Chapter Thrity-One | Show Him

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"I fucked up." I sniffed, my breathing far from stable.

Atnus exhaled deeply, removing me
from his hold and setting me on the floor next to him.

He moved softly, sitting in front of me, taking my hands in his like he had all the time in the world.

" out."

I copied him, doing as he said. Breathing in and out, calming my falling tears.

"Now tell me, step by step, what happened." He said once my breathing was close to being normal again. "And take your time, there is no need to rush."

"He told me he loved me." I whispered,

"And what did you say in return." He asked.

"I-I told him to leave." I stuttered out trying with all my might to hold in the tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"Cecilia." He sighed, "Why did you do that?"

He looked at me, with the same look a parent gives their child when disappointed in them. But he wasn't disappointed in an angry sense, he almost looked sorry for me, but not in a patronising manor. The look he held only told me that he truly cared.

"I'm scared." I choked out.

"Of what?"

"Him finding out things about me that will make him hate me."

"Cecilia nothing you have done or could ever do would make that man hate you." He reassured me with so much confidence it sounded like a fact.

"I'm not a good person Atnus."

"None of us are."

He was right, the things I have done are somewhat unforgivable, but then again, many of the things Elijah has done are as well.

"How did you tell her?" I asked. But he just looked at me in confusion.

"How did you tell Ana you loved her."

"Do you want a play by play or..."

I chuckled at his question before sending him a serious look.

"Ok sorry. Serious talk. It was hard to tell her but I knew I had to if I wanted her in my life."

"I need to tell him." I decided.

"Don't look so scared. You're not going into battle." He joked.

"I'd much rather do that." I murmured.

"If you don't want to tell him directly, show him." He said as I stood up from the floor, stretching my limbs and wiping my eyes.

"Show him?" I laughed, "What like a grand gesture."

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