Bigender 🐙👚☂️🤍☂️💙🔵 [17]

551 21 29

Friday. R

Luz did wait for Camilla, the woman arriving on the dot with a late dinner. The Nocedas ate, except Luz cause she was stuffed, and then they all watched a movie downstairs. Luz had to carry Vee to bed, and tossed a blanket on top of Hunter who fell asleep on the floor.

Ha! Now it's his turn. Luz fed Echo before bed, then she went to sleep. Waking up to her alarm at 8.

Luz rolled off her bed, sighing as she rubbed her eyes. "Time to get up.." Luz sighed, sitting up.

First thing she did after waking up was to remove her covers on the bed and her pillow, taking them downstairs to wash. Then she came up and cleaned her room from shavings Echo tossed out, taking out the trash in her room, and replacing it with a new bag.

After that she got ready for work. Taking a shower, brushing and drying her hair, changing and finally ending with kissing Echo goodbye and feeding him. Luz took her phone and keys, heading downstairs, "Hunter my god-" Luz went over to him, shaking the blonde. "Get up you're going to ruin your nervous system."

Hunter rose his arm, having accidentally smacked Luz's jaw. She pinched his cheek, then went a little lower and pinched the back of his neck. He squealed, shooting up, "Luz! You dirty little--"

"I'm going to work. I'll be back for my lunch break at two, will you make me something?" Luz stood, helping him up.

Hunter sighed, rubbing his neck, "Yeah sure.." He stretched and yawned, cracking his shoulder. "Anything specific..?"

"Think I'm low on iron, maybe make a sandwhich with stuff I actually like and not mayonnaise." Luz ruffled his hair, going to the door and unlocking it. "I'll see you later bro."

"See ya Stupid." He waved.

"Why are you saying goodbye to yourself?" Luz teased, opening the door. "Take care of Echo, don't let him out unless you want Mama to faint."

Hunter waved her off, "Get outta here before you're late."

Luz stuck her tounge out at him before stepping out and closing the door. She lightly jogged out to her vespa, hopping on and switching it on with her keys. With a quick u-turn, Luz was out of the driveway and on to the street.


Luz stopped for gas before arriving to work, being greeted by King who desperately needed ice cream. "It's like, nine thirty. You don't need ice cream this early." Luz picked him up, walking behind the counter.

"You don't know that."

"I said that very thing when I started having energy drinks, now I don't need them." Luz set King on the counter. "How is no work going for you?"

"Great. I can sleep for hours now! But that also means I have time to work on my summer homework." King frowned.

Luz pat his head, "Now you can be like Owlbert. Speaking of which, is he at school?"

King shook his head, "Eda took him to an appointment this morning, he had time, therapist offered, so that's where they're at."

"Are you here by yourself?" Luz looked around. "Hooty?"

"He's in the bathroom. So technically yes I am here alone."

"Don't let security know." Luz picked him up, setting him on the floor. "At two I'm going home for lunch, will you go with me?"

King nodded, "You bet I will. Free food is like, one of the best things to get for free!"

Luz rose a brow, "What about money?"

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