Lesbian. 🍁🟠📖💓🎀[2 part 2]

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"Oh so fearless prince, you've been standing there for ten minutes, why oh why is that so?" Amity teased.

"These are all so pretty! It's so hard to pick which ones to take home."

"Why not take them all?" The crimson haired girl asked.

Luz sighed, "My mom says I have way too many already. I've gotten every hair clip from Claire's since I was two, so you can assume I have alot." Luz picked six hair clips, going to the counter. "I'll hide these in my room somewhere."

"Or in your hair." Amity suggested, ruffling Luz's very fluffy hair. "Look, here's one now."

Out came a little bunny hair clip, "Oh, been looking for that one-"

Amity pulled Luz down a bit, using her fingers to brush Luz's hair a bit, sliding on the clip. "There we go, my Prince can see."

"If you aren't flirting with me right now, I'm not sure what flirting is." Luz teased, handing the crimson haired girl a twenty.

Amity lifted Luz's chin up slightly, fixing the Latinx's shirt, "It's not flirting unless one of the pick-up lines end with something."

"Oh? Like..May I have your number?" Luz smiled up at her.

"Mm..Nooope." Amity brushed Luz's hair back, putting another clip in.

"How about..Are you purr-haps free this Saturday?"

"I am yes, but I'm not spending it with you."

Luz pouted, "Why not?? I saved you from the dragon and everything.."

"I could've beat it on my own." Amity handed Luz her change. "Get back to work."

"Eh..Gotta bake cookies with my mom right now.." Luz pulled her phone out, checking the time. "I will be back for that date Princess."

"Mhm. Sure." Amity smiled. "You're forgetting something. Unless you'll let me keep it."

Luz took her clips, "You keep the change I will only waste it on more clips-" Luz quickly rushed to the door. "Bye Princess and other girls who work here!!"

The crimson haired girl waved, a light brown hand peeking out of the corner and waving. Luz left, rushing to Hot Topic to clock out. Eda ruffled Luz's hair on the Latina's way out, King and Hooty reminding her to bring bisexual clothing or whatever the heck she wears outside of work before she left.

On Luz's way out, she slid on different shoes, sliding to the escalators. "Scuse me- Coming through- Going to be late-" Luz hopped on the side, sliding down the rails.

Luz jumped before the railing ended, her wheels screeching for a second before she continued rolling. "Going to be so late--"


"Thanks for coming, have a nice day." Luz waved.

The woman tipped her head forward, walking out of the shop with her snacks. The bell chimed. "Welcome, what can I get for you?" The woman by Luz greeted.

Luz glanced back, "Princessa~" Luz cooed.

Amity rolled her eyes, a small smile spreading on her lips, "Thought I would only have to see your stupid face at work." Amity lightly scoffed, pushing Luz's face away.

The oh so fearless prince leaned in again, "Princess~ It's been far too long since I saw your sassy face~"

"Mija, stop it." The woman that had a name tag which read Camilla hissed.

"But look at her~ Isn't she the sassiest princess?" Luz cooed, blowing a kiss to Amity.

The greenette rolled her eyes and made a small motion like she killed the kiss, Luz hissing in defeat and falling back. Amity giggled, "Doofus." She pointed to an option on the menu which was embedded in the counter.

Luz got back up, "You wound me dear princess." Luz sighed. "Mend the hurt with your kisses?"

Amity pulled a small chocolate out from her bag, handing it to Luz. "There you go, a Smershey's Kiss."

Luz pouted, "One day. I will get an actual kiss."

"Right. Call me when that happens never." Amity handed Camilla a ten.

"Never is a long time Princess. But I don't recall ever getting your number hm? If I'm going to call you never I must have a form of contact!" Luz bat her chocolate brown eyes up at the princess.

Amity rose a brow, taking her change, "Never, not ever, not going to happen, give up."

Luz frowned, pulling away from the counter, Camilla handing her a receipt. Luz took it, reading it and going to the back, returning with a bag. She placed it on the counter, then left. "Didn't hurt her feelings. She just remembered she has to wake up early tomorrow."

Amity hummed, taking her bag, "Thank you."

Camilla nodded, "See you."

Amity turned and walked, though it was just explained, Amity felt bad. She didn't mean to sound rude, she was only teasing Luz. 'Hope she doesn't take it to heart, I'll see her tomorrow anyways.' Amity thought to herself, then left the small shop. 'Right?'

Lesbi ready to continue!

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