Panromantic Pride Day 🎀✨️💙 [29]

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Two years later..

Wednesday, June 29th. I

"This wasn't as cool as I thought it was going to be.." Luz uttered, gently shaking her beer cup.

Amity snorted, "Of course not- It's only your first cup. Come on, we can go to our restaurant." Amity placed a twenty on the counter, waving the bartender over. "Keep the change."

He nodded, thanking the two and taking their cups. Luz took Amity's hand, the two walking down the street. "No- Not true-"

"Amor Mia, you barely finished your project two years ago and I have proof." Luz pat her pocket.

Amity huffed, "I'm a procrastinator Luz..It's what I do-"


The two paused, peeking around in to the alleyway. A box shuffled, the flaps bouncing up and down, another cry coming from it. Luz pulled her phone out, already dialing a number as Amity neared the box and peeked in. A pale tiny baby with little white hairs on the top of her head wailed, shaking in her poorly wrapped blanket.

Amity reached in, opening the box and carefully pulling out the baby. Three months give or take, maybe a little older. "No, we just came out of the bar and found it- Yes. No the one on- Yes, okay. Thank you. We'll be waiting. Okay bye." Luz hung up, sliding her phone in to her pocket. "Police are coming, they said to wait."

"Look..She's quiet now.." Amity gently wiped away her tears. "Luz look at her hair.."

The Latina examined it, carefully moving it out of her- "Look at her eyes." Luz teased. "Those are a pretty blue.."

"She's like a little ghost~" Amity cooed, adjusting her blanket. "Luz can we--"

"If she has no relatives, we'll see what we can do." Luz interjected. "She's cute, and besides, it's not like she can harm us-"


BABIES HURT. BABY IS DEMON. I REPEAT. BABY IS DEMON. Just kidding, she only threw up on the officer when he took her and he almost dropped her because of it.

The little girl, was identified but not named, her parents found but arrested, grandparents don't care neither does rest of the family tree. So, Luz and Amity took up the role. The little girl who Amity nicknamed Ghost, was put in to foster care, and the two wanted to adopt.

It seemed easy, and it kind of was. Luz and Amity spent a week preparing a room, decorations and baby monitors- You name it! The situation was addressed to their families, and they fully supported it. Odalia and Alador helped with a few things and deemed them good parents.

Someone came to check if the house had livable conditions, and it did! Okay, that was great. Til they found out they had to have marriage certificate, and grew worried. "We don't have to--" Amity began.

Luz shook her head, "We need to. Amity, last time I couldn't get you something you actually wanted, you were upset for awhile. This time, we need her, and I don't want you to be upset on what could've been..We're getting that baby."

Amity swallowed, "But we've only.."

"We'll marry by law, and when the time is right..You and I can become engaged and plan our wedding when we're ready." Luz smiled. "We don't even have to pretend we're married, just show them the papers and we'll get one part of our job done."

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