Chapter Thrity-Four | Winner

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"I feel free." I said, looking up at him.


"I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." I replied, pulling myself up to standing.

I wobbled slightly at the lightness of my head before I began walking.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To say thank you." I replied, turning the corner to where everyone was standing outside the cell Miguel was in. Everyone except my father.

"Where's Papa?" I asked my mother who tilted her head towards the door in response.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement to her gesture before walking over to her.

My mother has always been there for me. The same why I'd been there for her. We may not know the ins and outs of each others lives but I feel her pain and she feels mine.

In this moment no one else mattered but her. I engulfed her in a hug that I never wanted to leave. It was an embrace that spoke so many unsaid words.

It told her I loved her. It told her I appreciated her. But most of all, It thanked her. It thanked her for being there when I cried myself to sleep. It thanked her for not asking questions or pushing me to talk. And it thanked her for supporting me through troubles she hadn't the faintest clue about.

I didn't have to say these things for her to understand my message. She just knew.

She pulled back from my hold and looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for not saving you from him sooner." She whispered as I wiped away her tears. My heart hurt seeing the pain in her eyes.

I reassured her that she did very thing she could to save me. At which she did. Herself and my father didn't rest until I was free from him.

I smiled at her lovingly, wiping the silent tears from my face.

I then turned too Ana.

She may not be blood related but she is more than family to me. She means the most to me and all ways will. We know each tiger like the backs of our hands, I can't imagine going through this without her

Yet as I looked into her usual love filled eyes, I took a step back. Her eyes held many emotions I'd never know her to feel; hate and determination being the forefront of them.

I shot her a quizzical look but she brushed it off by launching herself at me. I caught her while stumbling back a few steps. I laughed at the power she held before reston my head in the crook of her neck.

She unwound her arms from me and grabbed my hands, pulling me away a from everyone.

"We are going to bed. We will see you all tomorrow. Good night, we love you." She announced.

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