Demiboy 🦳⚪️💙⬜️💙⚪️🦳[22]

475 20 22

Wednesday S

Yesterday, Luz explained to Bo what happened with Amity, who then felt bad and forced Luz to call her before they watched a movie. Bo talked to Amity, apologized profusely, and that was that.

Anyways. When Luz got to work, cupcakes she baked last night and warmed in hand, she saw Amity talking with Boscha. The Latina smiled, going over to the greenette, winking at Boscha. The crimson haired girl kept her mouth shut, nodding to Amity.

Luz snaked her arm around Amity's waist, holding out the cupcakes, "Heya Princess." Luz cooed.

Amity glared up at Luz, "Scared me.."

"I thought my princess could handle a little scare." Luz kissed her cheek. "Morning, cupcake?"

Amity huffed, "Took my line.." She opened the little box. "Morning, and yes."

She took a cupcake out, Luz offering some to Boscha who contemplated for a second before taking one and closing the box. Luz kissed Amity's cheek again, stepping back, "Okay, my shift is about to start. But you're always welcome to drop by and give me some love."

Amity smiled warmly, "You know I will. You better do the same on your break though Noceda." Amity licked her icing, flinching as there were little sprinkles inside.

"I will~" Luz blew her several kisses before entering the store, being met with a hug. "Hey King-"

"Cupcakes-" He began to climb up her leg, reaching for the treats.

Luz took large side steps towards the break room, nodding, "Cupcakes. That are not for you."

King slid down her leg, causing Luz to stop, "Why-"

"Cause you have a dentist appointment. Hooty is taking you, don't you remember??" Luz placed the cupcakes on a high shelf. "Honestly, you have a calendar for what?"

King frowned, "I hate the dentist.."

"You get a free toy for being a good boy, remember that." Luz ruffled his hair. "When you come back, without cavities, I'll let you get a cupcake."

King scowled, whining and releasing Luz's leg, falling back. He crossed his arms and pouted, "Fine."


"Back! Back I say!" King lifted his legs up, waving them to hopefully hit the dentist.

"King! Calm down!" Hooty poked his cheek. "I'm going to call Luz to let Owlbert eat the final cupcake if you don't calm down."

King growled, letting his body relax, and opening his mouth. King glared at the dentist as he leaned in, using the mouth mirror to take a peek in to King's mouth. Inserting the scaler to gently pick out something from King's teeth, the dentist continued to look around, switching tools while he was at it.

He hummed softly as he used the probe to move away some spit from a tooth, pulling back. "Looking good, all we have to do now is brush your teeth and we're done."

King held his hand out, being handed the suction tube, inserting it in his mouth. He grumbled quietly as the dentist showed some polishing paste and toothpaste, pointing out his options. King continued to glare at the dentist his entire session, only stopping when the best parts came on. "Okay, you get to pick your toothpaste and brush."

"Dinosaur one, and the regular one is fine." King pointed to his options.

The woman nodded, taking the Dinosaur toothbrush and the mint toothpaste, sliding them in to a bag with floss already inside. "Now your toy." She signaled to the case.

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