Homoromantic ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜 [27]

366 15 11

Monday. R

Odalia. Has a favorite. Eda had to close the store again, so Luz and Camilla's girlfriend's family were free. So Luz took Owlbert and King with her to Amity's house. "And that's Emira." Luz looked to King. "Don't trust her with your cupcakes, she has a sweet tooth as well."

King nodded, shaking her hand, "I like your hair."

"Yeah? Dyed it myself, want a go?" She grinned.

"..Can I?" He looked up to Luz.

"Ask Eda, she dyes her- What?" Luz looked away, spotting Odalia. "Look Owlbert, it's Honey!"

The little boy quickly looked back, smiling brightly and holding his hands out, "H..n..y! Hi H...ney..!"

Odalia cooed, taking Owlbert from Luz, "Hey Owlbert~ Guessing you liked your bear outfit?" Odalia gently poked his chest.

He giggled, patting her shoulders, "D..D! I d...id! T...nk c..u!"

"You're welcome Owlbert~" Odalia pat Luz's head, turning and eagerly going to the living room.

"You greeted my mom before me?"

Luz looked to her left, "Can't talk right now, I'm saving the best for last. I need to see your dad before I say hi to you-"

"In the garage." Amity pointed to the door right by her.

Luz turned, "Can I go?"

Amity nodded, "Sure."

Luz opened the door, being blinded for a second as the garage was nearly spotless. "Hey Alador!" Luz exclaimed.

He slid out from under the car, glaring at Luz before returning to his earlier spot. Luz frowned, looking back to Amity who giggled. "Now do I get my greetings?" Amity teased.

Luz smiled slightly, hugging Amity, kissing her cheek a few times, "I love you my little Cotton candy."

"I need a better nickname for you." Amity hugged Luz back, waving at her dad who decided to get out. "In my head I've been calling you Girlfriend."

Luz hummed, "That's okay. You'll figure one out. Question."

"Hit me."

"Never, and is your dad behind me?" Luz asked. "I feel him glaring and he's been awfully quiet."

Amity looked up slightly, meeting her father's gaze, then looking to Luz. "He's still under the car."

"Please tell me you're not lying--"

"You better not be calling my daughter a liar.." Alador growled.

Luz froze, her body slowly turning to look at Alador, "Hello- Sir- Hi-" Luz smiled nervously, backing up against Amity. "How are you?-"

"Terrible now that you're here.." He uttered, moving past her and going inside.

Luz nodded slowly, then turned to Amity, "Your dad hates me!"

"I know."

"Amity you need to help me out-- I-I can't have him hating me-"

Amity shook her head, "It's okay Luz. If he doesn't like you that's okay, cause I do." Amity kissed Luz's head. "I love you. And you don't need my dad's love to live."

Luz sighed, "But I'd like it..It'll be nice to know he won't kill me in my sleep for cuddling with you.."

Amity snorted, "I promise he won't- Mom will do that to him if he tries to hurt you." Amity took Luz's hand, stepping back and taking her to the kitchen. "Plus, he knows you make me happy. Least he can do is not kill you."

"And the most he can do?"

Amity paused, "Not kill you."

"It's a lose lose situation-- Tell me what he likes, I-I'll get him something-"

Amity shook her head, "He has more than enough money to buy what he likes. There's nothing you can buy that he already doesn't own.."

"There is." Alador drank coffee Odalia prepared for him.

Luz perked up, "What is it?"

"A plane ticket away from my daughter." He grinned.

Amity glared back at him, hugging her already very upset girlfriend, "You're being rude to my sweet--"

"Owlbert put that potato down-"

"Potato!" Amity flinched as that word came out of her mouth, pausing. "Sweet potato. Aren't they yams?-"

"That's the nickname you came up with?" Luz rose a brow. "Sweet Potato? Y'know what I'll take what I can get-"

Alador rolled his eyes, walking off, nearly tripping over King. "Sorry sir-" King backed up, rubbing his head. "Emira told me to stay here while she cleared the bathroom.."

"Oh..Uh..It's okay.." Alador hesitantly pat King's head. "Sorry for bunking in to you Kid. All good up there?"

King nodded, "Yes I'm fine."

Alador hummed, "Okay..Well..Uhm.."

"You were going to the living room?" King stepped back.

Alador paused, "Yep. That's where I'm going-" He awkwardly went over, sitting at the couch.

A few seconds later, Owlbert rushed over, holding a potato. "Ba?"


Owlbert paused, his eyes becoming glossy as he processed the word. Alador really said 'no', didn't he? Owlbert sniffled, covering his face and sobbing. He wailed, Luz being the first to come. "What's wrong?" Luz picked him up. "Owlbert what's wrong Bud?"

He hiccuped, hiding his face in Luz's shoulder, waving his hand to Alador. Luz glared at him with the most hateful eyes, her opinion on him changing real quick. She scowled, turning away and walking off to Amity's room. Odalia came in after, asking Owlbert a multitude of questions to distract him from her terrible husband.

Alador on the other hand, was silent. Not even a minute ago, Luz wanted his approval. Now she wanted nothing to do with him! This is not how he expected to rid of his daughter's girlfriend..


Luz pile! Bad choice on Luz's part for sleeping upright in the center of the big couch in the living room honestly. She had cuddled with Owlbert, both dozing off. But he had woken up first and left her arms to go get a yogurt from Odalia.

Yet Luz, was still asleep. Amity crept over, sitting by Luz, her girlfriend instinctively grabbing ahold of her. Luz pulled Amity close, resting her head on Amity's shoulder. Emira also wanted Luz's love so when she came down after using temporary dye (no bleach involved) on King.

The two thought of where to sit but were beaten by Odalia who leaned against Luz, moving the pillow under herself to not start a fight with her already aching back. Emira took the spot by her and rested her head on Luz's lap, King lying on top of her. Edric saw, needed to stay loyal to Jerbo, and called him asking if it was okay, even sending a picture for good measure.

Jerbo laughed and said it was perfectly fine, he had cuddled with Luz once or twice before and now she feeds him if she sees him on the streets doing his own thing. So Edric took Luz's other thigh for his head, angering Amity who had to wake up and move her legs. Owlbert had finally returned after locating the nearly invisible trashcan, spotting the group.

He climbed on top of Edric as he was the only free space, kissing his head, apologizing softly, and dozing off. Then, it was Alador's turn. He spotted them when he came down after his shower, and honestly. He was thinking it. Luz was well liked by his family, was pretty clueless about who they were, and knew when to hold her tounge.

Alador sighed, kneeling down on the floor, leaning against the couch, his head resting along Luz's knee. Hm. Maybe she wasn't so bad..

I can still hear his voice..
Gay gay homosexual gay gay-

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