Chapter Four | No One Has To Know

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Nothing exciting occurred during the week following the beginning of the alliance, everyone was just settling in and getting used to their new surroundings

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Nothing exciting occurred during the week following the beginning of the alliance, everyone was just settling in and getting used to their new surroundings.

Me and Atnus had befriended Anastasia and we were spending most of our time with her.

She was a very interesting person, she's lived all over the world with the Rodriguez's and has thousands of stories to tell, some of them I'm pretty sure aren't true, but me and Atnus decided it would be best not to comment on it.

She seems like the feisty type. Atnus is definitely going to grow to like her. I can tell.

Atnus had been my right hand man since we were seven. His father worked for mine so he's always been around, and now that my parents are no long here, he is the only person I have left who I consider family.

Don't get me wrong, I hate his guts, but he's my brother, and my family sticks together, no matter what. He's had my back through everything and I wouldn't be in the fortune position I am in today if it wasn't for him.

I zoned out of the conversation Anastasia and Atnus were having when I heard them start blabbering about what three wishes they would ask a genie and what their top five favourite movies are that were released in nineteen ninety seven.

They were smart, funny people but fuck me, they never know when to shut up.

They were perfect for each other, if i'm being honest.

As conversation came to end and the gym doors got closer I zoned back into reality. We entered through the door and all sat and looked to the movement in the far corner. Cecilia was busy on the other side of the room effortlessly throwing knives. She looked deeply concentrated so we just sat back and watched.

I hadn't seen much of her since our conversation during the meeting.

Anastasia had told us that she was always like that, distant and isolated from everyone else. She said that she'd sometimes go days without speaking to anyone due to the wall she's built up to block people out.

"Has she always been like this?" Atnus asked,

"No," Anastasia began, "She used to show her funny, spontaneous side, she used to talk to everyone, laugh at everything, she used to love people, she used to be happy." Her normally cheerful looking face slightly dropped, "But when her cousin, Matteo, died everything changed, don't get me wrong she's still very much herself, she's just much less extravagant and only shows that side of her with me, and even then, it's a much more toned down version."

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