Non-binary Pride Day, Gay Freedom Day 🟨⚪️🟣⚫️+⬜️👚💙🏈🥜🔻🟧🟨✅️🟦🟣[25]

385 17 4

Saturday. Y

Amity spent the night at Luz's house, the two obviously cuddling. Luz got ready first, drove Amity to her house, had breakfast with her family! Edric and Emira did try to steal a kiss or twenty, but once Odalia brought up pictures, they behaved.

Luz then drove Amity to work, the two sharing their schedules before separating and getting to work. "Thanks for coming, have an interstellar day!" Luz smiled and waved. "Owlbert, can you get me a frozen yogurt?" Luz called back.

"...k..!" He squealed, running up to Luz, holding up the yogurt tube.

She thanked him, biting off rhe top, spitting it out in the trash. "Hi!" Luz bit her yogurt, wincing at the cold freeze of it. "Are you ready?"

"Sort of-" They held up a shirt. "Do you have another one? I tried looking for another shirt so I can match with my sister, but I can't find it!"

Hooty jogged over, taking the shirt, "I can get that for you! Need a different size or?"

"Large, he- Sorry, she likes her shirts baggy." They nodded.

Hooty saluted, rushing to the back, Luz scanning the rest of their items. "Do you have a number with us?" Luz asked, typing something.on her screen.

"I do~" They input their digits into the keypad, clicking a few more buttons. "I'd like a large bag, I'm going to use it as a giftbag."

Luz nodded, pulling a larger bag out from under the counter, being handed both shirts by Hooty. Luz scanned them, sliding the clothes at the bottom first, then the two stuffed animals, and the figurines. "$53.27, do you want to use a coupon to get $10 off?"

"If I wait and come tommorow with something that's like $9, do I get it for free?-" They blurt out, handing Luz two twenties, a ten and five.

Luz paused, "Yes. You do..But you still have to tell me you're buying it cause I won't remember your number." Luz took the money, typing in the amount on her screen, the register opening.

"I'll be happy to give it to you for di-"

"I'm sorry, I'm already taken." Luz pulled out the receipt, folding it slightly and handing out the cash. "$1.73 is your change, have an interstellar day."

They frowned, "Worth a shot. Thanks anyways, see you around." They took the bag, turning and walking off.

Luz bit her yogurt, turning away from the customers as she quickly gave herself a brain freeze due to how fast she ate the yogurt. She threw away the trash, wiping her lip a bit before facing the door again. Luz nervously cleared her throat, "Never doing that again."


When lunch break started, Willow had arrived, in turn, Luz took her out to get lunch since Amity was going with Boscha. "Why didn't we take my car?" Willow asked, setting Amity's helmet down, taking Luz's hand.

She was helped off the vespa, her hand being released after, "In all honesty, I was scared you'd kidnap me." Luz teased, beginging the walk.

"Darn, foiled my plans." Willow sighed, catching up to Luz.

Luz gasped, "You were really going to kidnap me?-"

"What do you think happened to Gus?" Willow smirked.

Luz shuddered, "Evil Flower."

"That's a good nickname- I shall hence forth be known as! Flower."

"And I shall be known as Loyal Subject No.3."

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