Bisexual. 💗💜💙 [3]

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June 3rd, Friday, Bisexuals. P

Luz may not speak for all Bisexuals, but she wore overalls, flower printed sneakers with striped socks, and a bi-rannosaurus-rex shirt. "Thanks for coming, have a good day." Luz smiled.

The..What did they get..Pansexual pin- The pan waved with the hand they got their egg pin in, smiling back and leaving, another person entering. Luz rung up the last person, checking them out quickly, then took her break. Which was just eating some of her lunch.

King came over, poking Luz's cheek, "A girl is calling you up. Specifically you." King poked Luz's cheek again.

"I'll be over in a bit, want some?" Luz offered him her lunch.

He examined it, "No sugar. No thanks, keep your bland food to yourself."

Luz covered her meal, placing it down and getting up. King rushed back to the front, Luz following him out. He hopped on the chair behind the counter, ringing up the next person. "Who was it King?"

He pointed to the corner, "Her. That will be $27.09! Will you be using cash or card?"

Luz went over to the place King pointed at, "Oh. Morning Amity.."

The greenette looked up at Luz, feeling the dress, "Morning.."

"Need something?"

Amity paused, "Ah- Sorry about yesterday.."

"Hm? What'd you do? Did you break something-"

Amity shook her head, "Nothing like that! I just felt like I upset you.."

Luz ruffled Amity's hair, "I had to wake up early and I realized when you said never. I was whining to my mom that I never wanted to leave my bed so early and tramautize it when I wouldn't be there as my alarm would go off." Luz sighed. "Still upset about leaving it."

"Dumbest story I ever heard."

"It's true! Anyways, like the dress you're looking at? It's the only one we got, just came out too. Wanted to see how many people would come look at it, interested?"

Amity shrugged, "It's nice."

"Try it on, I'll open a changing room for you."

Amity took the dress from the hook, Luz pulling out a small ring of keys, leading the way to the changing rooms. She opened one, letting Amity enter, closing the door for the greenette. Luz forced King to go clock her back in while she finished up his customer before returning to Amity.

The greenette opened the door, "I quite like it." Amity ruffled her dress.

Luz took Amity's hand, spinning her around, "Flows nicely, there's a matching bow, feel like putting it on?"

Amity grabbed the bow from the hook, handing it to Luz. The latinx moved Amity's hair back, clipping on the bow. "Perfect as always princess, you look great in everything."

"You sap. I think I'll get it."

"Well then it's yours, if.."

"Oh boy here it comes." Amity rolled her eyes.

"You give me your number~"

Amity sighed, "Will a kiss suffice?"

"The candy? No way!"

Amity grabbed Luz by her shirt, pulling her down and kissing her cheek. "I don't have work the rest of the week so you might not see me later okay?"

Luz sighed dreamily, "I will make you mine, Amity."

"Before I walk out, take out the beepy thing."

"Oh- Right-" Luz lightly scoffed. "Duh-"


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