[Needs Editing]
"I like you, in my t-shirt." his voice was low. Dark. Hot.
"I prefer it on the bedroom floor." I tease, although, it wasn't really a joke.
"Ah, you make this so hard for me." he sounded angry, yet he never raised his voice.
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"What time do you call this?" Atnus shrieked at me as I entered the kitchen. I peered down at my wrist-that had no watch around it-then looked back up at him.
He was standing there, in front of the stove, spatular in hand with a pink apron hugging his chest.
"It's time for breakfast, would you hurry up." I replied, avoiding his question, while taking a seat on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island.
"Where are the others?" I asked, curious as to where they had wondered off too.
After last nights, events, I fell straight asleep, curled up in Elijah's arms but when I awoke this morning, he was gone.
"One of Miguel's men has been spotted leaving the same club he was in the other night, they've gone to check it out and book us a table for Friday."
"Why Friday." I asked while biting into the french toast he had just placed in front of me.
"Ana said something about it apparently being the most active night."
I nodded at him, content with his answer,
"Why didn't you wake me, I would've gone."
He let out a breathy laugh before turning to face me,
"You can't do everything you know."
I rolled my eyes while getting up and slipping my plate into the sink.
"I see you've taken a liking to Ana's apron." I pointed out, looking him up and down.
He twirled around in a little circle so I could get a full view before looking back at me.
"She said if I didn't wear it she wouldn't let me touch her for a three whole days." He said, placing real emphasis on the words 'three whole days'.
"And you decided that you getting bullied by me and Elijah for the rest of you life was worth not getting your dick sucked for seventy-two hours?"
"Yes, yes I did." He said, not even hesitating in the slightest.
I let out a weak laugh at his certainty before diverting my gaze to my hands.
"Hey, what's wrong." His voice said, airing his concern.
"Oh no, don't worry." I replied, not wanting to burden him with the inner workings of my mind.
"Talk to me."
"I'll tell Ana you took the apron off."
"Fine don't tell me." He said, far to quickly. "Not but seriously Cecilia, I'm always here."
"Thank you, I really appreciate that." I said while getting up to sit on the couch.