Questioning Pride Day 🟧🟨✅️🟦[26]

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P.S Most of this is based on how I assume stuff works I'm not that smart and Google isn't helping

Sunday. F

Luz had an afternoon shift, so she went to the store when she woke up at eight. She needed groceries. And got arrested because of it.

Let's remind hm?

Luz walked around the store, glancing down at her list, "Hunter wants this one.." Luz pulled the cereal off the shelf, sliding it in to her cart. "Need waters.."

She hummed softly, pushing her cart forward, turning to the right. Oh, milk is there, let's get some. Luz opened the case, pulling a carton out, placing it in the kids seat thingymabob. Orange juice while she's at it. Luz continued her shopping, dropping the list once or twice then going out front to pay. "Heya Luz."

The Latina perked up, glancing at the cashier, "Jerbo! My man." Luz shook his hand. "How have you been? It's nice to see you again."

He grinned, scanning her stuff, "I've been great, little bro and I have been having some fun at pools or trying new things. What about you Luz? Anything new?"

She nodded, "I've got a girlfriend." She grinned. "She's my queen and you should totally meet her."

"How many bags?" The girl by Jerbo asked.

"I've got a few." Luz fumbled with her pockets, pulling out neatly folded plastic. "Eggs in a separate bag, don't want them getting squished or falling out thank you. Reminds me! Jerbo, did you get on the team at school?"

He shrugged, "Still waiting on an answer. Also, I will totally meet your girlfriend. If. You meet the guy I'm seeing tonight."

Luz cooed, "Jerbo~ I see that blush~ Who is he?" Luz rested her arms on the counter. "Ooh~ He's cute isn't he?"

Jerbo glanced away, the blush only darkening. "Very cute.."

"Is he our age?"

"Around. 18 maybe?"

Luz giggled, "So he's a graduate."

Jerbo pushed Luz's face back, "Stop teasing me I'm getting so embarrassed- And your total is $61.29.."

She cackled, "I'm going to tease you forever about him til I've got something else to tease you with." Luz pulled out her wallet, sighing contentedly. "I'll meet this guy sure, text me where you'll be having dinner and I'll coincidentally show up there."

Jerbo nodded slowly, taking the cash from Luz. She helped the bagger lady place all the stuff back in to her cart, taking her change when it was retrieved and said goodbye. As she walked out, her shoe untied, so she knelt down by her cart and tied her shoe.

And was robbed. A boy ran by, snatching her groceries and running off. "HEY!" Luz shouted, running after him. "DROP IT OR SO HELP ME I'LL-"

An egg was thrown back at her, causing Luz to falter a bit before her anger grew and fueled her to run faster. She tackled him, the boy awkwardly landing on his arm, wincing. "Let my stuff go." Luz growled.

He whimpered, then wailed as he began crying, letting Luz's stuff go. She huffed, taking her stuff and standing, wiping the egg off her cheek. As she turned, two officers on patrol rushed over, pointing at her. "Hands in the air!"

"Oh good, this little rat tried to steal my stuff!" Luz pointed at him. "I have to go, I have work in a bit and I left my cart unattended." Luz began walking towards her cart. "So I-"

"Woman of color in a striped shirt! Hands in the air!" The one to her left shouted.

Ah. They were yelling at her. A stout woman rushed over, going to the boy, "Oh honey are you okay?--"

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