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4 years later

The sound of approaching people snapped me out of my daze. My hands clenched around my glass as I turned towards the door.

The muffled sound of music grew louder as I approached my ballroom, my stomach already growing sick at the thought of socialising with those I hate for the next four hours of my life.

I rounded the corner and Atnus came into view. His under eyes grew darker by the day and his happy demeanour had nearly disappeared.

But we both put on a brave face. We couldn't show weakness. We couldn't show pain. Not now.

"Do you think they're here?" He asked when he was close enough for me to hear his mellow words.

"I can only hope." I sent him a tight lip smile.

Last week, Cecilia took over the Spanish mafia. Her father stepped down, and now she was queen. I'd been waiting for this moment every second of every day, yet when it came, my hope for us diminished an extraordinary amount.

Out of courtesy, and a need to see her face once more, I sent her and Anastasia and invitation to the annual ball that I have the displeasure of hosting.

I never received a reply, yet I wasn't expecting one in the first place. I can only cross my fingers and pray, that when I walk through the doors of my ballroom, I will see her face in the sea of people.

"Are you ready?" Atnus asked for beside me. I nodded my head in a silent agreement.

The doors opened, forcing a glow of light to cascade over both us as we stepped through the threshold and into the abyss of chattering allies.

I inhaled a sharp breath as I scanned the crowd. And unfortunately the only thing I was met with was disappointment. I saw the same look on Atnus' face and my heart broke just that little bit more.


The room was filled with unnecessary talking and obvious fake laughter. My head hurt form the amount of faux smiles I've had to plaster on my face and my vision was hazy due to the multiple glasses of scotch I've had to consume just to get myself through the night.

I've never known the expected to be so heart breaking yet hear I was. Mourning over a love I lost many years ago.

As I was about to slam down yet another shot of something strong, silence filled the room. I turned my head to see Atnus' gaze - along with everyone else's - directed straight at the door resting on top of the staircase.

My eyes trailed up and met with a pair of eyes. The second I saw them, everything stopped. I didn't notice the hum of voices that filled the room again. I didn't notice the groups of men trying to converse with me.

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