Chapter 8: 212th relics

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(0BBU) (0 years before the battle of Utapau)

Takes place just after Mustafar

Cody was moaning the back of the shuttle as Obi wan prepares to jump to light speed "don't worry Cody, you'll be alright" the Jedi reassured as he flicked on switches and pressed buttons. "Don't worry about me just make the jump" the commander hissed through his helmet while he gripped his elbow on his right arm to stop the blood from coming out. Finally Obi wan pressed them lever forward and the dark black space turned into a light bright blue as they went into hyperspace. Kenobi quickly switched to auto pilot and jumped out of his seat and ran towards his friend who was sitting against one of the seats as dark red blood fell to the floor next to the clone.

"Cody" he called as he kneeled down beside him "show me the injury" the general commanded. The clone let out a loud grunt as he turned his elbow to face the Jedi so he could see the full damage.

Cody's armour shielded him from most of the blast and luckily it didn't go to bone but it did take off a lot of skin from the clone's elbow to show a large red injury with blood pouring out. "Wait here" the Jedi ordered as he stood up and searched around the for any medical supplies while Cody just grunted through gritted teeth through his helmet as he put his left hand over the injury to slow down the blood. Kenobi made his up to the cockpit but that's when it hit him. There was no medical supplies as droids use the separatists shuttles.

"Damn" the Jedi cursed as eh ran back in and kneeled down next to the commander "Cody I have an idea" the Jedi master spoke with worry in his voice as he ripped off some of his left sleeve from his Jedi robe and wrapped it around Cody's elbow. "Shit" he whined as he felt a huge sting while the Jedi was helping the injury. "Don't be so dramatic" Kenobi rolled his eyes as the clone let out groans and grunts but Cody just glared at his general as he finished wrapping the sleeve around the blaster wound.

Blood quickly seeped through the the the sleeve but it wasn't dripping so Cody wasn't loosing anymore blood. The clone stayed sat down as Obi wan stood up and marched towards the cockpit "we need someone to treat that thing, as it might get infected" the bearded man warned. "Do you know anywhere he can go" asked the 212th trooper as he removed his helmet and placed it beside him Obi wan stroked his beard thinking of somewhere to go.

4 hours later

The shuttle lands on the sandy desert just outside the the Mos Espa which was the place where a 9 year old Anakin once called home. The separatist shuttles ramp opened up and the Jedi stepped off the ship with the clone following who was still holding his arm. They walked a few metres and then they finally made it into the city on Tatooine. They walked down the dusty sandy road as many other people walked by not even noticing that they were a Jedi and a clone. Speeders whizzed past them and animals raced past them the place was filled with life and even better no imperials in sight, they must have not made it out to Tatooine yet.

The 2 stopped in the middle of the city and looked around and the Jedi master whispered to the commander "let's ask where a hospital is" Cody nodded and followed Kenobi as the 2 wandered through the streets. As they hear the chats of aliens around them and not many of them speaking aruebesh until finally Kenobi hears someone speaking English by a green speeder. He turns and sees a human female with tanned skin and black hair talking with a greenish blue Rodian. Kenobi turns to face the clone behind him who just gives a slight head nod to his former general so they both wander over. "Excuse me do you know where a hospital is?" The Jedi master questioned which earns him a glare from the 2 before him "we don't talk to clones" the woman spat and Obi wan turned back to his clone friend who just shrugged.

The 2 walked away from the pair who just carried on talking but not before they threw a rock in the back of Cody's head.

The 2 kept on walking just searching for anyone to help them.

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