Chapter One | Emotionless

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Twin flames; two souls that are always destined to be together, it may take time or even another life but in the end nothing is strong enough to keep them apart. They are inseparable and rare. Their souls are made from the same stars and when these stars align the two beings are connected, bonded until the end of time. However the dark twisted ways of life try to destroy this bond. Life tries to take this sakred connection and burn it to the ground leaving nothing but damage and pain behind. Life targets the vulnerable, the weak. It targets the people who are exposed to trauma and abandonment. Demolishing their every dream and desire, ambushing their plans, taking over their brains, trying to consume them, trying to kill them. And when life succeeds it leaves people shattered, like broken glass. But never for long. Twin flames souls fit like a puzzle, some more complicated than others but either way they are never complete until they are together. And even if a piece gets lost, they will always find a way back to each other. Whether it's in a different chapter or a different story entirely.


My mother and fathers love for each other was taken straight from a movie: dark, mysterious, romantic

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My mother and fathers love for each other was taken straight from a movie: dark, mysterious, romantic. When they are together the whole world stops. Nothing else matters, only the other.

Their fierce connection pulls them together and even when their worlds collide they stand by each other and will continue to do so until the end of time.

Their story is beautiful and fierce yet no one get to see it. They married young when they showed their fire for one another. Now the fire is hidden and everyone believes that it has gone out: but they couldn't be more wrong. Their fire has spread all around them, swallowing them. No one sees their fire, their love, but they feel it burning them every second of the day. It consumes them yet they are the ones in control of who it is visible to.

My fathers devil-like facade is what masks their fire from the public eye, he obscures his feelings to protect his image and my mother does the same. Both shadowing their feelings for the sake of business, power, money and control; so they stay on top. So they stay feared, and stay wanted by everyone.

My father is known as the devil. He has a dark side; the side that tortures, murders and does not think twice about it.

I am their only child, and even though in normal circumstances my father would wish I were male, I excelled his expectations. By age of fifteen, I was able to throw knives in my sleep and shoot someone dead with my eyes closed. I defied all the societal rules of being a woman and my father loved it.

He loves me, for the normal reasons a father loves their daughter, and for the fact I was immensely talented in his line of work, and he knows that one day I will continue his legacy. However People always doubt my abilities due to my gender; they said my emotions will get in the way and this thought always lingered in the back of my fathers mind. That was until an event occurred, so traumatic, only Satan could survive.

Black. That's all I could see. Darkness. My hands trembled while the subsiding tears dried on my covered face. My breathing had slowed but my heart never stopped sprinting. I could feel the presence of the men who had taken me so I sat as still as I could.
What felt like a lifetime passed before a firm hard grip yanked me out of the vehicle I was enclosed in. The cool night air hit my bare skin and before I knew it I was walking down a damp flight of stone stairs while a moss infested wall dragged over my finger tips. When the wall ended I was gently shoved onto a lone chair situated in the centre of a dark dingy cell. My hands were bound behind my back with my eyes still covered, the sound of a dripping tap echoed through my ears, deafening me. The drip never stopped. Continuously falling on every second exactly. My inability to see heightened my other senses so as soon as another body entered the cell I felt their presence and sat up to attention. Fingers of a warm yet cold hand connected with the side of my face as I jerked in my seat. A beam of everlasting light engulfed me as my eyes adjusted and saw the suited men set up in front of me. My body was numb and I had no fight left in me, hence the saddened expression plastered on my face. My father had taught me everything I needed to know about self defence yet my age became a disadvantage. I had put up a challenging fight but the seven men standing in front of me were bound to be victorious.
Moments later a roaring scream bellowed through the building making me snap my head in its direction. To my surprise a familiar face entered the room along with a wave of calm, but like a wave, it was over in seconds as my eyes found the hindering chains clinging onto Matteo's ankles. A weak smile formed on his face as a single tear fell from my eye due to my guess of what was to come...


Pain, grief, suffering; all stem from one source. Love. Love drives people insane. Love makes people go from extreme highs to extreme lows. Love is capable of tearing down every part of one's heart in an instant. I learnt that at a young age. My heart was shattered into more pieces than you can count and since that day the walls I have built up have never come down. Not for anyone.

However my walls do slightly crack for one person: Anastasia MontBlanc. We have lived together for as long as we both can remember, after my father found Anastasia abandoned and alone. He took her in and since that very day, her and I have been inseparable. Bestfriends, soulmates even.

Anastasia is like a sister to me, we tell each other everything yet we fight like cats and dogs. Anastasia is the only person, other than my parents, who have stuck with me and never left. Anastasia is there for me through everything. She's felt the pain I felt when I break down. She's seen the pain in my eyes when I isolated myself from her. She's even stood by me when I tried with all her might to push her away. But she will never move from my side, she is planted there, her roots so entangled with mine that is would be suicide if we were to seperate.

My heart is a dark abyss of twisted misery yet Anastasia manages to find a way to light it up. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, she makes me feel. She transforms the emotionless devil that i am back into my funny spontaneous self. I hate that she does this to me yet the only time I ever feel alive is with her.

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