muttered as he began CPR again desperate to wake his friend up.

"It seems like the clones have turned against you Kenobi, strange?" As stood across the lake staring at the man who was desperately trying to save his friend. All of a sudden clones shouting with troopers rushing to their position and Cody's com went off "sir where are you, what happened?" A clone began to question on the other side but for now Kenobi switched it off as he felt the clone commanders heart beat. He breathed a small sigh of relief and removed the helmet of the soldier he looked okay he was just unconscious for the moment. As the sound of clones came closer the Jedi killer had no time to stay and kill his old enemy. The general fled far away from Kenobi but the Jedi didn't care he gave up with Grevious right now his biggest concern was Cody and why the clones are trying to kill him.

That's when it hit him harder then lightsaber striking him right through the chest.

"The chips" he muttered.

He didn't have any time to think as he looked behind him and saw the clones really close by but that is when he saw Boga slip out of the water he rushed over to her.

"It's okay girl, it's okay" Obi wan stroked the creature calming her down and quietly whispering to the creature, soothing it. He quickly grabbed a dead 212th trooper and put him on the back of Boga. "Go girl, go" Obi wan harshly whispered as he whistled and the creature ran towards the incoming clones then Obi wan focused his attention back to Cody as he heard the clones chase after Boga. He put the 212th Commander over his shoulder and ran into hangar 1 he had to be careful to stay out of sight of the clones and remove this chip from Cody.


The leader of the separatists made his present known by running down the hallways and cutting through many of the clones without a second thought. He did think it was strange how the clones turned on General Kenobi due to the fact that he was the general but he didn't have time to think about that he just needed to evacuate his forces to mustafar and rebuild. He got on his com and radios into the commander. "Commander Derve do you have the force prepared?" He questioned as he rushed through the blue halls with one sabre activated  cutting down a trooper as he talks "sir, we have ran into republic forces at our shuttles we cannot break through, we need your support even then I don't think we have a chance" the tactical droid spoke back in its usual cold soulless voice.

"Crap" the cyborg stopped in his tracks as he looked around the halls wondering what he could do. But it finally came to him he needed another lightsaber wielder by his side one that can use the force. Obi wan Kenobi.

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