Chapter Thirty-Two | Closing In

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"He's been spotted three hours away

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"He's been spotted three hours away."

"Do we attack as soon as he arrives?"

"Yes. We can't give him any time to think."

"Do we know who's with him?" I asked.

That was the first thing I've said in the entirety of the meeting. My mind was to busy thinking of Cecilia. Wondering weather I will ever get to call her mine again.

"Yes. He is accompanied by his driver and  another car full of his best men." Alejandro told us.

"So how do we go about this. We can't exactly break into his house and wait for them to waltz through the door." Anastasia joked from beside me.

"Oh Anastasia my dear that's exactly what we are going to do." Alejandro words held a sinister tone, mentally preparing for the fate of Miguel Antonio.


"Prepare your weapons, prepare your bodies. Statistically we should win this fight with ease, but you never know." Cecilia called out to the sea of bodies that were filing out of the conference room.

My mind was a hurricane of thoughts. I needed to rid myself of everything. I needed to be in a place of calm. I need to be ready, for anything.

"How are you feeling?" Atnus placed his hand on my shoulder as we walked to the armoury.

"I've been better." A small chuckle left my lips.

"What has she said to you?" I asked hopefully.

"Don't even try to get me to talk. You know it's not my place to tell." He answered, his comedic tone lightening the mood slightly.

"It never hurts to ask." I shrugged, trying to play it off as though I didn't care for his answer where in reality I was praying his inability to keep things from me sprung into action.

"Please tell me." I pleaded, stopping us in our tracks.

"No, Elijah. I gave Cecilia my word." He sighed watching me practically beg him to speak.

"Atnus Vincenzo, over all these years I have done so much for you-"

"Don't try and guilt trip me. You know I can't say no after you say that." He whined.

"That's the point." I said, a mischievous grin forming in my face.

He pushed me slightly, not enough to warrant any movement of my body but enough to know he was slightly aggravated by me.

I pushed him back with the same effect.

"God, fine!" He snapped. "I won't say exactly what she told me but...just don't worry. Everything will work out."

His words rung in my ears, I didn't even notice that he walked off.

Don't worry. Everything will work out.

Those were all the words I needed. Those words fuelled the fire in me. It ignited the flame I needed to be able to do anything.

I was going to get Cecilia back. I was going to rid her of her pain. I was going to destroy Miguel and anyone who has ever wrongfully touched her. For she is mine and I am hers. And nothing can stand in out way.


"If any of you make a noise I will chop your tongues off and feed them to the dogs." I said, making everyone's mouths shut closed immediately.

Even though my words held somewhat of a humorous tone, they never could quite tell when my threats were serious.


Silence as we walked up to the front of Miguel's house.

Silence as Alejandro unlocked the door.

Silence as we stood, on guard, waiting.

Waiting. It felt like a lifetime before any movement occurred.

A flashing light. A small red dot flicking on and off on Alejandros watch. He looked at me. Hunger glistening in his eyes.

It was time.

The next few moments would determine our whole future. Whether we live of die.
Or whether we simply survive.

I stood in a line, Cecilia to my left, Atnus to my right, Anastasia on the other side of him. Our hands interlocked with one another. A subtle cry of reassurance. A small gesture that spoke a thousand words.

It was an action that told each of us that no matter what, nothing could separate us. We were in it for the long run and our love for each other was unconditional.

It was an action of comfort to shelter us from the impending destruction.

The movement of the gravel stones outside made all of our breaths hitch. Faint voice were heard and they got louder with every step they took.

"Alejandro was spotted in New York only a few hours ago." Someone said making me have to hold back a laugh at their naïveté.

The key rattled in the lock. My breathing stopped. Cecilia's grip on my hand tightened as though she never wanted to let go.

I looked down at her, fear implanted on her face. But as Miguel swung the door open, that fear was replaced with a need for blood. A need for death.

Her true devil came out in that moment, she forgot her past, she ignored the future, she was focusing on the now.

I couldn't have been more proud.


Sorry this chapter is quite short, I've have pretty much zero motivation to write this book recently:/

Anyway, love you guysss xox

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