Lesbian. 🍁🟠📖💓🎀[2]

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June 2nd the day of the Lesbians, Thursday. Hot Topic opened up early today, as did Claire's, and the cafe on their side. "Hellooooo?" The male from yesterday slurred, looking around.

A thud made him look towards the counter, Luz wincing, rubbing her head as she stood, "Damn counter.." She mumbled. "Morning! Oh- Hey you were the guy, I think- From yesterday right?"

He nodded, going over, "Male, and I'm Agustus Porter." He smiled proudly.

"Luz Noceda. Can I call you Gus?"

He ooed, "Gus. Neat! And sure- Do you have anything new?~"

Luz hummed, "Lesbian stuff, but more tommorow, we get the bisexual bags. Those are my favorite, they have three different types. So far. Would you like to see the pre-order sheet?"

Gus nodded, "Yeah!!"

Luz reached down under the counter, pulling out a book, flipping the pages to the bag section. It was the bisexual flag but it was in a heart, patterned on the bag. The next option was the entire bag as it. The third option, was a frog. It had the bi flag as its color palette. "That's so cool! Do you guys only do this for the money though?"

"What? No, the manager and I are both bisexual. She keeps the main four out all year, until Pride month, we go all out." Luz explained.

Gus glanced up at her, "Main four?"

Luz nodded, "Lesbian, gay, bi, trans."

"Just those?"

"Mhm. If someone asks for a different flag, we keep them in the back and on our online store-"

The bell dinged, Luz glancing behind him, the greenette from yesterday coming over. "Morning.." She said softly.

"Good morning princess." Luz teased, looking down at the girls dress.

The greenette examined herself before recoiling, "Right. Pet names. How cute." She sneered.

"It's about you isn't it? It's gorgeous."

Gus ooed, "Gays really know how to flirt--" He muttered.

Luz lightly laughed, "Sorry, forgot you were here Gus. Anyways, did you need something Princess?"

"Need to know when you plan on closing."

"Oh? How come?" Luz asked, resting her elbows on the counter. "Did you want to ask me out?"

The greenette turned on her heel, and began walking to the exit, "Hey woah woah woah! I was just kidding! We close at nine (9)!" Luz called out to her.

She paused, glancing back at Luz, "You prove useful, prince." She teased, then left, returning to her own store.

Luz smirked, "I made a new friend dear Gus."

"What- You're not dating already-?"

"Hm? No? My manager says to flirt with the competition, keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer." Luz said. "While there's no one here, I suggest you check the new stuff out."


Luz lightly slammed her head on the counter, "Ladies..Please.." Luz sighed quietly. "We're currently out of the cottage core dresses.."

"This is stupid. You should know the lesbians would rampage the store when we'd find out about this." A blonde hissed.

Luz lifted her head up, "We'll have more tommorow, but if you'd like, you can pre-order now and get 15% off.."

The girls hushed up, "15% off?"

Luz nodded, "Pre-order online, depen- ding on how many of you are out for the dresses, the longer or shorter it'll take to have your package delivered!" Luz explained. "Scan this QR code or put in a pin, you'll get a coupon from 1-7 dollars off on any purchase either online, or in person. But please, get in a line."

The girls ooed, going from smallest to tallest, all individually scanning the code or getting a pin, then leaving the store. Luz glanced over at her computer, the inbox filling up with multiple orders, "Hooty! Check the orders!!"

"Hoot! Will do buckeroo!"

Luz sighed, getting out from behind the counter, "King, man the counter! I have to go fix the line.."

The kid screeched as he stumbled out the back, rushing to be behind the counter, then saluted. Luz exited the store, "Don't block Claire's!! Straight line even if you aren't!"

The line chuckled, Luz making sure their line was safe for the public to walk by or through. Luz checked her watch, "Break time. Time for a hairclip because I am not dealing with my hair today." Luz said, walking to Claire's.

She opened the door, the greenette piercing a little girls ear. "See? Was that so hard?"

The little girl shook her head slowly, "I guess not..Thank you.."

"You are most welcome," The greenette cooed. "Need anything else ma'am?"

The mother shook her head, "That was all, thank you. How much?"


The girl at the cashier pressed a few buttons, "Twelve."

"Really?" The woman scoffed. "Quit pulling my leg, how much?"

"Twelve." The girl repeated.

The mom shuffled through her bag, going over to the cashier, handing her a twenty with a mix of dollar bills. "Keep the change, come on." The mother said to her daughter after, leading the way out of the store, walking past Luz.

"Looks like my Prince Charming came for me." The greenette teased.

"Where's the dragon? Oh wait, I already dealt with it." Luz flexed. "I, the great Prince Charming am fearless and st-"


Luz yelped, jumping forward and away from the door, looking back, "Oh- Sorry-" She sheepishly apologized. "I uh- Heh-"

"Fearless." The greenette smiled slightly. "How fearless you are my Prince, how fearless you are."

Luz was never going to live this down..

Lesbi ready to continue!

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