Chapter Thirty-Seven | Immortal

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The ballroom stood, lonely but proud

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The ballroom stood, lonely but proud. Every corner telling a story from some point in my life. Every where I looked, a memory flooded my mind. From playing hide and seek with Matteo to learning to dance with Ana. But the memory that made me forget all others was the night I laid eyes on Elijah.

That night, everything changed and I'd give my soul to go back and experience it all over again.
To experience the feeling I felt as my eyes connected with his. The feeling I felt when we danced together. And the feeling I felt was his gaze burnt holes in the back of my head as I walked off into the crowd.

He taught me so much in so little time. He made me feel. He made me live. He made me experience love at the cost of nothing. Yet now all these happy memories are clouded by a storm of sorrow.

It took me so long to admit my feelings, only now for him to be dragged out of my grasp in an instant.

I can't fathom what life will be without him, but I know my feelings will never dull down. My love for him is strong enough to survive the most deadliest storms and most brutal attacks. For he set me on fire the night we met. He brought me light, warmth and even hope. But for now we are destined to burn.

My love for him will live on even after my body is gone. Because it is forever. And not even the trials and tribulations of life can destroy what it. And although we both have been burned, we will find each other in the future, not matter how long it takes.

The time I've spent with him has been the best time of my life. The emotions he brought to surface have been unmatched and even though not all of them were pleasant, I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Everything about him draws me in. His smile. His eyes. His skin. I feel as though our souls are magnets, like they're made from the same star.

I didn't fall for him. I fell for his soul. I fell for everything that makes him, him. From the way his eyes change with each emotion and the way he cares so deeply for the one's he loves.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a pair of hands wrapping around my waist. I leaned into his hold, basking in the comfort he provided, knowing it'll soon be gone.

He spun me around, not saying a word, pulling me into the middle of the ballroom floor. We swayed to the meer sound of our heartbeats and the low melody of our breaths.

We were to busy savouring our last few moments. We were to busy holding onto any hope we had left.

"Someone I love once told me that every pen runs out of ink." I said, tears threatening my eyes as a low sorrowful chuckle left my lips.

"This is where our story ends?" He asked, his voice strained as though he didn't want those words to leave his mouth.

"No." I answered confidently. "This is where this story ends." His eyes snapped to attention and his brows furrowed in confusion.

"The story of you and I will continue until the end of time. I've found you once, Elijah, and I'll find you again. Be it in a month, a year or even another life, I'll find you." I elaborated.

Silence reigned over us as his mind contemplated everything that I had just spoken.

"And I'll wait as long as it takes." He whispered making my heart clench. My stomach dropped with the weighty pain my whole body was feeling as my brain tried to convince itself that this wasn't happening.

Elijah's hand moved from my waist to my face, cupping my cheek in a comforting hold. I leaned into his warm, familiar touch as I moved my eyes to meet his. They sat there, bloodshot and glassy causing my heart to break even more.

"We're so stupid." I whispered.

"Why's that."

"We let ourselves fall, because we knew we'd  catch each other." I said gently. His face clouded with uncertainty, pushing me to explain myself further.

"We forgot about the part where we have to let each other go." I continued, my voice breaking towards the end.

"It may feel like a lack of judgement right now, mi amor. However, when we reunite, it will forever be our best mistake." He said, a ghost of a smile gracing his lips.

"I love you Elijah, until the end of time."

"I love you Cecilia. Until we meet again."

He kissed my lips gently in out parting before staring into my eyes, the same way he did the night we met. But now, instead of an unknown desire, they were filled with love.

A love so strong that not even years apart could brake it. Not even death could break the bond I have with him. For our love is immortal.

His hand squeezed mine and in a hesitant movement, he started to walk away. Leaving me. Alone. In the company of the same ballroom in which we met. In the same ballroom that our story began.

As he neared the door, he looked at me one last time and smiled. It was a smile so genuinely happy yet so evidently sad that is broke my heart and put it back together all at once.

Elijah DeNiro saved me from the darkness that was myself and I couldn't be more grateful. His leaving hurt us both, more than anything. But if we both have taught each other anything, it's that love always wins. I will always be connected to him, in some way or another. And that's why us parting isn't the end.

We are not meant to be at this point in time, and no matter what we do, right now, us being together is impossible. Yet my love will live on. And I know that one day, when the starts align once again, it's will be us.

Him and I.

Forever at last.

The end


I feel evil for this ending...but the Epilogue should make it less depressing...hopefully.

But thank you all for your support on this book, I love and appreciate you all. I can't believe how much love this book has received. It's crazy to think it has 160k reads!!! I remember being over the moon with just 100.

Thank you for everything. You all mean the world to me.

-alivia xox

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