Aromantic Pride Day 🍏🟢⬜️🦳⚫️ [30]

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Six years later.. T

June 30th. 2033

"Flowers for you, you and you." King proudly walked by, tossing flowers around with one hand, the other holding his dress up.

Ghost fumbled to stay close, Jalapeño barely hanging on her basket. She rushed to be by King when he stopped and faced the incoming bride. Luz hummed nervously, desperately wanting to kiss her fiancé, wife to be. Amity was walked down the aisle, Alador by her side, sobbing. "Dad stop you're going to make me cry..-" Amity uttered.

He wailed, covering his face, "I-It's just- I-I'm so happy this day finally came!" He hiccuped, wiping his tears quickly.

Amity glanced up, smiling softly at the Latina waiting eagerly. Alador gave Luz a thumbs up as he struggled to keep his composure again, sitting in the front row. "Do you present this woman to be married today?" The man asked.

"I do." Alador nodded, taking the napkin from Odalia, blowing his nose. "I truly do-"

"Then let's get this started."


It was all going so smoothly, just as planned, and everything was great! Til it was time to leave at one in the morning, and the two had an announcement. "You're pregnant." Hunter blurted out.

"No no, you guys already knew that." Luz waved them off. "We're moving!"

The crowd gasped. Shoot! That was not expected! "What?"


"Wait no more monthly visits?-"

Luz hushed everyone, waiting for them to shut up. "Connecticut is amazing, it truly is, but a lot has happened here and we've started to belive it's bad luck." Luz smiled nervously. "We've already begun packing, and this is our final goodbye to you in Connecticut."

Camilla stepped forward first, hugging Luz. "..Take care of yourself then, Mija.."

"Once we're settled, you're free to come over." Luz hugged Camilla back tightly. "Te quiero Mama."

Eda walked over, hugging Amity, "Take care of Luz for us..And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call us."

Amity hugged her back, "Thank you Eda.."

Boscha sniffled, rushing over and hugging Amity once Eda let go, "Don't leave me! I should have objected when I had the chance-" Boscha whimpered.

"Bye Luz, call us when you get there safely.." Willos sighed, hugging Luz tightly. "If you need help packing up, give me a call. You know full well I can bench press you."

Luz laughed, patting her shoulders, "I know you can Flower. We'll try and visit."

Willow sniffled, crying as she and Boscha shuffled away in tears. Everyone said goodbye, taking their leave after, til only three people were left..

Luz picked Owlbert up, kissing his head, "Adios Hermano.."

He hiccuped, hugging Luz, "Don't leave, Luz-"

"I'm sorry, I..I want to leave..But I promise I'll still call you every week-"

King hopped up her back, resting his head on top of her's, dampening her hair with his tears. Hunter hugged Luz, only pulling the lever that let the water flow out. "Y'know..When you and Vee first came home..I hated you both and wished for you two to take your leave..But now that we're older.. I..I'm starting to regret making that wish.."

Luz hiccuped, holding her brother's close, "Don't say that Stupid- I..I ne..ed to stay for yo..u guys.." Luz wiped her cheek slightly. "But I don't want to-"

Hunter hushed her, kissing her cheek, King and Owlbert soon doing the same. "We'll visit you hermana..You will text us when you've settled okay?-" Hunter pointed weakly, the flow of tears growing his voice cracking. "Damnit Luz why now?- I finally don't want you to trip over something and now if you do I won't be able to see you-"

Luz set Owlbert down, King sliding down her back. She hugged Hunter, her back being pat before she was hugged tightly. It took several minutes for the two to stop crying, another several to get them to let go. Luz and Amity stayed a little longer to help with the cleaning crew, and dressed out.

Ghost wanted to keep her dress on, and quite liked how she was matching Jalapeño. The three- The four, drove back home, moving truck ready and waiting. "Well..It's time to change chapters.." Luz squeezed Amity's hand.

"The book isn't over yet Luz, there several more chapters left. Besides, the sequel is yet to come."


"So that's what's been going on." Luz smiled. "I've got a daughter..Another kid on the way..And I'm married to the love of my life.." She gently poked the picture, placing the baby's breath flowers down, standing. "Happy Anniversary Echo..I hope there's enough trampolines up there for you.."

The end. Happy end of Pride month everyone, I hope you all stayed safe, and thank you for reading.

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