GenderQueer 🟣📖✅️ [20]

459 20 13

Monday. N

The two went out for dinner (Echo in Luz's hoodie) after the movie ended, and spent the night somewhere more secluded cuddling in the back of the truck. Returning home early morning, Amity had to shower at Luz's place so they could both arrive to work on time.

Bidding eachother a goodbye, they went to work, and that was that. Til Luz got sad. "When's lunch break?" Luz looked back at Eda.

"The same time I told you five minutes ago Luz." Eda sighed, sipping on her smoothie.

King pat her thigh, looking up at Eda with expectant eyes. She rolled her eyes, handing him the smoothie, the boy snickering and running off with it. "What time is it?" Luz asked, tapping her screen. "If you say it's time for me to get a watch you're never talking to my mom again."

Eda closed her mouth, mocking Luz quietly and checking her wrist, "Barely 2:12 Luz."

"Will this be all?" Luz asked, scanning the items and bagging them. "And lunch starts at 3?"

The customer pulled out some cash, handing Luz two twenties and a ten. Luz took the cash, typing in the amount on her screen, the register opened. She pulled out a five, a dollar and some change before taking the receipt and handing it over. "Thank you for coming have a two-spirited day!"

"Thank you!" They smiled, turning and walking out.

Owlbert looked back at Luz, glaring at her, "Ba!"

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, I miss my girlfriend okay?" Luz frowned.


"I know I spent ten hours with her last night, but what does that have to do with anything? I spent like four years with you! I still have a lot of love to give you." Luz pinched his cheek. "And to her. Don't be jealous, it's not a nice look."

Owlbert turned away from her, clearly pissed and very jealous. "Ba."

Luz hummed, tapping the counter, pondering. "Oh! How about, when lunch starts..We can go to the food court and get you those cookies hm?"

Owlbert narrowed his eyes at her, glancing away as he thought. Free food..And desert so early? "Ba." He nodded.

Luz smiled, "We can take Amity with us."

Owlbert turned quickly, "N..o!"

Luz frowned, "Why not? Just the other day you wanted to have her over all the time and get rid of me, now you want to reverse the roles?" Luz picked him up. "Owlbert, what's wrong? Why don't you want to spend time with Amity?"

He leaned his head against her chest, upset. "W...nt Wuz.." He mumbled, gripping her shirt. "O..b..rt..W...t..Wuz.."

Luz kissed his head, rubbing his back, "Owlbert can have Luz, but Luz wants Amity too.."

Owlbert shook his head, "J...s..t..Wuz.."

The Latina continued to quietly stroke his back, a bit upset as well. "Okay.." Luz kissed his head once more. "Just Luz. I'll text Amity we can hang out another time."


"Ahm~" Luz cooed, smiling as Owlbert took a big bite. "Yeah~ Cookie~"

Owlbert smiled, Luz placing the cookie down, taking a napkin and wiping the chocolate from Owlbert's cheek. "T...k cu.."

"You are most welcome Owlbert. Would you like something else? Chocolate milk?" Luz took the cookie again, taking a bite herself.

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