Intergender Pride Day 🎀👚🟣🦳🟣⬜️⬇️ [24]

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Friday. A.

Luz got ready pretty early, still made time for Echo to let him jump on his little blanket, and provided breakfast for the family before heading out. When she stopped at a red light, she got a message, allowing it to be read aloud by the device. "Hey, you might be blindfolded when you come over so be prepared for a scare."

"Uh-" Luz pressed the microphone, hearing the ding. "I'm sorry, what?? Am I going to be kidnapped willingly or??"

She pressed it again, turning off her phone, turning on her directional. The light changed, the car in front of her turning left first before she followed. The message was answered with another voiced one, Luz's phone playing it. Amity giggled, "No no~ Nothing like that I promise, if it was you'd stay anyways. Are you driving?"

Luz pressed the microphone again, "I would in fact stay, and yes I am driving. I'll be there in a few minutes." Luz tapped it quickly before turning on her directional, glancing back and merging to the the right. "I hope I don't get kidnapped by my girlfriend's family.."


Luz switched off her vespa, unclipping her helmet, setting it down in the sidecar. She took her keys, hopping off her vespa, walking towards the front door. She pocketed her keys, and knocked, "Luz dear, could you cover your eyes when you come in?" Odalia asked.

"Will I be robbed?"

"A kiss or two from the twins but that's about it."

Luz hummed, "Will Amity smack them once they do?"

"Duh, what do you take me for? Edric if you touch my hair one more time-" Amity hissed.

"Covering my eyes." Luz placed her hands over her eyes.

The door opened, the Latina being pulled in, a cloth being wrapped around her head, "Hands down." Odalia spoke softly.

Luz carefully moved her hands down, "What are we doing? Ooh are we doing that one game where you spin me and put a pin on a donkeys tail?-"

"Shut up." Alador growled.

"Honey-" Odalia hushed. "Luz, find Amity."

The Latina turned to her left and grabbed ahold of the first person to her side. "Found her."

"I told you." Amity cooed, hugging Luz back, kissing her cheek. "You found me~"

"Course I did. You smell nice, pink lemonade?" Luz reached for her blindfold.

Odalia slapped her hand, pulling Luz away from Amity. "Stay."

"Yes ma'am." Luz fixed her posture, staying perfectly still.

Everyone shuffled around, yet Luz followed one particular person. Light on their feet, causing minimal sounds, and- "Find Amity." Odalia spoke again.

Luz stepped forward, going to her right a bit, and hugged her little apple. Amity giggled, hugging Luz again, gently rubbing her back, "How are you doing that~?" Amity cooed.

"Just because I'm blindfolded doesn't mean I'm deaf. You're very light on your feet Manzanita, I just followed the sound. Also you still smell really nice, is it pink lemonade?" Luz nuzzled in to the crook of Amity's neck, earning a giggle.

Then the moment was ruined, "Cut that out." Alador growled.

"Yep- Sorry--" Luz stepped back. "Can I take the blindfold off?-"

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