Chapter 15: clone troopers

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(1ABU) (1 year after the battle of Utapau)

The Hounds tooth was coming in for a landing on Seelos. Bossk had allowed the Obi wan,Ahsoka and Cody to take the ship since all the other ships were fighters. As they flew about 100 metres above the rocky terrain Cody was on the scanners looking for any form of life while Jedi master and his grand Padawan flew the ship. "I'm not picking anything up, yet" the clone commander sighed as he sat back in his chair. He was really missing Rex and all of his brothers including the ones who are gone like Ponds, Waxer, Boil, Longshot , Crys and Hevy. Kenobi knew that Cody was struggling and he offered his comfort for his friend but the clone's wounds were healing that easy.

Finally a red dot flashed on the scanners and it began beeping which caught the 212th commander's attention as he sat and looked over the scanner."I have something" he almost shouted which caught the attention of the two Jedi "where?" Ahsoka questioned. "500 clicks south east" he spoke with determination in his voice, he wanted to find Rex and who ever else he brought with him. The ship turned and started heading towards south eats towards the red dot and as they got closer the noise of the red dot got louder and louder until eventually the Jedi saw it up ahead.

"An AT-TE, walking all by itself?" The Jedi master questioned as Cody ran in behind them and put his hands on both their chairs "Kenobi use your brain it's clearly belongs to some clone's" Cody hissed which made the Jedi master roll his eyes "I'm just not trying to get my hopes up in case it isn't them" he muttered to himself. As they got closer the republic artillery stopped and the ship landed just behind it. The AT-TE didn't look to modified on the outside but on the inside it might be a different story.

The trio exited the trandoshan's ship they stood and waited for the owners of the best piece of republic artillery would exit. "Maybe no one's home?" The teenager chuckled to herself but just as she finished the door finally opened and 3 former republic soldiers stepped out in their armour.

One wore commando gear with yellowish highlights and a blue lit up visor. Another wore grey armour with a slightly different visor to the normal clone trooper and the finally one had blue armour with jaig eyes. "Who are you" the blue trooper shouted before eye he even reached the edge of AT-TE but once he did his eyes lit up as he removed his helmet "Ashoka, Cody, general Kenobi" his jaw dropped to the floor as Tano gave a small smile towards the clone trooper. Gregor also then stood attention "general, Commander" he saluted to his 212th leaders. While Woffle had never really worked alongside any of them much he had heard their names before so he saluted aswell.

"Hey Rex" Ahsoka called up to him which left a big grin on his face.

But before anyone else could say a word footsteps could be heard inside the AT-TE. Outstepped a clone trooper in dark green armour with a visor who none of the trio on the ground had ever really seen before.

"Doom" Rex greeted the commander as he stood out and looked down at the group down below as he placed his hands on the railings "well this is unexpected" he said as he crossed his arms.

(You may be saying, hey Doom wasn't on the AT-TE so why have you decided to include him and I respond to that with there is a 15 year difference from season 7 to rebels so I like to think there were other clones on the AT-TE but they just left)

"Why don't you come inside, and we talk" Gregor suggested but Kenobi shook his head "sorry we can't unfortunately, we need to head back to the rebellion and bring you with us". The clone's looked surprised by the Jedi master's words.

"Wait the rebellion wants us, they want the ones who destroyed the republic" Woffle raised an eyebrow under his helmet "yeah, you all are commanders so you would make great allies to the rebellion" Ahsoka shouted to the group.

"Can we take the AT-TE?" Gregor asked with a worried tone.

"Yes we'll attach it to the hounds tooth" Cody said reluctantly which made Gregor scream out in joy "hell yeah let's go" he jumped down off the AT-TE and towards the trio giving his former commander a hug.

"Gregor your forgetting our accelerated aging, we won't be much help for long" Rex warmed but the Jedi master let out a chuckle "you don't need to worry about that" he smirked as all the clones began looking at each other.


Woffle,Gregor and Doom sat on the bench all with massive headaches while Cody, Obi wan and Ahsoka all standing up leaning against the wall waiting for Rex to come out of Dr Screz room. Finally the door opened and the 501st clone had a massive headache. "How are you feeling?" Cody asked Rex just gave a thumbs up "worse" he moaned "I'm afraid it will have to do come on let's head back to Yavin 4" Kenobi ordered and with that the group began to move out of the building but before Rex could go someone grabbed his shoulder.

He turned around and received a hug from his brother Cody.

"It's good to see you" the commander spoke softly.

Rex sniggered he had never seen his brother act so fragile before "you too brother he replied" as he let go and the 501st and 212th clone leaders began to walk out of the building following the rest of the group towards the hounds tooth with the attach AT-TE on the bottom. The group took off out of Tatooine and towards Yavin 4.

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